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Being unhappy at work is almost a new habit. Statistics regularly show that most people are bored and unhappy in their jobs, outnumbering their happy colleagues by a ratio of two to one. But it doesn't have to be that way! You can choose to be happie

Here are 5 reasons that getting enough sleep makes your life better. You’ve probably read about how important it is to get enough sleep. And you know how bad you feel the next day after a sleepless night. But you may not realize how much your sleep a

You may not have heard of sleep procrastination, but it’s a safe bet that you have experienced it! Little kids are past masters at putting off the evil hour of bedtime, but even adults can find themselves avoiding going to bed at a reasonable time.


There’s increasing evidence that it’s not enough to learn a new skill or sign up for the gym. To succeed you need to turn that skill or commitment into a habit. Here are four benefits of forming good habits.

  1. Habits are easy to create, and change!


You probably have happiness as one of your life goals, whether it’s explicit or not. After all, everyone wants to be happy, right? It’s up there with being healthy, wealthy, and wise! There are some solidly good reasons why it’s important to be satis

Many people think that success will guarantee happiness. But delaying being happy until you’ve got that promotion, or a bigger car is a mistake. Tying your happiness to achieving your goals almost guarantees you’ll never be satisfied. Here are three

You probably have “being happy” at the top of your Good Life list. After all, everyone wants to be happy, right? And we’re surrounded by images of happiness, usually tied to having something bigger, better and shinier and often just out of reach. But

You might think you know what happiness is. You might even think it’s an odd question to ask – what IS happiness? But there are some misconceptions about happiness that can and do trip people up, and they may even be making you unnecessarily UNhappy.

Sometimes change can feel a bit scary. After all, it’s not called your Comfort Zone for nothing! But change is inevitable and even necessary if you are to learn and grow and get the most out of life. Here are five reasons why you should embrace chang

Many people believe that inner peace is a myth. Maybe that is because there is too much noise around in the actual world for one to meditate or engage in activities that modern media advocates for when seeking peace. They all seem like a luxury we cannot afford to spare time for. We are in a hurry to achieve after all.…9344206671?profile=RESIZE_400x

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I believe sleep is like a therapy session when we get in a loop to unbuckle all the days' frustrations and trauma. Time to check out from the activity of the day. Just like a restart button to prepare us for tomorrow. When I wake up the following day, I expect to be both mentally and physically awakened. This will give me the right attitude to go through the rest of my day. In meditation, they usually say how one wakes up is a significant factor in deciding how…

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Have you ever stopped to notice how fast our days seem to fly by? We wake up bombarded with an insane amount of things we have to get done. Then, just like that, the day is over.

Of course, having the world at your fingertips doesn't help slow things down. It only adds to the chaos.

Today, I want to focus on what matters most in our lives. That could mean different things for…

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