Emmet Fox - The Only Thing That Matters

The Only Thing That Matters

By Emmet Fox

The most important of all things to possess is Peace of Mind. There is absolutely nothing else in the world which is equal in value to that. Nothing else that life can offer is so important, and yet it seems to be about the last thing that many people work for. They strive both spiritually and materially for everything else under the sun, whereas, if they had everything else, and still lacked Peace of Mind, they would be miserable. If anyone should come to you with a billion dollars in one hand and Peace of Mind in the other, if you took the billion dollars, you would be the most foolish person on earth.

Peace of Mind includes all other good things. If you have this, it does not matter where you are or what surrounding conditions may be-all will be well. Even if the outer picture were an unpleasant one in itself, it would cause you no grief if you had Peace of Mind, and very soon that picture would inevitably change into something better.

Peace of Mind is positively the greatest of all God's gifts. Pray for this and the rest will take care of itself. "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give unto you," said Jesus, implying that this was the highest good he had to give us. And truly, peace of mind is the one thing
that matters.

This writing can be found in Emmet Fox's book "Find and Use Your Inner Power".

When looking to use a writing to improve my life, I pick the writing apart and study it. Every time I read it, something different will stick out. It may be only one word, but this word will give me a new way to explore the idea. Here is an example of what stuck out to me when making this post.

When I read it, the line about the choice between peace of mind or a billion dollars caught me.

I ask myself, which am I choosing? If I buy a lottery ticket without having peace of mind I am choosing the billion dollars. Studies have shown that if you win the lottery without peace of mind within five years you will lose it all. Star athletes make millions of dollars and retire broke.
The things I do do not give me peace of mind. Peace of mind is a state of being that I bring with me when I do things.

Like you, I had to find the things that gave me peace and do them. That is where it starts. Getting peace from things outside myself is an important tool to use. Without it, we would not survive and grow spiritually. How others see this writing and use it to find Peace of Mind is an important tool for me to gain insight into myself. So I would appreciate your insights.

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  • This is the touchstone I keep coming back to:

    Even if the outer picture were an unpleasant one in itself, it would cause you no grief if you had Peace of Mind, and very soon that picture would inevitably change into something better.

    Keep showing up, doing the best I can, dismiss and remove myself from negative thinking...very soon the picture will change into something better.

    Grateful for friendship. 

  • God‘s hands in all things.


    Yesterday was my sister‘s wedding. It was a beautiful occasion. It was great opportunity to share love with others.  one event that happened during this time it still leaves me blown away about miracles that happen because of changing my attitudes, actions and behaviors.

    A couple weeks ago, my wife had mentioned about getting her outfit ready for this wedding. She went online and purchased a dress.   Now we had not spoken to the wedding party about specific items to wear. My wife and I went on our own thoughts about what to wear earlier this week. I was getting ready to figure out what I was going to wear also. My wife said her dress was in the closet, when I took a look, it was this dark green color once I had the color in mind I got a picture of it and went to the tuxedo store. Now the tuxedo store I went to I had gotten an intuitive thought on going to the store which at the moment see like it came out of left field once I got to the store, I knew what color palette , I wanted to match with my wife.   Exactly what I needed and within a half hour I was all measured and ready for the wedding..


    When we arrived at the wedding, I was asked if I could hand the rings at the ceremony. I said no problem.  I had gotten the rings and took them out of the boxes. Once I took them out of the boxes. I saw that the rings color were the exact color of the dress and the tux. Instantly my mind went to this place of all and wonder because we had not coordinated any Thoughts about how this would all happen my wife got her dress first I went and got my tuxedo second and then we found out the rings matched our attire after doing this work as situation like this is More understandable.   We all got a great big smile, knowing that God was at the center of all of us.  In this day.    On Thursday night, we spoke about how Lefty had gotten a job doing concrete and then few guys in a pick up truck with all concrete tools who happened to be out of work went to him for work and then there was concrete work for them all.   This is a similar situation where God was showing us. He is leading the way I woke up this morning and still thought that was a great part of this beautiful wedding day.

    Miracles are happening in life every day : I am grateful I have the opportunity to get a front row seat to them.12480092272?profile=RESIZE_930x12480144881?profile=RESIZE_930x

    • Yesterday morning, I was reflecting on how I follow my intuition with Dave. I made a commitment to myself to follow my intuition instead of rationalizing it away. I did that six times I. 

      I did not waste my time thinking my life away. I followed my intuition. There were two times I started to waste my life talking to myself about the intuition I received. I caught myself and followed it. What a productive day I had. 

      I will do it again today. 

      I am grateful that I learn from my mistakes.

      • Last night, I was reflecting on my day's intuition. I could not remember having or following my intuition. 

        I just did what was in front of me. It was a very productive day, and I felt a great sense of accomplishment.

        I wonder if I cannot see all the intuition I receive and follow because it makes sense to do so. Does this slow down my acceptance of intuitive thoughts? 

        I need to watch for things that become routine that I do not let them become ordinary. 

        • 12493708658?profile=RESIZE_930x


          I picked up my og Mandino book last night and this was the chapter.   I know God and Peace of Mind is surrounded my life and is showing me the value of Peace of Mind.   Today I am grateful for the opportunity to see this with new lenses.

          today I am grateful I had a gone on the road that was the prayer mile.   I get to pray for a mile.  At the end  a sign says AMEN.  I am grateful to be able to pray today.

          • "Intuition is an incredible power of the mind that you can develop."

            When I read this, Develop caught my attention.

            Like most things in life, we are led to believe they happen by magic. I know that God does not use magic or miracles to do things. We use these words to explain things that happen that we do not understand. 

            Just like a magic trick, until we understand how to accomplish it, we think it is magic or a miracle. Once we understand how the result is accomplished, we can use the newfound knowledge to our advantage and entertainment.

            What do I need to do when developing intuition? Educating myself is a very important tool. Experience, reading, and inventorying situations are educational tools. 

            Strong emotions can cloud our intuition and create an undesired result. While I was reading this week, I read this: "The stronger the emotion, the less I can trust it." How true this is. 

            When I let strong emotions guide me, I seek instant gratification.   Strong emotions do not look at the long-range results and lead to discontentment with my life. 

            It is becoming more apparent to me that to find Peace of Mind, I need to develop my intuition. Intuition sometimes seems to make no sense and may even seem counterintuitive. 

            Reviewing my past intuitive decisions taught me to distinguish between instant gratification and truly intuitive thought. 

            I have found that true intuitive thought always brings Peace of Mind. 

            Doing what needs to be done at once drastically increases my chances of success.

    • Kevin, your story about going through your day, going wherever your intuition took you, and seeing how it perfectly flowed together had me follow my intuition rather than rationalizing it before following it.

      Yesterday, it rained, which meant some of my intuitive plans would change. I thought most of these plans could still be done—you would just get wet. There was only one thing that needed to wait for the rain to stop. 

      Saturday, I went and got some beekeeping supplies that I tried to talk myself out of doing. While there, we talked about bees, and I gained a wealth of knowledge that only comes from face-to-face conversations. I learned that swarms will build a lot of comb if you feed them. That was my mission for yesterday. I will complete that this morning. 

      I also wanted to brew some catnip tea yesterday. I needed to pick the catnip in the rain since I did not pick any while the sun shone. The catnip did not mind that I picked it in the rain, nor did I. I wonder what the neighbors thought. LOL

      Catnip tea and my bees honey were delicious.

      I am grateful I do not have to listen to my rationalizations. 

      • Yesterday, I noticed the response time on my intuition was shortened. I was quicker to follow them. 

        I was starting to rationalize not making the Goulash I had planned. I followed through and made it. I was going somewhere last night but did not know when to be ready. I texted Dave and asked him the time. He texted back 6:20. It was 6:05. That gave me just enough time. 

        I followed my intuition and met my responsibility without a watch. Emmet Fox talks about that in the Sermon on the Mount. You can go through your day without a watch and meet all your appointments. 

        One day I will be able to just know when I get that thought to stop what I am doing and go meet Dave because it is time. 

        I am grateful that I know at this stage I still need to verify.

        • Today - I wanted to go check out that van at 4pm.   I had work from 8-4pm.   When I was arranging the mechanics to look at the van I didn't have the work come in at the time.   I had to choose should I work on the day I want to check out this van.  
          I took the work and was done by 2:30 so I could proceed with my arrangements.   My original mechanic couldn't check it out today.   I am super busy and I wanted to check another source.  
          he was able to speak into this situation and gave some helpful information.  I believe my guidance took me to hear the hard and fast feelings about this van.  I can move on to other things right now until I speak it over with my mastermind group.   

          I got my lawnmowers one  wheel fixed today.   It had a busted wheel for days.  The grass was super high and needed cut.   I seemed to accomplish a lot today by doing extra and taking the initiatives.   Seized the day to do more. 

    • Most people miss them. 

      Life is easier when you see everything is connected. Miracles were once a rare occurrence. Now they are happening all the time and they are no longer miracles. Because we know they are a result of an action we took. We are still amazed by them and the ease at which they happen.

      I have siding work piling up on my buildings. A tenant texted me this morning asking if I had any work for him. He gets home from work at 2:30 and would like a couple of hours everyday. 

      I asked him if he did siding work and could use a brake. He said yes. When he was in the Air Force he worked in the sheetmetal shop. 

      Another thing I do not have to worry about.

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