Mark "Lefty" Holencik's Posts (316)

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Many people in modern times are quick to dismiss old wives ’ tales. They can be considered superstitious and outdated. However, there are times that these little anecdotes that have survived the centuries have done so for a reason! People who have tried some of these things will stand by them. So what wisdom do these old wive’s tales hold for those who want to focus on anti-aging and maintain a youthful appearance?8599772269?profile=RESIZE_400x

First of all, have you ever heard a grandmother or someone else mention that putting honey on your wounds is something that will help you to heal? You had better listen up because using honey on the skin, especially when it is damaged, is an incredibly powerful thing to do to promote healing and lessen the possibility of scarring because of how helpful it is in hydrating the skin.

Not only that, but honey is naturally anti-microbial. Anti-microbial means that when you are injured, there are properties in honey that will help us to fight off infections and the harmful bacterias that may end up doing harm to our bodies and making it take longer for our wounds to heal. Honey is also like a soothing balm when used on other skin irritations such as sunburns. If you heed any advice from old wive’s tales, make it this one!

Another important old wive’s tale still relevant today is the phrase that “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Apples (and some other fruits and vegetables) contain essential vitamins and fiber that help us keep looking radiant! With the help of the fibers in an apple, we can cleanse our bodies of harmful toxins in a healthy and natural way so that we might remain able to put our best feet forward and avoid premature aging and disease. Apples help us keep our blood clean, which means that overall, our circulation is better and will improve everything!

It can be easy to dismiss the old wives ’ tales that we hear over the years. It is true, back in the time when many of these tales began to circulate, we didn’t have quite so many helpful advances in modern medicine or science. There weren’t real explanations for why or how things worked. All we had was the assurance that it did. And some of these methods have worked well enough that we still hear them spouted regularly.

So, it is safe to say that using the wisdom that our ancestors have laid out for us over the centuries can still help us in our daily lives. Listening to what they had to say can have untold benefits for us because they did things for results, and they got those results! Get them for yourself by utilizing apples and honey today!

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Where do you fit into your day? 

If you're like most people, you're pretty busy. You're already dealing with work, relationships, and a whole lot of day-to-day actions. You're running in every direction at once. How are you supposed to fit self-care into a day like that in the world? 8503621468?profile=RESIZE_400x

Thankfully, it's easier than you think. Try these five ways to add self-care into your busy day. 

Ask Some Important Questions

Self-care isn't about over-indulging yourself. Honestly, at its core, self-care is more practical than you might think. You start by asking yourself what you need right now. Meeting these basic needs is at the center of self-care. 

Map it Out

Self-care is never going just to happen. Unless you are intentional, you will never make time for it. By using your calendar and scheduling time for yourself, you are more likely to meet your basic needs. Start small by building in the habits which will help you the most. You can begin by adding regular exercise dates several days a week or making a meal plan to help you eat healthier. As you achieve one goal, add in another. The key is not to overwhelm yourself all at once. 

Figure Out What Comes First

How are you when it comes to priorities? If you're like most people, just deciding where to begin can be difficult. Here you need to figure out the difference between essential and urgent. If something is important and not urgent, you can add it to your schedule. If something is urgent and unnecessary, you need to eliminate these things from your life. But if something is urgent and essential, do this first.

Learn to Say "No"

You should never feel like you have to say "yes" to everything. Sometimes the best form of self-care is learning how to say "no." By setting definite boundaries, you protect yourself from activities that will only leave you drained and give you no benefit at all. 

Do the Small Stuff

We think the little things don't matter, but they do. By ensuring you take care of the basics, such as making sure you get enough sleep, practicing good hygiene, eating right, and exercising, you will keep your body in tiptop form. These things also have a tangible impact on your mental health. 

When we get busy, we tend to easily forget all of these things. When you're making an effort to take care of yourself, you have to be intentional in what you do. Remembering these five tips will go a long way toward keeping you healthy and happy no matter how busy you get.

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There‘s so much emphasis on getting ahead, being successful, and striving for change that it can be hard to remember that you already have so much for which to be grateful. Even worse, the constant pushing to change your circumstances can lead to dissatisfaction and keep you trapped in a cycle of always feeling you’re not good enough.

Free yourself from the shackles of ‘must try harder’ by remembering to stop and appreciate what you’ve already achieved, what blessings you already have in your life. Keep in mind that you are free to be content right now. Here are some tips to help free you from the cycle of discontent.8503591853?profile=RESIZE_400x 

  1. Change your focus

Research has shown that the more you cultivate a habit of gratitude, the better you can weather the ups and downs of life. As you perceive life to be positive, you will expect more of the same. You can retrain your brain from negative self-talk to greater thankfulness, gratitude, and happiness.

 By practicing gratitude, you rewire the neural pathways in your brain so that it becomes your mindset’s default setting. You learn to look for the good in things instead of focusing on the bad. 

  1. Step away from more stuff

If you’re like most people, you have more than enough possessions. The current mantra is that spending brings happiness, but deep down, you probably know that it doesn’t. Sure, buying yourself a new car or outfit makes you feel good at the time, but that “spenders high” wears off pretty quickly. 

Break the habit of buying the next shiny thing and appreciate what you’ve got right now. 

  1. Develop a mindfulness practice

Mindfulness and meditation can help you focus on the good that’s already in your life. By focusing on the present, you free yourself from that familiar yoyo-ing of brooding over past disappointments and future anxieties. 

You can easily integrate mindfulness into your day. Whatever you’re doing, pause and focus on your breath. Ask yourself: what are five things I’m grateful for in my life right now? Your five items can be anything from having a roof over your head to having a job, your partner, or your health. Or you can be grateful for a comfortable chair or clean sheets! Chose anything that makes you feel good at that very moment. Taking a hot shower, most people in the world do not get to take hot showers. 

Choosing gratitude and contentment doesn’t mean being stagnant or giving up. It means stepping aside from judgment and freeing yourself from the bonds of negativity.

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Everyone has weaknesses. We’re born with them. We grow with them. We lose them, develop them, and lose them all over again. It’s part of the growing experience.

So, if you’re trying to pass off your life as one with no weaknesses, you may be having a tough time. It takes time to get to a point where you graduate your attributes from weak ones into strong ones, but it is 100% possible. Start with a few tangible ways to weed weakness out of your life.8503078669?profile=RESIZE_400x

  1. Make it a Game

When you zoom out and think about your weaknesses, you can make a list. Write them all down. Then, attack your list as if it were a to-do list. These are definitive attributes that can be improved or changed, so why not go for it?

  1. Learn from Others

You are not alone here. You’re certainly not the only person who will ever have this weakness. You have tons of people to look up to and learn from, so use this to your advantage. Find someone who has overcome weaknesses or similar habits as you. Ask them questions. Learn from them. Then, apply it to your situation. 

  1. Think About What You Cannot See

Have you ever received criticism from someone and been completely shocked? Sometimes we don’t realize our weaknesses until it is brought to our attention. If you’re starting on a self-improvement project, try asking your friends and family what they think you can improve about yourself. 

  1. Take it a Step Further

Weaknesses are not surface level, so they shouldn’t be treated that way. If you have a hard time speaking in public, there is likely a deeper-seated issue causing this character trait. If you don’t like to do your work on time, there’s probably something triggering that. When you analyze your weaknesses, don’t just think about how you want to improve them. Think about why they are there in the first place. Ask yourself questions like “Why do I feel this way?” or “Have I always felt this way?” Get to the crux of your weakness, and then work to crush it.  Educating yourself about the new behavior and practicing it will increase your success.

  1. Recognize that Strengths Always Trump Weaknesses

No matter what your strengths are or what your weaknesses are, the good always trumps the bad. Don’t be too hard on yourself throughout this process. You have so many good things going for you, so don’t let yourself forget about those. When you’re asking your loved ones about your weaknesses, ask about your strengths. When you’re making a list of things you want to improve about yourself, make a list about the things you pride yourself on. Keep up the morale and push through!

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Have you ever stopped to notice how fast our days seem to fly by? We wake up bombarded with an insane amount of things we have to get done. Then, just like that, the day is over.

Of course, having the world at your fingertips doesn't help slow things down. It only adds to the chaos.

Today, I want to focus on what matters most in our lives. That could mean different things for different people. Nevertheless, each of us has certain things they value more than others.8501002891?profile=RESIZE_400x

So, read ahead to find out how you can live your best life by focusing more on the things that matter.

The Most Important Things in Life

Having status and designer shoes are great and everything. But having them won't make you any happier or healthier than the average person.

Another thing we tend to obsess over is what we don't have. Sometimes, it becomes our driving force that can lead to negative habits and behavior.

Let me ask you this: do you want to live your best life today and every day? Here are four things that will help you get focused:

1.     Identify What Matters the Most to You

First, take a step back and look at your life from a different vantage point. Next, dissect each aspect of your life. Which areas should you pay more attention to? Which should you cut back on?

To lead a balanced, well-fulfilled life, consider having one, or all, or the following. Maybe you can even add a couple of your own to the list.

  • A healthy body and mind
  • Family and friends
  • Money in the bank
  • The drive to continually learn new things
  • A place to call home 
  • Realistic goals and a purpose in life

The takeaway: Recognizing that what matters most in life has nothing to do with material possessions can help you appreciate what you have. Gratitude for these things will lead to a better, happier, fuller life. It will also boost creativity and lower stress. It also gives you control over your happiness, rather than allowing external factors to affect your inner peace.

2.     Listen and Pay Attention

While it's important to listen to those close to you in life, only use them for insight. It's about listening to yourself and paying attention to your likes and dislikes. This is a measure of your true worth and how much you love yourself.

Self-love requires practice, but it gets more comfortable with time. When you're at peace with yourself, you allow yourself to love others in a healthy, mature relationship.

The takeaway: Show yourself the same kindness and compassion you show others. When you look in the mirror, focus on the good rather than the bad. Treat yourself to nice things and be happy with who you are.

3.     Be in the Present

Too often, we find ourselves regretting the past or worrying about the future. However, what matters the most is the moment we're living right here and now.

Connecting with the world around you makes you appreciate what you have. The more you're in tune with your' present,' the more you'll realize just how precious life can be.

As Earl Nightingale said, "Learn to enjoy every minute of your life...Think how really precious the time is you have to spend, whether it's at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored."

The takeaway: Being self-aware helps bring tranquility and happiness into your life. In turn, the happier and calmer you are, the more things you'll find to be thankful for.

4.     Find a Hobby

Hobbies are the things you do for fun in your free time. They can range from knitting to deep-sea diving to jumping from airplanes.

Your experiences in life are what make it worth living. They give it meaning and shape the way you see others around you. Doing something you enjoy has been widely hailed as one of the best stress reducers of our time.

You can also use it to push your boundaries a bit and step out of your comfort zone. Sometimes, the idea of doing something new can be terrifying. If this happens to you, recognize your fear. Then, tell yourself it's okay to be nervous about something new.

The takeaway: Live your life. Be eager to try out new experiences. They're what add fulfillment and richness to your life.

5.     Practice Positive Habits

Identifying positive habits and carrying them out brings order to your life. Good habits also result in good physical and mental health.

With a steady routine, you can reduce distractions that stand in the way of your accomplishing things. They also help steer you towards making better decisions. Studies show that by creating routines and enforcing good habits, you become better at taking care of your life, health, and overall well-being.

The trick is to be authentic to your values and beliefs. That can be hard to do in this media-frenzy world we're living in. Yet, just having confidence in who you are can help shine the light on what matters most in your life.

The takeaway: Your thoughts are expressed through your words and, ultimately, your actions. Those actions turn into habits, so make sure you stick to enforcing positive habits in your life.

Final Thoughts

These five things are just some of the ways you can focus on what matters most in your life. At the end of the day, what it boils down to is that you have to focus on certain things over others to live your best life.

Remember, what matters more to you may not be as important to others. So, stay true to your values and hold on to the things you treasure more in life.

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Everybody has character defects. It is how you go about it and how you choose to mitigate or change the bad habits that define you as a person. Life is non-linear and non- stagnant, and nobody is perfect. Keeping that in mind, be gentle to yourself and open your mind as you discover your character defects and work towards changing them.8370778276?profile=RESIZE_400x

What Are Character Defects? 

They are harmful or toxic traits hindering your growth and providing issues for you in your life. It could be a vice, habits, or a way of thinking. It is something that you have possibly recognized as a problem area that you would like to fix.

How To Change My Personality 

Personality changes don't happen overnight. It is a long game. To have a sense of fulfillment, we will spend our lives changing and evolving; the main thing is to acknowledge and work on what you see as an issue in your life and take action to fix it. Personality has to do with your mind and the way you think. Here are some steps and things to think about as you work on overcoming what you believe is holding you back.

5 Steps To Work On Your Character Defects

Progress Not Perfection

Nobody is perfect, and we spend the majority of our lives working to better ourselves. The goal is to start the process chase this idea of making progress, not finding the solution. It is the steps you take towards the solution that count. 

Although time is linear, remember that progress and life are very much non-linear in how and when events in life happen. It's okay if something doesn't work. The goal is to keep trying. 

Replace Behavior

Replace malicious behavior with positive behavior. Instead of doing destructive activities, replace those with the way you want to be. Over time you will reprogram yourself. 

The goal is for it to be less harmful than whatever it is you are trying to replace. This will do one of two things. It will rewire your brain until eventually you won't focus or crave that harmful activity.  


Don't give up. Continuously seek the idea of wanting to change and improve yourself as a person. This isn't something that will be fixed overnight but an ongoing process. We will spend our whole lives improving and becoming better versions of ourselves each time. It won't be perfect, but the idea is to chase progress, not perfection. 

Let Go 

Let go of old negative behaviors from your past—work towards conquering past pain so that you may move forward. Let go of the things that stop you from moving forward, making you bitter or bear a grudge, and in general, anything that is not making you happy. Taking off that bitter edge will allow you to excel forward and give up things in your life that no longer serve you.


Envision what you want for yourself and who you want to be. By essentially making yourself a role model for yourself, you provide yourself something to strive towards. Control your narrative. You can become the type of person you want to be. You have the power to change what makes up you. Not instantly, but over time.

Everybody has something that could be considered a character defect. Nobody is perfect, and we are continually growing and evolving. By identifying where our problem areas are and making a plan towards fixing them, we will be better able to control our narrative allowing us to live longer, healthier lives.

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Do you find yourself wondering who you are? Do you feel at a loss sometimes when your opinions are put into question?

We’re part of a society that plays a large role in how we see ourselves. Everything we see and hear in the media can sometimes make our self-esteem waver a bit.

It has the power to transform the way we identify ourselves. We can no longer see the good and tend to focus more on the bad. Or worse, it can even make us question our core values and beliefs.8370706874?profile=RESIZE_400x

What Is My Identity?

Your identity is the total sum of your behavior, values, morals, and looks. There are three more essential aspects of anyone’s identity. These include your language, your culture, and your religion. These provide you with a moral compass and help draw up an imaginary line between right and wrong.

Sometimes, the internet influences our self-identity. Hiding behind the screen makes it more accessible to pretend we’re other people. However, this type of behavior leads to severe negative consequences.

To get out of that vacuum of self-doubt, we must consciously decide that we like who we are and how we look. That’s the beauty of having a positive self-identity. You don’t care what anyone thinks. Love yourself for who you are because there’s no one in the world like you.

Here are some aspects that help identify your uniqueness:

  • Values and beliefs
  • Interests
  • Talents and skills
  • Likes and dislikes
  • Goals

Is My Identity the Same as My Personality?

Staying true to your feelings and beliefs, no matter where you are in the world, is what defines you. Your identity remains the same throughout the years.

On the other hand, your personality is how you behave. This changes according to the situation or circumstance you’re in. You could be in a bad mood one day, hopeful the next.

Another example of personality is how you behave around others. You don’t act the same around your work colleagues the same as you do when you’re with your family or friends.

Yet, even with all these changes in moods and behavior, our identity stays the same.

6 Signs of a Positive Self-Identity

Here are six ways to reacquaint yourself with your identity in a healthy and positive way.

1.     Recognize Your Weaknesses and Strengths

The first step in having a positive self-identity is to know where you excel. Maximizing your skills in your everyday life is how you shine as an individual.

It’s also about knowing the areas where you don’t shine. Once you’ve come face-to-face with your weaknesses, you’ll have a choice to make. You can either trust in your ability to achieve a particular goal and overcome your weaknesses.

The second choice is to accept that you’ll never be the world’s best pastry chef or computer programmer. That’s ok. You’re much better in other areas that a programmer, for example, would fail miserably at.

Remember, life is all about how much trust you have in your abilities. Like Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t-you’re right.” Take a minute and think about it.

2.     Plan Out a Purpose in Your Life

Setting out a plan for your life means you’re striving to have a sense of purpose. The best way is to combine both short-term and long-term goals.

This plan should also include having a positive outlook on your future. This sense of hope will come in handy when you’re going through a difficult time in your life.

3.     Form Meaningful Relationships

A well-balanced sense of self is established when you form healthy relationships with various people in your life. It could be your colleagues, neighbors, or the cashier at your local grocery store.

For one, it’s a great way to broaden your social circle. Plus, you gain specific skills, such as how to communicate effectively with others. It also teaches you how to resolve conflicts peacefully.

4.     Take Part in Your Community

Your perception of self is heightened when you’re part of a group, especially ones with similar interests. Joining a volunteer group is one way to start. You can help out at local retirement homes or kids' sports.

Here are a handful of other ways to help around your community:

  • Donate food, books, clothes, linens, cleaning supplies
  • Buy from local grocers and food markets
  • Look for local music and arts festivals
  • Support local sports teams

5.     Demonstrate Positive Values

Your values are what you prioritize in yourself and others. They also help you set up boundaries with the people in your life. Learning how to stand up for these values is a sign of a positive self-identity.

Some of these values include:

  • Honesty
  • Responsibility
  • Compassion
  • Trustworthiness
  • Integrity
  • Empathy

6.     Avoid Unhealthy Behavior

We fall into certain bad habits that affect the way we see ourselves. These habits can range from how we see ourselves to things we do, like comparing ourselves to others. Some people turn to food, alcohol, and drugs to compensate for their low self-esteem. In all scenarios, the result is usually the same. 

The following are some other unhealthy habits we need to avoid:

  • Agreeing to what others want to make them happy
  • Putting others’ needs before your own to feel more accepted
  • Procrastinating
  • Talking bad about yourself
  • Dwelling on negative past experiences

The Takeaway

Developing a positive self-identity is hard. But it’s so worth it! When you acknowledge who you are and your view of the world, you become a healthy individual.

The good news is that people already see a part of your identity, whether you want to or not. They know from your actions, responses, and looks a bit of who you are as an individual. So, trying to hide it or run away from it won’t do any good.

Why not focus on the true identity within yourself, instead? Take pride in your accomplishments, no matter how small they are.

What’s equally important is that you always pat yourself on the back. Encourage yourself to do a bit more the next day and try a bit harder the next time. If you don’t motivate yourself, no one else will! So, go out there and be the best you can be!

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9 Tips For Changing When Change is Hard

Change is a part of all of our lives. How we deal with change is often a determining factor in how happy and successful we are. Sometimes we get lucky, and change is gradual or even painless. Other times, change is hard, overwhelming, or downright scary. This kind of change will have a serious impact on our lives when we embrace it. How do we do that, though? Follow these nine tips to find out how. 8347521094?profile=RESIZE_400x

  1. Make Change Normal

It would help if you changed your attitude about change in general. If you fear even the smallest change, how do you think you will react when changing is hard? Start fostering a more positive attitude towards change. Get used to embracing the easy changes in your life, so your mind is prepared for the hard ones.

  1. Not Changing Is Just as Hard

Whenever change gets challenging or overwhelming, stop and make a list of what would happen if you didn't change. Quite often, the pain of not changing outweighs the comfort of not trying to change. If you need the motivation to change, imagine what would happen if you didn't. 

  1. Bring a Friend Along

If you are struggling with making a significant change in your life, it can help to bring a friend (or more!) along for the ride. For example, maybe you haven't been able to change to a more healthy lifestyle. You might want to see if any of your friends are also struggling with this change. Doing it together will make things easier, and you will find yourself accountable to each other. 

  1. What Can and Can't You Control?

If you are struggling because some massive change is brewing in your life, take some time to reflect. Think about what aspects of this change you can control and which parts are out of your hand. Once that is done, focus solely on the things you have control over. This way, you aren't wasting energy, and you are making sure this life transition will go as smoothly as possible. 

  1. Keep a Journal

Journaling is an excellent way to deal with change, especially if you have struggled to deal with it. Journaling allows you a safe space to get all your thoughts and fears out. You will find that some of your trepidation dissipates when the concerns from your head are put on paper.

  1. Trust Yourself

A lot of the reason people struggle to change is that they don't believe in themselves. They don't believe they deserve "good change," and they don't think they can handle any negative change. Work on boosting your self-esteem first,  then you will naturally be more open to change. 

  1. Your Basic Needs Still Matter

When dealing with a significant change, or life transition, don't forget to take care of yourself. Some changes are so substantial that they are almost all-consuming, but you can't forget your most basic needs. Sleep, diet, and exercise shouldn't be tossed aside because you are too worried about change. 

  1. Make a Plan

Change is often scary because it is the unknown. You might be comfortable in your life now, and you aren't sure what happens when things change. If that sounds like you, then make a plan. Creating a plan of action to deal with a specific change will make it easier for you to make that change when the time comes.

  1. Failure Isn't The End

A lot of people find making a change hard because they fear failing. The way we feel about failure is because of the way we have been taught. It was all wrong. School rewarded an incorrect answer with a big “Red” checkmark. Is it any wonder that we fear making a mistake after that conditioning. Remember that those “Red” Checkmarks were only a gauge of our memorization skills. Now is the time to stop using a grading method for memorization and start using what does not give you your desired result as information to help formulate the next step towards your goal. Failure isn't an ending. It's merely a signal for you to try something different.

Action Steps:

  1. Define the change. Think about the change that you are struggling to make. Clearly define what that change is. Be as specific as possible.
  2. Why do you want to change? List all of the reasons that you want to make this change. Focus on the positives. What will this change improve in your life?
  3. What if I don't change? Now list all of the negative outcomes if you don't make this change. How will it affect you? How will it impact the people you love?
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Get Comfortable Asking For Help

We all need a little help now and then, so why do we struggle so much asking for it? Are we too stubborn? Are we afraid of being a burden? Regardless of why asking for it is the most direct and reasonable way to get it if you need help. Whether you are overwhelmed at work, not feeling quite yourself, or trying to learn something new, asking for help could change your life. If you are ready to get comfortable asking for help, then check out these nine tips:8345253683?profile=RESIZE_400x

  1. Everyone Needs Help Once in Awhile

There is nothing wrong with being self-reliant and standing on your own two feet. The reality is, we all need a little help from time to time. Once you recognize and accept this as a fact, asking for help will be easier. 

  1. Help Others

Try being a more helpful person in general. This will help you realize that help isn't a burden. Helping others is rewarding in its own right. You will also naturally feel more open to asking for help if you are willing to give unto others. 

  1. Know Exactly What You Need

You will find it significantly easier to ask for help when you know what you need. If you can't convey what you need, it's naturally harder to ask for help. Think about what you need in the most specific terms possible. This will also help the other person figure out if they are up to your request. 

  1. How Do Your Peers Ask For Help?

Have you ever been asked for help? How did the people ask you? Did you find yourself more willing to accept a particular approach? Reflecting on how people have successfully asked you for help will make it easier for you to create your approach. This confidence should lead to more comfort when asking for help.  

  1. Don't Project Your Feelings

When you assume someone doesn't want to help you or are a burden on someone, you project your feelings. Don't let your inner critic make you give up before you even ask for help. You won't know how others feel about helping you until you ask. 

  1. Recognize Your Weaknesses

When you recognize and accept your weaknesses, you will find it easier to ask for help. When you know you are especially weak in a particular area, it will feel natural to find someone strong in that area to help you. 

  1. Asking for Help Looks Good

Some people are worried that if they ask for help. They might look weak. This isn't necessarily the case. In fact, some research ( has shown that asking for help makes a good impression. It indicates you are a team player who does things efficiently.

  1. How Important is The End Result?

If you are struggling in some area of life, think about your ideal result. Think about it in as great detail as possible. Hold that image of ultimate success in your head. Now ask yourself, is this result worth the discomfort of asking for help?

  1. You Have to Do It

You won't get comfortable asking for help unless you do it. You don't want to do it superfluously, but try to make an effort to ask for help when genuinely needed. You will find that the discomfort slips away the more often you ask.

Action Steps:

  1. Brainstorm Your Weaknesses. Take some time to reflect and list all of your weaknesses. This will help you feel more comfortable asking for help in these areas.
  2. Who Can Help You? Is there anyone in your life who can help you address your weakness? Is there anything you want that an acquaintance could help provide? Make a list of these people.
  3. Time to Ask. You have a list of weaknesses and a list of people that could help you. Now you ask someone for help. The more you do this, the easier it will be.
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How do you expect to fall in love with someone and experience that love back when you can barely stand yourself? 

You have probably said that to a friend or heard it yourself. If you want to live a fulfilling and abundant life, you have to learn to love yourself and make yourself a priority. Yet, as you read this, you think that this sounds like a selfish way to live. It’s the opposite. When you learn to love yourself and put yourself first, everyone and everything around you benefit from it. When you care enough to nurture your physiological and physical health, you can have the energy for everyone else. What other benefits come from making yourself a priority in your own life? Let’s take a look. 8341736458?profile=RESIZE_400x

  1. Your Health

Your health is the most apparent benefit. Just think about how you feel after a stressful day. Do you often experience long weeks where you fantasize about how you will spend your weekend only to finally reach the point and struggle to get out of bed? Your body can and will force you to rest if you don’t take care of it. Stress increases your stress levels, breaks down your immune system, and leaves you more likely to pick up every bug going around. Taking care of yourself is part of supporting your physical health and your emotional self, mental health, and spiritual self, too. 

  1. Improve Relationships

Friendships, social and familial relationships improve when you take care of yourself. How can you expect anyone to love and respect you when you struggle with loving and respecting yourself? Just as important, how can you expect that when you aren’t your best self? It would help if you weren’t afraid to put yourself first. Make the time to develop and nurture the qualities you need for self-love. When you see the benefits this time has on your life, you will want the people around you to do the same. That allows both of you to be there for the other. You will both be more fun to be around. 

  1. The Family Benefits

Let’s focus more on how your family and friends will benefit. How often do you cancel plans or refuse to make them in the first place? You’re just too exhausted to make dinner. You can’t get up early enough to grab breakfast. The people in your life already love you, they want you to be happy, and they want you to be healthy. So, by putting yourself first and making yourself a priority, you can present your best self to them as well. 

  1. Happiness

We all want to find happiness. To achieve satisfaction, you will have to go inside yourself. Don’t be afraid to go on a retreat. Don’t think about what others will think if you take a weekend to yourself to reflect. It will be the most relaxing time in your life. Another benefit is you will learn to listen to your body. This will tell you the changes you need to maintain your physical health. It is easier to be emotionally happy with physical health. No one can benefit from knowing the whole you until you know yourself.

  1. Work-life

You will be more productive, creative, and a better communicator when looking after yourself. Just think about how energized you feel after a good night’s sleep. Make yourself a priority live the dream by taking the time you deserve. It will have an immense effect on every area of your life, and your peers and employer will see the difference.

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People with high levels of personal power will go far in their lifetime. They always seem to be successful at just about everything they do. Believe it or not, you have the personal power within you to become one of those people. 8336632468?profile=RESIZE_400x

In this article, we’re going to tell you five habits these people with high levels of personal power possess so you can become one of them and hone your ability. 

1) They pay close attention to how they think

Part of developing your personal power and maintaining it is focusing on how you think. The way you approach something is your most significant personal power; you can think how you want to think and feel how you want to feel. 

Those with high levels of personal power focus on the way they think. They know it’s okay to feel the emotions they feel and think the way they think, so long as they look at it the right way. They don’t blame their actions, decisions, emotions, or thought processes on anyone else; they take full responsibility. 

2) They forgive easily

Those who have high levels of personal power know that forgiveness is not only for the person who hurt them but also for themselves. When you harbor hatred and hold on to grudges, you hurt yourself first. Then it spills over into all your relationships. 

Forgiveness gives you the power and allows you to move on from the transgression and grow. You don’t have to forget the offense when you forgive, but letting it go will give you the power and the freedom to move past it. 

3) They set boundaries

Boundaries are an essential asset to developing and honing your personal power. Those with high levels of personal power set emotional and physical boundaries. Setting boundaries allows them to spend their time how they want and with whom they wish to. They don’t blame others for wasting their time or for forcing them to do anything.

These boundaries also play a role in the first point we made, how you think about things. You have the power to control what you do, how you view the time you spend, and who you blame. Those with high levels of personal power don’t blame others for anything; they take full control and hold all the power. 

4) They take responsibility

Those with high levels of personal power take full responsibility for their feelings and actions. You won’t hear these people saying that so-and-so made them feel a certain way or that someone forced them to do something. They take responsibility, control, and power over themselves. Only you control your emotions, actions, and choices. No one can force a person with personal power to do anything. 

5) They don’t complain. They problem-solve

You don’t get anywhere by merely grumbling and complaining. You have actually to look for a solution. Those with high levels of personal power don’t just whine and complain. They look for what they can do to fix the problem. That’s not to say that you can’t vent. You can. It just all comes down to the way you’re thinking and how you perceive the situation. 

Those with high levels of personal power get far in life. They tend to be successful at everything they do and hold the power in all situations. To be like them and develop and hone your personal ability, you have to learn from them and duplicate their habits. 

We hope this article helped guide you on your journey towards honing your personal power and making an effort to imitate these habits.

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What Is A Stress Response? 

Stress is an emergency response system that evolved to allow our ancestors to thwart attacks on their life, like attacks from a wild animal or other situations encountered when living in the wild unknown. The stress system response evolved to produce excess adrenaline and cortisol during the fight or flight response. When this state is activated, blood and other nutrients are diverted from the organs, and the immune system is lowered to conserve energy for the fight or flight. 8321922682?profile=RESIZE_400x

This means either fighting a wild animal or running from it to try to reach safety. Yet, in modern times, we are typically not chased by wild animals in our everyday lives. Instead, we are attacked by modern pressures of work and life, and other responsibilities. 

We may feel like we are under immense pressure all the time and, therefore, cannot get out of the fight or flight mode. When this happens, we often refer to the issue vaguely as “stress.” Stress means that rather than the body being in a mode to rest and digest, it is pumped up and ready to run. Because stress is chronic for most people in modern times, this can cause adverse effects on the mind and body.

Chronic exposure to stress can weaken the immune system and can even change the DNA and cause early aging and health decline. Long-term stress can also lead to inflammation and other symptoms like depression, anxiety, autoimmune disease, hypertension, headaches, and other issues. 

Sometimes, it is evident that chronic stress is the culprit. When someone has been living with high-stress levels for a long time, they may begin to see this as their normal functioning and not even notice how affected they are and which symptoms are related. 

Mindfulness and attention to our health and wellness through guided meditation can allow us to make new connections about our health. They can introduce a framework for creating new and healthier choices in everyday life, leading to lower stress levels and greater fulfillment. 

How to Manage Stress Levels with Guided Meditation  

Guided meditation is a listening meditation that involves a short, guided session that takes us through a series of imaginative scenarios to help us see the past and create a new vision for the future. 

Topics vary for guided mediation and can involve self-confidence, health, reducing stress levels, and reducing anxiety. Stress is not something that is out of control, but rather it is something that, with attention and patience, can become a motivating factor for change in our lives. When we experience high stress or even extreme mental breakdown, we are experiencing a mirror for our actions and lifestyle. These high-stress times allow us to see where we are pushing our limits and how we can best reel back our energies and actions to something that is more manageable and makes us happy. 

Instead of always striving to do more, we can see where we have gone too far and pushed ourselves too hard. We can see where we made compromises and didn’t stay true to our values. Guided meditation allows us to recognize these instances and note them without condemning ourselves or wishing for a different outcome. 

Instead, we can reflect through guided meditation and create a new understanding of our story and how we came to be in our current situation. Only when we see this clearly can we take insightful action towards a new reality. Practicing guided daily meditation daily for the consistency of change to manifest in our lives throughout the seasons.

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Start believing in “Yes I Can!”

On January 1st, 1983, the World Wide Web (internet) made its public debut. Almost overnight, communication took on a whole new meaning. In a few short years, the population using the internet went from 16 million viewers (1995) to an outstanding 4,833 million viewers as of June 2020. That breaks down to 62 percent of the world population is using the internet on some level daily.8312649884?profile=RESIZE_400x

However, with so much time being spent in front of the screens, it is inevitable to find that viewers find themselves more depressed and less motivated. In 2019, Preventative Science Reports concluded that “those who spent more than four hours each day staring at a screen were about twice as likely to have depression.”

As of 2020, early research shows people watch and interact with some form of technology for up to 18 hours per day.

As a society, we rely heavily on other opinions, leadership, and ideas. 2020 has created a new way of learning this information. Often, the data our brains are receiving is negative, especially this year alone. Psychologist Dr. Logan Jones wrote that “Consuming too much of this kind of news, whether actively or passively, can be very toxic, and what you hear has an impact on your mood.”

So, how do we change our thinking patterns?

Affirmation is the practice of constructive thought and the reinforcement of conviction by the present tense writing of statements or phrases. It is the repetition of new concepts and images that help the subconscious mind change. By repeating several optimistic statements makes this technique successful, connecting them with a specific feeling.

Our subconscious mind is necessary to manifest and achieve our objectives, and our subconscious mind governs most of our behaviors. Thus, changing your thoughts and actions to reprogram your brain for new accomplishments.

How does confirmation bias affect your thinking?

Cognitive discrimination includes the brain looking for proof that supports our current convictions and reinforces them. Constant thoughts can lead to action on your brain. If you continually reflect on negative thinking, your brain will see positive and negative information to reinforce the negative belief and behave accordingly.

When exploited positively, this can play an essential role in the success of an entrepreneur. If you start a company with a deep conviction that you will succeed, you will do so and eventually have a greater chance of understanding your beliefs.

Start taking action!

  • Write down your goals - Take a pen and write down your short and long-term goals, as well as deadlines and the method for achieving those goals. Divide the objectives into minimal, operational targets and aim to achieve them. You turn the intangible into something concrete by writing down your objectives. Also, include periodic rewards for reaching your goals.
  • Be attentive - Distraction and lack of motivation are goal killers. Preparation and eliminating distractions are crucial to keeping focused. Most people attempt to do many different tasks regardless of their value, which leads to a further diversion. Concentrate on the few, not the rest. When needing to focus on your daily career, use the 80/20 law. The Pareto Principle (80/20 rule) is defined as “an aphorism which asserts that 80 percent of outcomes result from 20 percent of all tasks done. In business, a goal of the 80-20 rule is to identify inputs that are potentially the most productive and make them the priority.”  Concentrations are like a muscle; they are continually taxed by information. Periodic breaks during an activity will improve your engagement and productivity.
  • Now act - As stated, confirmation bias includes collecting evidence from the subconscious mind that confirms a specific belief. The subconscious mind often tracks, observes, and forms our behavior. In this context, you can work to shift your previous beliefs by repeating and visualizing a phrase, sentence, or statement through affirmation and concentration. 

By taking this step forward, the mind will accumulate additional information to alter your current conviction. American film critic Pauline Kael summed up life by saying, “Where there is a will, there is a way. If there is a chance in a million that you can do something, anything, to keep what you want from ending, do it. Pry the door open or, if need be, wedge your foot in that door and keep it open.”

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According to the Chopra Center, "Navigating the depths of consciousness on your own can be tough, especially for beginners. Guided meditations provide the assistance of a teacher or guide to walk you through the process and help you find a calm and peaceful state – one step at a time." 8308522475?profile=RESIZE_400x

Many people have heard of meditation and the benefits of the practice and wonder how to get started meditating. Engaging in meditation is a great way to lower stress levels and relax the mind and body. People who experience chronic stress, anxiety, depression, and other symptoms can benefit from the practice of meditation. 

What Is Guided Meditation 

Guided meditation is a meditation practice led by an experienced teacher, either via a live broadcast or through pre-recorded audio or video. Through guided meditation can be used by anyone, it is more frequently used by those new to meditation. The added assistance and support of a teacher can be helpful when first embarking upon the practice. 

Guided meditations generally teach participants the basics of meditation techniques as well as offering instruction and insight into how the mind and thoughts work, how to better understand and relate to your thoughts and emotions, how to use meditation techniques in daily life, and how to settle the mind and body for meditation. 

In modern times, meditation is a great practice that should be on everyone's mind. Engaging in meditation each day can retrain the mind at the conscious and subconscious levels and shift the outlook. Starting a meditation practice is easy and only requires setting aside a few minutes each day to sit in silence and notice one's thoughts. Some people have a lot of trouble sitting still and therefore need a more engaging practice of meditation. 

Guided meditations are recorded meditations that lead the listener through a series of visualizations to create a new reality. Listening to guided meditations each day can be an easy way to get started with meditation. 

How To Start Meditating 

When beginning a meditation practice, many people prefer to start with a short sequence of around 5 minutes. Adding a 5-minute meditation once or twice per day can be completely transformative. After five minutes of meditation becomes easy to accomplish, add five minutes to your meditation time. 

Many people meditate for 20-30 minutes each day, and some people engaged in spiritual practice traditionally meditate for 2 hours each morning. Yet, meditation is a practice accessible for everyone who wants to improve their life experience and lower their stress levels. 

Many meditation styles can be done throughout the day, like a mantra, affirmation, and loving-kindness. Yet, when engaged in guided meditation, it is essential to focus on the practice by quietly sitting or lying where there are little distraction and noise. 

Now, find a guided meditation that is the proper length for your practice.  

Guided meditation maybe five minutes long and can range in content from positive affirmations to guided imagery to color visualization therapy. There is much variety in the topics and ideas to choose from.

A simple online search should reveal plenty of options for recorded meditations. Try to choose a guided meditation by a teacher or professional you trust and can connect with. 

Many guided meditations are available for online streaming for free or can be downloaded to your device for easier access. It is also possible to have a personalized guided meditation made by a teacher or other professional. It is possible to find guided meditations for self-empowerment, health and wellness, manifestation, and other lifestyle improvement topics.

Many guided meditations invoke nature, animals, plants, colors, and other visualizations to engage the mind and body and create a new vibration of energy within the system. 

Why Guided Meditation?

In guided meditation, the teacher leads the listener through a series of visualizations or journeys to engage the mind and body and establish relaxation and the space for insight. Listening to a guided meditation each day helps to reprogram the conscious and subconscious mind. 

When the audio and visualization is done day after day, it is possible to create a new reality and a unique world experience. Meditation is a practice in becoming aware of our ideas about life. So, when we meditate, we reflect on our experiences and allow a different understanding of how we choose to let events affect us.

Committing to listening to a guided meditation every day creates a regularity of practice that is dependable. This practice can lower stress levels and can also allow space for a long-term lifestyle change.

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Meditation and Mantra 

Many people are familiar with the idea or practice of meditation as a silent and contemplative practice. While this is a traditional way to practice meditation, there are also more modern and unique ways to practice meditation. Technology has allowed for new ways to engage with mindfulness practices that can benefit our busy lives. 8306021685?profile=RESIZE_400x

Additionally, many people have heard traditional mantra’s, used as a prayer for thousands of years in ancient and spiritual cultures. The practices of guided meditations and affirmations are deeply steeped in traditional experience and practice and have been proven effective over thousands of years to reprogram the subconscious mind.

Modern medicine and research have shown that these practices can be adopted and implemented in new ways to be useful and engaging. It is beneficial to honor traditional healing practices and meditations and make sure these practices are practical for daily life in modern times. Some techniques can be adapted to ensure that these practices are helpful in our fast-paced society. 

The Subconscious Mind 

The subconscious mind is the aspect of our minds that lies below the surface of our awareness. The subconscious mind is in control of various decisions we make even when we are unaware of them. This is helpful because it allows our brains to conserve energy and streamlines decision-making.

Imagine driving with full awareness of the conscious mind at all times. Instead, we rely on the subconscious mind to remember directions and take over a sort of autopilot. Many of us are already deeply ingrained with the understanding and physical practice of driving regularly. Similarly, the subconscious mind can hold onto experiences we have had that were deemed harmful and can use these old ideas as the framework for new decisions. When this happens, it can become detrimental to our creativity and ability to produce a new outcome. 

So, we sometimes get stuck in a cycle of repeating past choices or actions even though we thought we had learned our lesson. In these instances, the subconscious mind strives to protect us from harm and is guiding our decision making without our consent. 

Accessing and reprogramming the subconscious mind is essential for creating a new reality with greater patience, clarity, and success of our true nature and is not forced or faked.

Reprogramming the Mind with Guided Meditation 

When we regularly participate in guided meditation, we can access the subconscious mind and create a new underlying program for our lives. The subconscious mind is responsible for our underlying belief systems and ideologies.

Instead of allowing our subconscious mind to rule our existence, we can start to program our minds with whatever beliefs and ideas we prefer. Utilize affirmations throughout the day to strengthen our mindset and resolve conflicting ideas in the subconscious mind. Affirmations are phrases and statements that we create and repeat to ourselves to establish a new idea. 

When we repeat affirmations to ourselves, our mind begins to believe the new thought, and it can override any old patterns of negative behavior. Changing paradigms does not happen immediately, but we can reprogram the subconscious mind to a different outlook through devoted practice. Affirmations can be done anywhere and anytime. They can be said aloud or can be repeated silently to oneself. 

Affirmations can also be written repeatedly to engage both the mind and the body into a new state of manifestation. Regular use of guided meditation and affirmations will shift the old paradigm to a new useful response.


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The Oxford dictionary defines affirmation as "the action or process of affirming something or being affirmed (he nodded in affirmation), and or, emotional support or encouragement, for example, "I am filled with confidence, I know I can handle anything."

In general, affirmations are used to reprogram the subconscious mind, motivate one to believe such things in ourselves or the universe and our position therein.

Affirmations also allow us to change our present reality into the reality we want — often to construct riches, love, elegance, and happiness. There is another meaning of affirmations of this sort, according to Walter E. Jacobson, MD, "because our subconscious mind is influential in upgrading our lives and voicing our wishes. The outcomes of events may have a huge effect on a subconscious basis."

Affirmations are essentially declarations intended to make the person self-change. They will also help concentrate emphasis on the ambitions that can facilitate meaningfully and sustained self-change all day, both in and of themselves.

You can use affirmations in every situation where you would like to see a positive change.

These might include times when you want to:

  • Raise your confidence before presentations or important meetings.
  • Control negative feelings such as frustration, anger, or impatience.
  • Improve your self-esteem.
  • Finish projects you have started.
  • Improve your productivity.
  • Overcome a bad habit.

Affirmations will be easier if you incorporate them with other constructive reinforcement and targeting strategies.

  • Write down a variety of places or behaviors in which you would like to focus -- Make sure it is consistent with your fundamental beliefs and the things that matter most to you because you are genuinely inspired to do so.
  • Make sure your statement is credible and feasible -- Focus that on a practical, factual test. Think of the income amount you are earning. Does this amount bring security in your life? If not. You could use affirmations to request an increase.
  • Transform negative into positive -- Note the recurring feelings or perceptions that annoy you if you deal with negative self-talk. Then pick an argument that is contradictory to this reasoning and emotion. Go through the disagreement and sort out where you could have communicated better. By acknowledging our own mistakes, this, in turn, lets us try harder next time.
  • Write in the present tense -- Write and tell, as if something was already going on, your affirmation. This helps you to think that the declaration is correct in the present tense. For instance, if you feel anxious about talking in front of a group, write down how you would picture the speech going. Remind yourself that, "I am well prepared and well-read. I am prepared to give a great lecture." 
  • Say with feeling -- Affirmations that bear emotional weight are more successful. Remembering any expression you want to echo is a sentence that is important to you. You might say, for example," 'I am ready to face new challenges at work because I am qualified."
  • Practice affirmations with others – When the mind is calm and content, it shows on our faces. reported that "a sign of happiness is when the lips rise symmetrically. In a genuine smile, the eyelids drop, and eyebrows lower. By complimenting someone, naturally strokes our endorphins.

Remembering what is important

Life seems to run smoother when we feel comfortable and have a good attitude. "Law of attraction" proponents sometimes point to this as an improvement of our vibration to make us magnetically attracted to good things when our vibrations are positive — such as financial prosperity, intimacy, and renovated wellbeing.

As author Dale Carnegie once said, "It isn't what you have or who you are or where you are or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about it.'

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10 Types Of Meditation

Meditation is a mind and body practice that focuses on the interaction between the brain, mind, body, and behavior. While there are numerous types of meditation, the common thread amongst them all tends to be an enhanced focus that trains attention and awareness. 8300599256?profile=RESIZE_400x

Most types of meditation also have the following aspects in common: A quiet spot with limited distractions; a comfortable posture (i.e., sitting, lying down, etc.); a focus of attention (i.e., sensations of breathing, a set of words, etc.); and an open mind that allows distractions to come and go without judgment (National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, 2016). 

The practice of mediation has been shown to increase calm, enhance relaxation, improve psychological balance, and enhance overall health and well-being.

10 Types of Meditation

  1. Reflection: Reflection involves asking yourself questions as a means of developing greater awareness of feelings. Questions asked should be asked in the second person (you) to discourage the intellectual mind from creating a rational answer for it. The goal is to become more aware of how the question makes you feel instead of the thoughts that arise when the problem is focused on.
  2. Transcendental Meditation: This practice of meditation is taught by instructors trained and licensed by the Maharishi Foundation. Transcendental meditation involves sitting with eyes closed for 20 minutes twice daily and participating in the practice as instructed. These twice-daily sessions are generally practiced as morning meditation and a mid-afternoon or early evening session. 
  3. Visualization: Visualization involves picturing a person or a thing in your mind. The focus on the particular object or person replaces the traditional focus in meditation on breathing or elements of breath. It is via the visualization process that one can observe the mind and focus on physical sensations simultaneously.
  4. Body Scanning: The practice of body scanning is performed by doing a mental scan from the top of the head to the bottom of the toes. Attention is brought to any tension, discomfort, or aches/pains that may be present. This technique helps to sync the mind and the body.
  5. Mantra Meditation: Somewhat similar to focused attention meditation, mantra meditation involved focusing on a mantra (a word, phrase, or syllable) instead of focusing on the breath as a means to quiet the mind. The objective is that repeating a mantra can positively influence change via the subtle vibrations connected to repeating the mantra.
  6. Resting Awareness: This is the practice of letting the mind rest instead of focusing on breath or visualization. When practicing resting awareness, thoughts can enter the mind but are also able to drift freely away without causing a distraction. 
  7. Yoga Meditation: Yoga meditation tends to blend Kundalini yoga with Savasana. Kundalini yoga aims to strengthen the nervous system as a means of better coping with daily stress and problems. Shavasana, known as the corpse or relaxation pose, helps the body achieve relaxation and tension release. Via the implementation of various poses and intense focus on those poses, one is able to connect the mind and body for the better.
  8. Noting: The technique of noting involves paying close attention to what is causing a distraction to the mind. It’s about “noting” particular thoughts or emotions that we are so caught up in that we’ve lost awareness of the object we are supposed to be focusing on. Noting the distraction helps us restore awareness, create space from the distraction, release the distraction, and gain insight into our thought patterns, tendencies, and conditioning.
  9. Zen Meditation: Zen meditation is an ancient Buddhist tradition that involves sitting upright and tracking breath. Special attention is given to how that breath moves in and out of the belly, as well as allowing the mind to simply be. Zen meditation aims to develop a sense of presence and alertness.
  10. Loving-kindness: Loving-kindness is about directing positive energy and goodwill to ourselves and then to others as a sort of ripple effect. This helps us to release unhappy feelings we might be holding onto. 

Practicing meditation in any of its various forms can be beneficial to us- mind and body. Meditating well is about finding the practice that works best for you and helps you accomplish your particular goals.

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Guided Meditation is led by another's voice—either in-person or through a video or audio recording. Typically, Guided Meditation is best for individuals who are new to Meditation because an instructor can lead them through the basic steps of meditation practice. 8300538670?profile=RESIZE_400x

Instructors often walk participants through breathing exercises, mantras, and visual images while also helping them to understand how the mind is operating. Sessions can last from minutes to hours.

Guided Meditation can offer a host of benefits, including the six outlined below. 

  1. Decreased Stress: Guided Meditation is shown to halt and reverse the stress response the body goes into when introduced to a trigger. Rather than inducing a stress response, guided Meditation initiates a relaxation response in the body.

Research shows that just 25 minutes of guided Meditation practiced three days consecutively can reduce stress significantly and prevent the release of stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol, which can create a damaging effect in the body.

  1. Improved Sleep: Studies have shown that guided Meditation, including mindfulness meditation, has been linked to improved sleep among individuals who have insomnia and other sleep conditions. Research shows that consistent meditation practice can aid in falling asleep sooner and staying asleep for a more extended period, and helping to ease racing thoughts that may keep someone from falling asleep.
  2. Pain Reduction: Evidence shows that guided Meditation reduces pain sensations in the body and helps improve the body's ability to cope with pain. Research by Leeds Beckett University found that just 10 minutes of guided mindfulness meditation could be used as an alternative to painkillers. Other studies have shown how Meditation was useful in the comfort of the terminally ill by mitigating chronic pain towards the end of life.
  3. Better Management of Depression: Guided Meditation can be beneficial in the management of depression symptoms. One way it helps is by promoting awareness of and separation from negative feelings. Meditation helps people recognize negative thought patterns and interrupt them so as not to get caught in a negative thought loop. Guided Meditation can also help change brain chemistry for the better by promoting positive thinking and optimism. This can ease depression symptoms such as sadness, low self-esteem, and poor mood.
  4. Better Self-Image: Guided Meditation can also improve emotional health by increasing self-confidence and self-esteem. One study looked at brain activity using an MRI scanner before and following participation in a two-month meditation course. 

Results showed increased self-esteem, increased brain network activity related to regulating attention, increased positive and decreased negative self-endorsement, and reduced activity in brain systems related to self-image.

  1. Improved Memory: Guided Meditation can also influence brain networks responsible for many cognitive tasks such as working memory, which allows the brain to hold onto information for the short-term. Meditation can also work to prevent or slow age-related memory loss. 

A scientific review of 12 studies looked at the impacts of Meditation on age-related memory loss and cognitive decline and found that the practice improved attention and mental quickness. One study found that just ten minutes of guided meditation practice each day can improve working memory by 9%. 

It is evident to see that guided Meditation can be an asset for many reasons. From improving mental health to aiding in physical outcomes, guided Meditation should undoubtedly be considered an option for people looking to improve overall health and wellness. Via regular practice, one is sure to see benefits that will enhance the quality of life for the better.

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Everyone has times in their life when things look grim. They might even seem to be hopeless. The world can feel like a scary place, and you alone in the middle of it. But history has shown that even in the worst of times, people have chosen to be hopeful. If you're finding it hard to believe that better times will come, here are five things you can hang on to.8280464685?profile=RESIZE_400x 

  1. Your Health

No matter what world of life crisis you're going through, if you have your health, you're wealthy. You might take it for granted, but being strong and healthy is probably your biggest asset.

Look after your body, eat well, stay fit, and be game-ready for the next opportunity. 

  1. The Sun will Rise Tomorrow

Even the worst day comes to an end, and you get a chance to do better Tomorrow. Brooding over past failures is as pointless as worrying about the future. You can only deal with what is right in front of you.

Take your motto from Scarlett O'Hara and remember that Tomorrow is another day. 

  1. You Are Full of Potential

Do you believe you can live your best life? Do you think you can be successful, famous, and happy? Or does it feel to you that success is only for the lucky few?  

All humans are born full of potential. The only thing stopping you from meeting your potential is you. Change your mindset from self-doubt to self-confidence, and you can do whatever you set your mind to. 

  1. Learn to Look on the Bright Side

It's improbable that everything in your life will go wrong at once. So learn to hang onto the good things in your life and be grateful. No matter what situation you find yourself in, it could pretty much always be worse. 

If you look for abundance, you will find it. Practice looking for things to be thankful for, starting with being alive right now. And remember, hard times come and hard times go. Better times are just around the corner. 

  1. Challenges Make You Stronger

If you're down in the trough of a life crisis, remember that when you come out of the other end, you'll be stronger and smarter than before. You will have learned things about yourself and what you're capable of that would never have occurred to you before. And despite feeling crushed, you have triumphed. You made it!

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Studies show that putting your SMART goals into writing and reviewing them regularly will increase your chances of success. Some studies show that you are as much as 42% more likely to follow through with your goals if you write them down. Writing your goals down will help you get a clear picture of your plan and what you want to accomplish.8260994879?profile=RESIZE_400x Logging your goals will also help motivate you to complete the tasks needed to achieve your goal. Frequently reviewing what you’ve written will aid in reminding you of your plan, as well as remind you of your “why,” in turn, boosting your motivation to keep progressing toward your goal.

Writing your goals down as you set them; will help your brain encode the plan, further solidifying your goal. The mere act of writing an idea down makes it more likely you will remember it. This is why college students take notes in lectures. Note-taking provides a much higher probability of retaining the information. Similarly, when you draft your goal in writing, you have a better chance of success. After writing out your goal, be sure to place it somewhere that you can see it easily. Places like on the fridge, on your phone, on a mirror, at your desk are all excellent areas where you can easily visually access your goal. Seeing the words you wrote out serves as a reminder and motivation to continue with your efforts.

Not only will you be reminded of your goal by visually seeing the words written, but you should also take the time for an active review of your plan. Regularly, actively reviewing your written goal will increase your chances of success. A diligent study of your goal should include contemplating the reasons behind your motivation for the goal, your “why.” Thinking about the reasons you set the particular goal will boost your motivation by reminding you why the goal matters to you, why you set it and what you expect to gain from it. Reviewing your goal will aid in renewed purpose and incentive, ultimately bumping up your likelihood of success.

Countless studies find that writing out your goals produces higher success rates. Placing the words you’ve written in an easily accessible spot and reviewing them often will also help ensure that you follow through with the SMART goals you set for yourself.

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