Affirmations for Living in a Stressful World

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Inner Peace & Serenity Affirmations Video

In a world of stress and chaos, finding inner peace and serenity has never been more important. You cannot control the pandemonium of the world. You cannot control how others are reacting to what is going on in the world.

The only thing that you can do right now is focus on you and focus on building your own inner peace and serenity. Repeat the following affirmation daily to promote inner peace and serenity.

This too shall pass.

I recognize that the current circumstance is an opportunity to grow.

I feel compassion for the turmoil outside, and I feel gratitude for the peace within me.

I am at peace within myself.

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.

I release all worry and the need to feel anxious.

I am calm, I am peaceful and I am serene.

I permit myself to receive love and give love.

This will make me wiser, stronger, and compassionate.

I will treat people with understanding and compassion.

I am at peace with the world around me.

I am centered and at peace.

I am grateful to live another day.

I will seek the good in every situation to preserve the inner peace I possess.

I will draw patience from within myself.

I will be considerate of others and act unselfishly.

I am filled with thoughtfulness, grace, and compassion.

I am a safe place.

I am my refuge.

I am overflowing with light, love, warmth, and good vibes.

I breathe through stress and anxiety to find peace.

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  • I listenend to it another 3 times in a row this morning. Downloading it into my subconscious mind.

  • I just listened to this three times in a row. Very helpful.

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