Emmet Fox - The Only Thing That Matters

The Only Thing That Matters

By Emmet Fox

The most important of all things to possess is Peace of Mind. There is absolutely nothing else in the world which is equal in value to that. Nothing else that life can offer is so important, and yet it seems to be about the last thing that many people work for. They strive both spiritually and materially for everything else under the sun, whereas, if they had everything else, and still lacked Peace of Mind, they would be miserable. If anyone should come to you with a billion dollars in one hand and Peace of Mind in the other, if you took the billion dollars, you would be the most foolish person on earth.

Peace of Mind includes all other good things. If you have this, it does not matter where you are or what surrounding conditions may be-all will be well. Even if the outer picture were an unpleasant one in itself, it would cause you no grief if you had Peace of Mind, and very soon that picture would inevitably change into something better.

Peace of Mind is positively the greatest of all God's gifts. Pray for this and the rest will take care of itself. "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give unto you," said Jesus, implying that this was the highest good he had to give us. And truly, peace of mind is the one thing
that matters.

This writing can be found in Emmet Fox's book "Find and Use Your Inner Power".

When looking to use a writing to improve my life, I pick the writing apart and study it. Every time I read it, something different will stick out. It may be only one word, but this word will give me a new way to explore the idea. Here is an example of what stuck out to me when making this post.

When I read it, the line about the choice between peace of mind or a billion dollars caught me.

I ask myself, which am I choosing? If I buy a lottery ticket without having peace of mind I am choosing the billion dollars. Studies have shown that if you win the lottery without peace of mind within five years you will lose it all. Star athletes make millions of dollars and retire broke.
The things I do do not give me peace of mind. Peace of mind is a state of being that I bring with me when I do things.

Like you, I had to find the things that gave me peace and do them. That is where it starts. Getting peace from things outside myself is an important tool to use. Without it, we would not survive and grow spiritually. How others see this writing and use it to find Peace of Mind is an important tool for me to gain insight into myself. So I would appreciate your insights.

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  • Miracles Become Commonplace

    A side effect of practicing the state of Peace of Mind is a constant flow of miracles.  What are miracles.”

    Miracle: an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs

    the healing miracles described in the Gospels.

    This definition does not coincide with what Jesus taught. Jesus told us that he did not have any special gifts or talents. He told us that we would do these things and still greater things.

    We use miracles as an explanation for things we do not understand.

    Last night, we discussed things that were once miracles but are now commonplace. “Miracles” are commonplace when practicing Peace of Mind.

    We do not know exactly how things happen, but we know the starting point and the result. The more we call attention to these things, the more we can expect the extraordinary to become ordinary.

    Last week, I ran out of gas and drove to the gas station with an empty tank. Kevin told a story about his catalytic converter fixing itself. Joe told of his moving to the shore at least five years ahead of what he thought it would take. Todd told of the interruption of his plans, and the result was a perfect day, which he did not believe could happen.

    Peace I leave you, my peace I give onto you.

    You will do these things and still greater.

  • Nothing else that life can offer is so important, and yet it seems to be about the last thing that many people work for.

    For the last two weeks I’ve been on a project.   I was taught in the beginning when working on a set, everyone has their own job,  don’t touch other people’s belongings or their gear,  I come from a union background.

    On this project people have been stepping in to help out in my department and aren’t asking if I want help or calling for my team to move equipment.   Or when I am working to move something someone else butts right in and grabs the light or stand or whatever it is and takes over.     This is frustrating and it bites at my ego and pride.    I don’t go over into other people’s department and tell them how to do their job, but if we are scrambling or if it isn’t good enough someone puts their two cents in.   

    This reminds me of when I was a kid and my Dad would sometimes grab the tool out of my hands and nail the nail or screw in the screw or something.    At those moments it didn’t feel good like I couldn’t perform.    Now when these people are jumping in and moving the gear without asking or respecting the stay in your department courtesy it can fire me up, and I have no peace of mind.    

    The reading of praying regularly I have to implement when these things crop up,  I am not letting the helpers help, I am not going with the flow,  I am not letting the whistlers whistle.     

    I am learning so I can see I may not be up to speed as others may be satisfied so all I can do is keep learning and try to get more efficient.   

    At the end of the day, I let it roll off my shoulders and I got to hit a meeting.  I am reminded and grateful without Gods Guidance and his direction I wouldn’t be where I am without him.


    Today I get to go off to work doing something that a few years ago I couldn’t fathom how it was going to happen but it is a reality.   I am grateful for this time I can spend this morning and reflect on How Good I really do have it in my life and this is the best job I ever had.

    • I stopped in Frackville this morning and planted some potatoes. 

      Now, I am waiting for the Ashland code inspector to get occupancy permits for 2 houses.

      Having a garden and providing housing for people was once only a faint dream with little hope of accomplishing it.

      Now it is my new normal. 

      I celebrate these things with gratitude everyday. I will not place them in the routine category.

  • I snapped my groin this past weekend doing my favorite exercise.  Now I won't be able to perform it for quite some time and will need rehab.   I used to fear exercise owned me at times.  This injury shows that it doesn't. I'm in a place of peace with it.  Peace of Mind includes all other good things.  My life is full today.  I'm grateful for opportunities provided me today.   I get to meet the challenge of the day using all my talents, not just physical ones.  

    • The tragedy closes a door only to open the door to a new opportunity. Yesterday, I had a sewer line clog. I talked to the tenant and explained what we would do to resolve the issue. 

      I walked through the issue with possible causes and fixes. Then it occurred to me that I may not have the resources to resolve the issue in a timely manner, and I may have to call a plumber to take care of this for me. this may be an opportunity to develop a relationship with a local plumber with a service team to handle my plumbing issues.

      We never go backward. That is only an illusion. With Peace of Mind we know we are moving forward. Without Peace of mind we are victims.

  • A beautiful moment

    my wife and I have had several trying weeks and of course all went as well as it should.

    This morning my wife and I woke to exercise - something we have dedicated ourselves to this year. I am listening to music on my headphones and stop the music to hear what my wife it is playing. It is a video blog about the 7 Day Mental Diet.

    thats right. With no effort or proselytizing on my part, my wife is beginning to study emmet fix because she sees what he has done for me - what this fellowship has done for me. 

    • My wife has been reading sermon on the mount without any discussion with me, I just happened to notice it one day. Now I really need to be mindful of my actions!   She'll have more fodder to hold me accountable 😁. 

    • I am always guarded when someone preaches with their lips. They may have an agenda that does not coincide with mine. 

      But when someone preaches with their actions, I am less guarded. But I still guard what I allow into my mind, for it is the most precious of my possessions. With my mind, I create my future. If I let my guard down, you are creating my future. Even if I fail it is better than creating your future in my life.

      The way he acts speaks so loud. I can not hear a word he says.

      Who lights a candle and sticks it under a basket? No, he puts it on top of the table, so it lights the whole room.

  • Joe Devlin was at our group on Thursday and told us that he will present on Emmet Fox's writing "Prayer is the Remedy." He picked it because it takes him deeper into "The One Thing That Matters." We talked about the different forms of prayer. 

    The writing is brief and simple, but once we break it down into segments and expand on these, it will raise our Peace of Mind. I have included the text here.

    Prayer is the Remedy

    Remember that the one thing that matters is prayer. Time spent in prayer is never wasted. If you do not pray, you cannot expect results.

    You may say, "I do not actually pray much, But I keep my thoughts right all day." This is self-deception of a deadly kind. If you were keeping your thoughts right, you would find yourself giving much time to prayer. Pray definitely for yourself everyday or you will get nowhere. 

    If you are fearful, or worried, or tired, or discouraged, or hurried, or disappointed, or in pain, God is your sure remedy - so pray. 

    If you will pray faithfully and regularly and try to live up to the best that you know, it is only a question of time before all troubles all doubts and fears, all sad memories, all mistakes will fade away forever, and perfect peace and joy will come into your life.

    • This is a self-deception of a deadly kind.

      I was prejudiced to what prayer was. Emmet Fox is telling me that by telling myself that I do not pray much, I am living in a self-constructed prison. This prison is cutting me off from everything but myself. 

      I needed to expand my understanding of prayer. Prayer is anything that comes from my heart.

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