Mark "Lefty" Holencik's Posts (316)

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7 Activity's to Start Your Day

Deciding on what to add to and take out of your morning routine can be difficult. For starters, you can’t do it all every morning. You must be selective about the activities you undertake. Keep reading for seven scientific back ideas to add to your morning routine.7376323290?profile=RESIZE_400x

  1. No Snooze

Hitting snooze does more to confuse your body than help it. While those extra minutes may feel like a relief, they are making the process of getting out of bed more difficult when you finally make the move. And the adverse effects can last for hours after you are up and moving. 

  1. Make Your Bed

Making your bed is an easy win first thing in the morning. Heck, you can even add this to your list and cross it off later if you want. This has the benefit of being a mental success immediately in your day. 

  1. Sunshine (if possible)

If possible, soak up some sun first thing in the morning. Sunshine is a signal to your body that the day is starting and that it should wake up. If the real deal isn’t possible, you can consider investing in a sun lamp to use in the morning.

  1. Move It

Physical activity can help increase memory and concentration, so why not start your day off with it. This can be as gentle as walking or yoga, and as short as twenty minutes. Find an activity and time allotment that works for you. 

  1. Meditate

The act of meditation is relaxing to the body while also improving physical health. Meditation can seem a little “woo woo” to many, but it can have significant physical and mental benefits. You can find a plethora of guided meditations on apps and podcasts.

  1. Goals

Taking the time to handwrite your goals every morning can cement them in your mind. These do not have to be huge life goals. Your goal can be as simple as reading an article at The Good Life Mall or as big as running a marathon. Just take a few moments to commit it to paper.

  1. Hydrate

Your body spends all night recovering and using the stores of hydration and calories you consumed during the day. Drinking water first thing in the morning helps to replenish your body and sets you up for a day without the dehydration fuzzies. 

Before committing to adding or subtracting anything from your morning routine, consider the benefits of each practice individually.

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While you are in the grasp of strong negative emotions it may seem difficult to build any resilience to life's less pleasurable experiences. It is possible though, and that's a thought you should bear in mind if you are experiencing excessive negative thoughts.7222851300?profile=RESIZE_400x

How come some people give up and cry into a bottle, while others just pick themselves up, shake it off and carry on as if nothing happened? They're called coping skills, and anyone can develop them.

Flexibility and adaptation are undoubtedly two outlooks that help people recover from bad situations. Whereas someone who may feel entrenched in their negative feelings finds it harder to remove themselves from those feelings and change direction, those who are willing to see emotions as things that grip them tighter the more they focus on them and understand how to let go and change direction quickly, come out on top.

In a way, emotions are like quicksand or Chinese finger traps.

By seeing negative events in your life as flexible, short term situations, you can more easily move on. Let's imagine someone who sees these negative events as a fixed point in space and time. To them, that disappointment they felt with themselves or that failure they felt, is a fixed point in their life. It's always there. Nothing they can do will change the fact that there are failures and disappointment in their lives.

Those who view situations as being temporary will be more likely to see the same situation as a speed bump in Life's rearview mirror.

So what can you do to help you adopt this outlook?

Ever poured paint or bleach into a bucket of water? That's how negative people think. When one bad thing enters their life, it starts to spread and color everything else. They may well have been the life and soul of the party until that point, but now everything is just a mess!

Try seeing new challenges as crayons that can be laid side-by-side with each other. Don't dwell on the fact that you didn't manage to quit smoking today, but see that you smoked less and are not going to let a temporary setback prevent you from trying again the next day.

Just because you don't get something done the first time doesn't mean you won't get it done at another point in the future. No one walks, ties their shoes, or writes a word the first time they try.

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There is nothing worse than the creeping dread of failure. It doesn’t matter whether you failed in a relationship, missed out on a promotion, bombed an interview, or missed a deadline. Sometimes, it feels as though it’s the end of the world. It’s not, no matter how much you feel as though it is. And it is easy to fall victim to the failure and fall into a dark hole of depressions.  The most important step you can take after experiencing failure is to pick yourself up and dust yourself off.7193039692?profile=RESIZE_400x


How can you possibly begin to pick yourself up after failure?

  • Take Time For Healing

You won’t get over failure in a day. It’s quite literally a heartbreak. It’s okay if you don’t feel cheerful for a minute. It would help if you allowed yourself time to heal from your failure. You will reach a point where you realize the sting has worn off.

  • Remember This

Without failure, there can be no success. If you desire success, then you have to come to terms with the fact that you will fail. It may take numerous attempts to achieve success. This is something you will need to remind yourself of regularly. When you run into a brick wall and feel as though you can’t overcome an obstacle, remember that without failure, there can be no success. If that scares you, then remember this – it’s that or you live your life littered with what-ifs. 

Failure is a lesson; it isn’t digging your grave. The only way to avoid it is to do nothing at all. It doesn’t bear thinking about.

  • Learn the Lesson

The wisest thing that you can do after a failure is learning. You shouldn’t view failure as an excuse to quit. It should serve as your motivation to go again and avoid making the same mistakes. If you’ve ever played a video game, then you will know how you regenerate at a checkpoint and start the task again. That’s how you should view failure. You didn’t die. You’re back to square one. It’s frustrating, but you’re down, not out. Now, you can repeat your attempt, but now you have more knowledge and insight into how best to approach it.

  • Accept Your Mistakes

You can’t afford to dwell on your mistakes. What you have to do is accept them. You’re going to want to beat yourself up about it, but that is dwelling on it. Instead, it would help if you accepted that mistakes happen, failure will occur, and it’s part of what will shape your success.

  • Opportunity for Growth

This is a chance for growth so, put a positive spin on that failure. It’s your opportunity to re-evaluate your situation and look for new opportunities. 

  • From Mistakes to Mastery

When you learn to accept your mistakes, you are unlocking the door to mastery. You are moving from mistakes to mastery. You’re learning more about your craft.

  • Your Next Steps

Once you experience failure, you must determine your next steps. You can steer yourself to success when you are proactive. Make decisions and put them into action.

You aren’t the first person in the world to fail. You’re not the only person in your inner circle to fail. As much as it may feel as though the world is against you, it’s not. It’s easier to motivate yourself to move forward when you recognize that you’re not alone. It’s normal, and even the most successful people in history (and in the present) have experienced failure. They didn’t let it hold them back, why would you?

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Being a mentor is an important task. Helping lift up-and-coming leaders up and help them grow through a mentorship relationship helps the mentor and the mentee. Outside of mentorship, leaders can help one another out too. Your colleagues need your support to help them thrive, and grow….because leadership isn’t for the weak.7149515276?profile=RESIZE_400x

Everyone faces tough times- Businesses close, projects fall apart, new launches are delayed, and things at home can impact everything else. Leaders need other leaders to help. No one understands the struggles that leaders face better than other leaders. It’s important to lift leaders up and help them grow in the process. 

Be there when your colleagues need you 

Leadership is its own club. People who lead need other people who lead to be there when times are hard…whether they ask or not. If you see someone in the leadership community struggle, get in there, and offer your support. Reaching out and letting someone know you care can make all the difference in how well they cope during a tough time. 

Note- leaders aren’t just working people. A struggling mother or father is a leader. If you see someone who needs support, reach out, and help lift them up.  

Celebrate when your colleagues win  

It’s natural to feel a tinge of jealousy when your “competition” gets a win. Great leaders celebrate big wins, whether they’re for the competition or their friends. Your genuine enthusiasm for other people’s success will only make yours stronger. There’s no limit to the amount of success available to you and those you are in leadership with. Get excited about their accomplishments, and genuinely congratulate and celebrate with them. 

Step in when your colleagues fall down

Sometimes people take a fall. An illness, injury, or even a scandal can set someone in leadership back. Be willing and able to step in when your colleagues fall. Offer to take some of their workload, offer to assist them in practical ways, or take the initiative and lead for them in their absence. You’re a leader, and there’s no better time to lead than when your colleague can’t. 

Being in leadership is a brotherhood, unlike any other. There’s a comradery between leaders who have worked hard to encourage, mentor, and motivate their teams. They need the same encouragement themselves. Leaders lean on leaders who understand and have the unique abilities to support them and help them grow too. 

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Your promotion to leadership isn’t the end of the line. You’ve only just begun the leadership journey. Becoming a leader qualifies you to lead others, but your skills will grow over time, making you more and more effective. Growing as a leader should always be the goal. Whether you’ve just begun or you’ve been leading for years.7149480488?profile=RESIZE_400x

The best leaders have things in common. They are generally- 

  • Confident
  • Considerate
  • Consistent


Being confident, considerate, and consistent are not static things. They change all the time. Being confident wanes from time to time when life throws curve balls. Being kind and considerate of others can be a challenge when you’re overly stressed or worried. Consistency gets jeopardized when life is overwhelming or underwhelming. That’s why great leaders are always working on these areas of their lives.

Here are some practical ways to keep growing as a leader in the areas of confidence, consideration, and consistency.  

Confidence- Pay attention to what gets you down. We all have triggers that affect our confidence. It’s possible to be highly confident in one area of life and utterly wrecked in another. Pay attention to what gets you down at specific points in your life. Your confidence might need to be bolstered here and there, even when you’re leading. Life’s circumstances can trigger areas where you don’t feel strong. Seek to find solutions when you feel your confidence getting weak, and you’ll be able to overcome your insecurities and become a more effective leader in the process. 

Consideration- Pay attention when you feel foul. When life’s firing on all cylinders, it’s easy to be kind and considerate. People respect leaders who are fair and decent. They resist leaders who are harsh, unrealistic, and mean. Your personal life could be affecting your leadership. If you’re going through a tough time, it’s a great time to stretch and grow and learn new stress management techniques or how to “acknowledge your feelings and not live by them.” Whether you are leading your family, a community project, or a team at work, being considerate is a primary character trait of successful leadership. 

Consistency- Pay attention when you are erratic. One of the key characteristics of great leadership is dependability and consistency. That you show up the same today, tomorrow, and down the line is crucial. The surest way to breach trust with others is to be erratic. When it comes to leadership, consistency is critical. If you find that you are going through a season where you’re dropping the ball, or you are acting in unpredictable ways, it’s a great time to grow as a leader and learn how to manage yourself and get back on track.

Leadership is not a destination. Being an effective leader includes a commitment to grow. The issues you face today won’t be the same tomorrow. The people you lead on and off duty will cause you to need new skills. Keep focused on your confidence, consideration, and consistency so you can grow and maintain high-quality leadership skills.


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If you’re in a leadership role, you didn’t get there on your own. Someone at some point, poured into you and helped shape you into the person you are! Having a mentor can make all the difference when it comes to being an effective leader. Being a mentor helps pay forward the help you’ve been given and the lifetime of knowledge you’ve accumulated.7140133056?profile=RESIZE_400x

Mentoring others makes you a better leader because it helps you

  • Teach a broader range of skills
  • Motivate new leaders
  • Keeps you grounded

Mentoring teaches more than the obvious.

Mentoring an up and coming leader requires more than basic skills. Mentoring someone to do a task in and of itself is a great thing to do. Passing on traditions and expertise has been a form of teaching for generations. Mentoring someone in leadership surpasses practical skills and includes esoteric skills that go beyond the technical aspects of a trade. Mentoring leaders teaches the psychological and interpersonal skills that make great leaders.

Mentoring motivates new leaders.

Part of the role of leadership is motivating others. Getting them excited about the possibilities and feeling confident about what they can accomplish. Mentoring new leaders is the epitome of motivating. Sure, you’ll have to cover the challenges of leadership- which are many, but overall you can help motivate a new leader to be their best. This, in turn, drives you and helps remind you of the benefits of being a leader as well.

Mentoring keeps you grounded too.

Being in leadership should be humbling. Serving others is what leadership is all about. Being a leader has perks and advantages, but it also has harsh realities those who aren’t in leadership don’t have to face. Mentoring others keeps you grounded and reminds you that leadership is an important responsibility and that the well-being of those you lead is in a leader’s hands.

Mentoring is an excellent way to sharpen your leadership skills and transform you as a leader. Teaching up-and-coming leaders the nuances of their roles can help them become better leaders in a shorter amount of time. Remember those who taught you along the way and show your gratitude by paying it forward to the people you are fortunate enough to impact. Your teaching time can be learning time for you because your mentee will surely have something new to teach you as well. Celebrate your mentees and help them achieve their best by mentoring them and pouring into their futures.

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Most leaders started out as followers. Leadership comes from mastery of a concept or idea and inspiring and motivating others to achieve a common goal. Good leaders have spent significant time in the trenches and never stop, even after they’re promoted. 7137580078?profile=RESIZE_400x

Being a leader and being the boss is not synonymous. Leadership requires a willingness to take on more responsibilities than the team and to be willing to work just as hard, if not harder. Sadly, if you are in a leadership role and act like a boss, you give leadership a bad name. The imagery of someone sitting at a desk with their feet up while others do the work that they claim for themselves leaves a bad taste in everyone’s mouth. The idea is that leaders have paid their dues and don’t have to work hard anymore. Sadly, this is a way that leadership gets a bad name. Also, some leaders lose touch with what it takes to be on the front lines and diminish or discount the hard work of the people they lead. In both cases, this can cause a rift between leaders and teammates.

 The best leaders have a heart for service and never stop. No matter how high their leadership title, great leaders serve others and seek to understand better the needs of the people they are leading. Here are some easy ways to continue to serve, even when you’re the leader-  

  • Don’t be afraid to do the work too
  • Seek to determine what others need
  • Ask more questions
  •  Delegate, but be sure to do the work too.

The best leaders make time to get alongside the people they serve and do the work too. Delegating is an essential function of leadership. You can’t lead if you are doing all the work, but it’s important to keep morale high and keep your skills polished too. You can do both by working alongside the people you lead and showing them there’s nothing you aren’t too important to do. 

Find out what people need to make things easier.

The people you lead have a lot on their plate. They have on and off duty lives too. Keeping your finger on the pulse of what they need offers opportunities for you to serve them and build their trust and respect for you. Great leaders know when their teams need something to make their work easier or to offset troubles they have off the clock. Stay in touch and in tune with your teams, and you’ll transform your leadership skills exponentially. 

Always ask questions.

Leaders have to hand down a lot of policies and procedures that their teams have to follow. Whether it’s your family or people you lead for work, asking them questions and getting their input can help everyone feel heard and valued. Sometimes someone you lead might have an idea or a process that is better than the one you implemented. Great leaders include their wealth of resources in their leadership. This includes asking questions of the people they lead.

Serving others, even when you’re the leader, is vital. There’s no title too high that excludes someone from service. There are many ways to lead and many ways to serve, and the two always go hand in hand.

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“The people with the greatest love, not the most information, will influence us to change.”- Bob Goff

Bob Goff is the New York Times best-selling author of the book Love Does. His quote reminds us that it isn’t what you know that matters as much as how you behave. You may have all the knowledge in the world on relevant subjects which will make you an expert, but if you don’t have the social skills to lead others with love, you won’t be very effective. 

Goff shared a story in a blog post about Galileo, a scientist who used a telescope to determine that the Earth and the other planets rotated around the sun. At the time, this went against the standard beliefs in science and caused Galileo to be arrested and jailed. What Galileo discovered was the truth, but his truth threatened those in leadership, and instead of listening, they reacted defensively. 7137551476?profile=RESIZE_400x

As leaders, it’s essential to realize that information changes and what we think we know might be proven ineffective or wrong at some point down the line. As a leader, how you treat others is more important than what you know. Here are some keys concepts to keep in mind- 

Key Concept- Being challenged doesn’t require defensiveness.

Some leaders feel that their authority should not be questioned. A leadership role indeed holds an expectation of authority and, in most cases, deserves respect; however, respect is earned not mandated. If your authority is being challenged, keep your peace and your maturity and determine if the challenge is worthy. If so, embrace the challenge and work together to seek a solution and embrace the new information with gratitude.

Key Concept- Seek to inspire, not command.

Leadership should inspire others to want to take action on behalf of the leader or the common goal the leader represents. How you treat others will determine how willing they are to serve the cause. Great leaders inspire people to go beyond what they might do on their own. By serving as an example, doing the work alongside others, and being the hardest-working member of the group, leaders can encourage others to give their best as well.

Key Concept- Surround yourself with people smarter than you are.

Great leaders know that life’s an ever-evolving thing, and it requires life-long learning. No one person can know everything in all areas. Influential leaders surround themselves with people smarter than they are in certain areas and empower them and support them to shine. They aren’t threatened by someone else’s knowledge or the fact they don’t know everything. Authentic leadership includes the humility of being less knowledgeable and making no apologies.

What you know isn’t as important as how you operate. Being a great leader includes knowing your stuff, but more importantly, it involves being kind, compassionate, and treating those you lead with dignity and respect.

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Some people set out for leadership. They want to be in a leadership role and take charge. Other people find themselves in leadership roles reluctantly. They don’t necessarily see themselves as leaders, but circumstances or necessity dictates that they’ve got to step up and lead. Either way, both potential leaders bring more than positive skills to the plate.7135135693?profile=RESIZE_400x

We’ve all got habits that we need to break—too much fast food—Binge-watching Netflix and other patterns that don’t serve us. Leaders have bad habits, even when they are leading others. Breaking bad habits can make you a better leader. Breaking bad habits does more than reduce the negativity in your life; it molds you into a better and more effective leader. Here’s how- 

Losing the bad habit is one thing, but what you learn in the process is a secondary benefit. Dropping the bad habit itself will make you healthier, but overcoming the mindset and behaviors that accompany the bad habit is equally beneficial. Example: Dropping the fast-food habit will make your body healthier. Dropping the thoughts and actions associated with buying and eating fast food goes even farther to make you a better leader because you can model and teach these skill sets.

Here are 3 bad habits you can break that will make you a better leader 

Break the complaining habit

Complaining is a form of passive aggression. Complaining has no room in a leader’s tool kit. Complaining is an immature way to manage stress. Sure, recognizing that something isn’t right is essential. Analyzing things for their merit matters, but going on and on about it without making changes is worthless. Venting has its place in the right context, but complaining wears people out and gets them riled up. Solving problems and finding solutions to whatever needs to be changed is the answer. Great leaders don’t complain about things; they tackle them and take action to solve the problem.

Break the gossiping habit

The surest way to sabotage your leadership is to gossip. Talking about others behind their backs doesn’t do anyone any good. As the saying goes- snuffing out someone else’s light doesn’t make yours shine brighter. Dropping the gossip habit is a bad habit that all good leaders eliminate. You can avoid gossip by refusing to speak negatively about others as part of your standard. You can avoid gossip in groups by removing yourself from conversations that include gossip. You can also set the standard with the people you lead and those you influence by making it a policy not to gossip. This policy needs to be written in your actions, not an email. 

Break the avoidance habit

Leaders get things done. That’s why they’re leaders. Leaders don’t wait to be told what needs to be done. They recognize and see what needs to be taken care of and take the initiative to do it. If something is difficult, they find help. If something is too complicated, they seek guidance. Leaders don’t procrastinate, and they don’t avoid anything. This includes avoiding tasks, avoiding difficult conversations, and avoiding challenges. Dropping the avoidance habit helps make leaders more consistent and effective.

Whether you are asking to lead or being pushed into it, you might have some habits worth breaking before you do. Breaking these habits can help transform your effectiveness as a leader and make your overall life experience much better.

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Being a leader isn’t something you take on and off like a coat. Leadership skills and operating from a leadership perspective is something leaders do on and off duty. That’s because the skill sets that make a great leader also make great 

  • Spouses
  • Parents
  • Community partners
  • Volunteers


  • Mentors 

Great leaders don’t go to work and put on their leadership hats only to take them off when they leave. Great leaders lead in all that they do. They lead by how they 

  • Solve problems
  • Approach conflict
  • Prioritize their schedule
  • Treat people in their lives


  • Much more! 

Great leaders succeed in their leadership because their leadership skills are ingrained in their everyday life. How you see them when they lead is also how you’ll see them when they’re behind closed doors.

In the truest sense, everyone is a leader one way or another. Your title might not officially place you in a leadership role, but you are leading. Whether it’s leading your family, friends, or a small group of people volunteering in the community, you are leading. Taking on a leadership mindset on and off duty can help you be a more effective leader that people willingly and enthusiastically follow.

It’s important to realize that people are always watching, and in doing so, they are evaluating one another’s leadership skills and getting behind the people who are leading the way. People feel comfortable with others who are confident, considerate, and consistent in their behavior and their attitude. 

Not all leaders desire to lead. Some people are placed in situations where they are required to lead despite their preference to blend into the crowd. Leadership is essential, though, and having the courage to lead…even when you don’t want to…is important too. Sometimes you’ve got to take the reins and do what’s best for the situation.

Whether you plan to lead or find yourself leading unexpectedly, you are going to lead at some point. Everyone is leading somehow and making things better for others in the process. Be aware of the importance of leadership and having a leadership mindset, whether you are at work, at home, or in the community. Be mindful of your impact on others and be sure that your leadership style is motivating and encouraging so you aren’t overrunning others or making them feel inadequate. The best leaders consistently make those they lead feel empowered and capable of whatever tasks need to be done.


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The things we eat have the power to help our brains function at optimal levels or to sink us into the morass of fog and forgetfulness. Why? Some foods (like things overly processed or full of sugar) create inflammation in your brain, making it harder for you to do what needs to get done. 7115899290?profile=RESIZE_400x

What foods will get your brain hopping?

  1. Avocados

Rich in vitamins and minerals, avocados are excellent for memory and cognitive function. They also protect against blood clots in the brain, making this a superfood on many levels. 

  1. Beets

Beets have many benefits. They knock back inflammation, give energy, and improve your blood flow to the brain, so you think better after eating them.

  1. Blueberries

Full of antioxidants, and packed in goodness, blueberries are great to combat the effects of stress and aging on our brains.

  1. Bone Broth

Another food that fights inflammation, bone broth is one of those foods that helps enhance memory. But it also naturally boosts the immune system, meaning it helps your body heal and performs better overall.

  1. Broccoli

Keep memory on track with broccoli and enjoy all the other benefits from this vitamin-rich food at the same time. It’s also a great go-to for snacking.  

  1. Celery

We know celery is great for dieting, but did you know it’s full of antioxidants and also reduces inflammation? That’s a lot from this crunchy veggie. 

  1. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is another food that aids in preventing memory loss as you age, making it an essential addition to your diet. 

  1. Dark Chocolate

Great as a dessert, dark chocolate increases blood flow to the brain, enhancing cognitive skills. Even better? This tasty treat helps lower your blood pressure.

  1. Egg Yolks

Choline in egg yolks is necessary for brain development before you’re even born. Even more interesting? Eggs affect the pleasure-inducing chemicals in your brains.

  1. Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Of all the foods listed here, this one can reverse age-related damage to the brain. Useful for enabling learning and making your memory better, using Extra Virgin Olive Oil means better health all around.

  1. Green Leafy Vegetables

Are you worried about losing your memory with aging? Eating lots of green leafy vegetables will slow the process.

  1. Rosemary

Not only does Rosemary protect your eyesight, but it also slows brain deterioration. 

  1. Salmon

Full of omega-3 fatty acids, salmon will make your thought processes clearer. No more brain fog! Salmon also enhances learning. 

  1. Turmeric

Turmeric has strong anti-inflammatory properties, and also enhances blood flood to the brain, leaving you more alert and better able to function.

  1. Walnuts

Studies have shown walnuts help to protect against Alzheimer’s, which is good news, especially to those who might be genetically predisposed to the disease. They also increase your ability to think clearly and keep your brain sharp.

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Purpose Is Calling You

Your purpose is calling! We may all have different views of the world and different beliefs based especially on what we have been exposed to as individuals. Some are confident that life will turn out just the way they plan to have it, while others have lost hope in ever seeing a better experience. In some cases, it is so bad that others have given up on everything and are locking themselves up in a room waiting for death to arrive. Life challenges can indeed be so severe, and the results may be devastating, depending on the mental state the challenges are met with. Even so, we are born with something within us, which we are meant to use to contribute positively around us.  4967262267?profile=RESIZE_400x

That purpose is telling you that your services are needed and require you to take action. It is calling us out of a life of laziness, self-doubt, procrastinating, and worthlessness. In other words, we are encouraged to stop what we are doing. If we are doing nothing, we need to stop doing nothing and do something about our lives. Imagine if everyone else, roofers, cooks, or electricians woke up one day and decided they did not want to do any work anymore. Imagine if people who run orphanages, children’s homes, charities, and retirement homes decided they wanted nothing to do with helping people anymore. Imagine if everywhere around the world, people decided that they no longer wanted to go to school to learn the things needed to follow their heart’s desire. Who would take up the jobs when those who are currently serving get to the retirement stage? To bring it closer to home, what if the breadwinner says he or she is tired of taking care of everyone? The point is that for the world to be functional, collective, or individual effort is required from each of us.

If we looked deep inside ourselves, we would see that if we could attach some value to our lives and put our skills and abilities to use, we would make a difference around us. One thing we also need to remember is that we all do not have the same talents or abilities. However, our particular skills are required to follow our heart’s desire. None of them are of less importance or are worthless. Our diversity is what makes life beautiful and balanced. For example, after a surgeon operates on a patient, the patient will need someone to take care of them until they fully recover, a family member or friend may help cover the expenses.

In contrast, a therapist may help the recovering patient get back to their feet again. People need grocery shops, cobblers, music, comedians, et cetera. If all of us choose to do the same profession or follow the same route in living our purpose, one field would be flooded while there is a lack in some areas. There wouldn’t be anything to share about experiences, and that would make a monotonous and consequently dull world.

Purpose calls us to find that one thing even if we are not sure whether we can do it right. Even if it looks like it is not or can never be enough to make an impact, someone out there needs it. You may be the only person that could fill that need if you have buried your heart’s desire that person will have a hole in their life. Getting up to do that one small thing maybe what you need to get out of your comfort zone so that you can make more discoveries that can further reveal your purpose to you. Sometimes the underestimated steps are what we need to do to change our lives, and the only thing required of us to be able to turn it into gold is our time, effort, and creativity.

Where it looks like we are not getting a chance to answer the call, we need to look all around us for clues, and ways that can prepare us for a chance at fulfilling our purpose. Internships, small projects, and voluntary work are examples of some of the things that we can do to contribute to the world around us and also to broaden our appreciation of life. These things will prove to be crucial steps in achieving your heart’s desire.

Sometimes we think we have valid reasons for not answering the call to live our purpose. But, in reality, we can find our mission and live it no matter our circumstances. The fact that we exist where we are means that we can use whatever resources there are in that area to make an impact in the community and our homes. We also need to keep in mind the fact that living a purposeful life is not limited to only using skills that require extensive training. Everyone can change lives by setting aside a specific portion of their gains for the benefit of the community.

In a nutshell, when purpose calls, we need to respond. It is for our benefit and those around us. We need to fulfill our heart’s desires and continue to give life our best even when we meet challenges or opposition.

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Do Not Waste Your Purpose

Many people spend half their lives worrying about whether or not they are living the life they were born to live. They worry about the reason for their existence to the point of failing to begin working on finding out why they exist. You may be going through the same predicament. You may be bothered by the fact that you do not know why you exist or what you should be doing to ensure that every day you move closer and closer to fulfilling your destiny. The bad thing about not knowing why you exist is that you will end up living aimlessly and drifting further and further away from your purpose.7055261273?profile=RESIZE_400x

That is why, before anything else, answering the why part of the equation is essential. Before you start a new day, ask yourself why you. Why do you exist? What must you accomplish in life? What change are you supposed to make in the world? Finding accurate answers to these questions may not happen overnight, but once it happens, you have found your purpose. When you discover your purpose, you have to spend less time worrying about things that don’t matter and more time working on ways of fulfilling your mission.

5 signs that you may be wasting your purpose.

  1. Failing to commit to what needs to be done.

   “I need some inspiration,” “I am too tired to begin,” “This can wait.” Do any of these statements sound familiar? If Yes, then you may be wasting your purpose without realizing it. It would be best if you changed such statements into something more positive. For instance, “I may not feel like it, but I will begin anyway.” Refusing to allow your emotions from getting in the way of doing what needs to be done will help you keep improving and continue growing.

  1. Failing to plan for your future.

   If you don’t have a plan for your future, any proposal that comes your way is good enough. How many times have you diverted from your initial plan? Giving in to ideas that cannot contribute to your destiny and failing to plan for your future may be the only thing stopping you from living your purpose.

  1. Complaining about everything.

   Nothing good ever comes out of complaining about things you don’t like or things that are happening in your life. Forget about past failures and disappointments and begin concentrating on methods of improving and effective ways of meeting your daily goals, weekly goals, monthly goals, as well as yearly goals. 

  1. Spending too much time on activities that have nothing to do with your development.

   An hour of meaninglessly browsing the internet, constantly posting on social media, or too much TV are all signs that you are wasting your purpose. If you genuinely want to begin getting a step closer to accomplishing your goals, you have to stop wasting your time on things that have nothing to do with fulfilling your destiny.

  1. Failing to manage your finances properly.

   Impulse buying, overspending, or not spending enough money on things that contribute to your development are signs that you may be wasting your purpose. Knowing why you exist will help control your spending habits. It will help you manage your finances wisely, avoid overspending or impulse buying, and start spending money on things that can make some difference in your life. Begin spending your money on things that contribute to your destiny or things that can take you yet a step closer to your goal.


10 ways of ensuring you get a step closer towards fulfilling your purpose every single day.

These tips should be of great help in fulfilling your purpose:

  1. Complete your tasks.
  2. Work on your goals.
  3. Have a well-researched plan in place.
  4. Avoid negative self-talk.
  5. Stop complaining about everything that goes wrong.
  6. Don’t wait for inspiration to strike before working.
  7. Network with the right people.
  8. Look for opportunities and create them.
  9. Commit yourself to make a change and live your Heart’s Desire.
  10. Prioritize your physical health, mental growth, and emotional well-being.
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5 Signs You Worry Too Much

Worrying can have significant impacts on our successes in life and our willingness to branch out, take risks, and step out into our fears. It can be difficult to analyze where worries and anxiety come from as they can be a result of past negative or traumatic experiences. 

Coming to terms with the fact that you might be worried about the future too much is essential when trying to transform your mindset and become more present in the moment. Below are five signs that you can use to determine whether you are worrying too much.7024983454?profile=RESIZE_400x

Once you admit to yourself that worry may be impacting your life in a negative way, you will be able to find strategies that work best for you that will shift your perspective and allow you to finally let go. 

  1. Constantly Looking at the Worst Possible Scenarios

When you find yourself always looking at what could go wrong if you take the risk or step out of your comfort zone, chances are you will be hesitant and will stick with what is comfortable. This is an extremely common mindset that prevents people from ever accomplishing their goals and aspirations.

If you find yourself looking at the worst possible scenarios of a potential situation, it is important to analyze why you are worrying so much and what fears may be holding you back. Be honest with yourself and start looking at what could go right is one of the best ways to begin to shift your mindset. 

  1. Inability to Sleep

If you find yourself toss and turn with negative thoughts repeating in the mind, worry and anxiety might be having impacts on your sleep which will cause a domino effect on many other aspects of your life.

If your sleep quality is very low and you have trouble falling asleep, during the day your emotions will impact you in a negative way and a negative cycle will begin. It is important to realize these feelings before they take over your life and find new techniques for letting go of worry and falling asleep at the same time each night.

  1. Reliving Negative Experiences

If you find yourself reliving and looking at the past and negative experiences that happened, it is important to sit down and have an honest conversation with yourself. These experiences are probably having a larger impact on your life than you think and may subconsciously be preventing you from realizing your highest potential.

In order to become the best version of yourself and let go of your fears, it is important to let go of negative past experiences and reset your perspectives on the future. Meditation can be helpful in teaching you to be more present in the moment and to leave the past in the past to make room for new experiences. 

  1. Being Resentful

If you feel stuck in a victim mindset and expect others to act a certain way by reading your mind, you will put yourself in a very negative cycle and the world will feel like a very dark place. To change this, it is important to be straightforward about your desires and be more accepting of various situations. Spending you to let go of your worries for the future.

  1. Feeling Guilty

Guilt puts us in a state of anxiety and fear for our surroundings. When you learn to let go of guilt and be more accepting of yourself and others around you, you will gradually learn to worry less. Guilt puts life in a very worry some and negative perspective. Be honesty with yourself and give yourself the credit you deserve.

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Most who write in a journal regularly do so to figure out some variation of “Who am I?” While this may not be the specific focus of your entries each day, it is the reason for keeping a journal, in many cases. Journaling is a way to discover yourself, clarify who you are and what you believe, figure out what you want, and uncover your real self. Journaling helps you read your thoughts, which leads to understanding your true identity even more clearly.6973134671?profile=RESIZE_400x

The Importance of Self-Identity 

The most important task we can pursue as humans is to know ourselves well and connect who we are with what we do. Journal writing is an activity that helps you achieve both things. But why is self-identity so important? Here are a few reasons.

Self-Identity is Key to Accomplishing Your Goals 

Knowing yourself is crucial to realizing and controlling your thoughts, emotions, and actions in your daily life. Your identity guides everything you do, including your reasons for doing them. When you do not know yourself, you make decisions based on whims or because of other people, not based on what is important to you. So, self-identity is crucial if you want to set goals for yourself that are meaningful and important to you as well as for helping you engage in the actions and decisions that will help you realize these aims.

Self-Identity Promotes Happiness and Self-Love 

It is impossible to love yourself when you do not know who you are. Understanding your real identity is necessary if you want to appreciate who you are, be content with the life you create, and learn to love everything about yourself. And the happier you are with yourself, the more love and understanding you have to share with the rest of the world. Loving yourself is crucial if you ever hope to love others.

Self-Identity Helps Create Balance in Your Life

Contentment in life comes when all parts of your existence find balance and harmony with each other. When your values and beliefs are congruent with your actions and emotions, when your goals are consistent with your decisions, when your motivations are in sync with your habits, you will enjoy contentment. But this type of balance is not possible without knowing yourself and understanding your identity. 

Journaling for Self-Identity

 Writing in a journal every day will increase your understanding of who you are as well as help you clarify those parts of your identity that are not aligned with other parts of your life. Journaling helps get you in touch with who you are, but it is also a way to see how your identity changes and evolves. 

Whether you are considering taking the leap and start journaling or you already write in your journal every day and are looking for ways to use your habit to improve your self-identity, then these prompts may help. The following are journal prompts that can promote self-identity and help you understand yourself better. Happy writing!

  • If everyone was paid $10 an hour, what would you do?
  • What is something you have always wanted to do but haven’t (yet)?
  • What are the biggest regrets in your life?
  • In the coming year, what about your life that you would like to change?
  • What is your biggest strength? How do you use this in your life?
  • Do people see you the way you try to portray yourself?
  • Who are the important people in your life, and why are they important to you?
  • What do you think is something others misunderstand about you?
  • What are you most afraid of?
  • What is one squeaky gate in your community that you would like to oil?
  • What is the best advice you have ever received?
  • What is your most challenging flaw, and what are you doing to improve in this area?
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Sometimes asking for help is the hardest thing to do. It’s funny how often we take on impossible tasks and stressful daily schedules and not ask for assistance. Asking for help takes vulnerability and opens you up to another person. For some of us, this may come easy. For those of you who struggle, read on for some ways to ask for help. It will ease your anxiety and stress!

Accept That You Need and Deserve Help

The first and possibly hardest step is accepting that you not only need help, but you deserve it. Maybe you used to ask for help all the time, but adverse reactions made you stop. If you’re struggling, though, you need to accept that you need help or things are going to get worse.

Give that younger version of yourself who hardened your heart to others a break. You have come a long way since then. You’ve learned how to do a lot on your own, so it is not unreasonable to ask others to help you now. It is often the case that those around you would rather know you need help than watch you fail.

Know What You Need

Once you accept that you need and deserve help, you need to make sure you know what you need help with. Do you need advice about buying a car? Do you need a coworker’s advice? Make sure you know exactly what you need so you can go to the right person and ask the right thing.

Often, we struggle with requests for help because we don’t know what we need. We convey some ideas that we think might help, but the other person gets confused and offers favors that don’t make your life easier. All of that struggle can be avoided if you know exactly what you need from a person.

Don’t Leave People Guessing About What You Need6986238289?profile=RESIZE_400x

According to Alice Boyes of, “When asking for help, make sure the person knows exactly what you want. For example, if you want to be shown what to do, rather than tell you, make sure you ask for that.”

This also works in the office. Your boss and coworkers may sometimes seem like they are waiting around for you to fail so they can be mad at you. The truth is they all want you to succeed because you are on their team. When you do your job better, so does everyone else. And your boss makes more money!

Therefore, in relationships, both personal and professional, make sure to ask for specific things when you know you need them. Be clear, and you more likely you will receive the support you need and deserve.

Give Help

When you readily help others, they will willingly help you. Knowing when to say no is crucial. If you are already feeling overwhelmed, you may not be able to meet someone’s request. This is fine. You have to make sure that you are doing well before you can help others.

When you are doing well, however, it benefits others, the world, and even you to offer up quality assistance to your friends, family, and members of your office and community. When those around you are happy and productive, it helps you and your entire community! So, take some time to help others, and you will never be wanting for assistance.

Asking for help is hard because we think it makes us weak. We’re also afraid we won’t get it. We have to push on past these fears with the firm belief that we need and deserve assistance. We must also walk the walk and help others in return.

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The most misunderstood aspect of self-care is this – it doesn’t need to be time-consuming, it doesn’t need to cost you money, it doesn’t mean making drastic life changes. Self-care can be small and still serve you in powerful ways. Even the simplest things can provide you with what you need. With that in mind, check out this list of small, influential acts of self-care.6972347461?profile=RESIZE_400x

  • Recycle Content

Recycling isn’t just for the environment. You can recycle content, too. If there is a movie, television show or book that you love, watch it again. Sometimes there is comfort in familiarity. You don’t have to sit at the edge of your seat, waiting for the ball to drop – you know every twist and turn, and that feels good. 

  • Coffee on the Porch

Take a cup of coffee and sit on the front porch and watch the traffic as it passes by your house. Or read a book. Maybe just rock. Quiet time is a vital part of our lives. Most people deprive themselves of this activity. Go-go-go is okay when you are supposed to be moving, but not when you have quiet time. There was a time when I thought people who sat on the porch were wasting time. Now I know it is an essential part of keeping your sanity and being productive.

  • Let it Go

We live in challenging times – the political world is raging on, and we get much of our news from social media. It’s easy to get sucked into arguments with friends and even strangers. Let it go. You won’t change any minds this way, but you will stress yourself out. Don’t look for fragmented news on social media! Most of it is taken out of context and twisted to make the writers point.

  • Compost

Why not take an extra minute or two to toss your old veggies in the compost pile? How is this an act of self-care? You’re spending time in nature, even if it for just a few moments. It will help you fight stress, feel connected to the earth, and leave you feeling more grounded. 

  • Meal and Movie

It’s your day off, treat yourself to a trip to the movies, grab yourself some popcorn and candy, and relax at the movies. But first, go out to eat at a restaurant by yourself. Dining by yourself will be uncomfortable at first. That is okay. 

  • Organize

There is something stress-relieving about organizing. It could be separating your DVD collection into each genre before alphabetizing it. It might be doing the same, but with old records. It’s just taking steps to complete a mindless activity that allows you time to pause and reflect. Unorganized areas are stressful. If you are like me, and this activity is torture, get someone else to organize your space. 

  • Unplug

If you feel on edge, then unplug. Forward your calls to voice mail, put your phone to the side and allow yourself time to zone out. That doesn’t mean chilling out in front of a television or watching movies all day. This is a total unplug. There is a time and place for the other options. This is about letting yourself daydream. It’s great for your brain. It’s when creativity sparks, and your mind chills out. Let it. 

  • Disrupt It

If you notice yourself having negative thoughts, then vocally disrupt them. Of course, this is something you might skip if there are other people around you. If that’s the case, you can opt to disrupt them internally. Regardless of which way you proceed, it’s an effective way to stop self-doubt in its tracks.

Most of these acts will be uncomfortable at first. Practice them till they become a routine part of your life. You will thank yourself.

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Journaling is an activity that has tremendous benefits for your emotional and psychological health. But did you know that your journal can play a key role in your personal growth and development? Not only can writing in your journal help you learn to solve problems better, but it also can help relieve stress, think more clearly, focus on your goals, and connect with your values and beliefs to ensure your happiness and harmony. 6915284466?profile=RESIZE_400x

If you are already someone who journals regularly, then you may just want to tweak your journaling focus, as we outline below. If you have not yet developed the habit of daily writing, then the guidelines shared here could be the structure you need to stop staring at the blank page and start writing.

Using Your Journal for Personal Development

Turn your journal from a personal grip session into a tool for growth by focusing daily on three specific things. Each day, make a practice to write about these three topics, no matter what, and you will soon see how your journal is helping you become the person you want to be.

#1. Gratitude 

Every day, take just a few moments to write about those things for which you are most thankful. Don’t say the same things every day and be specific about something that improved your life or your experience during the previous day. Think of actions or deeds, individual moments, or particular feelings you had. Just a few sentences here is enough to help you see the gifts and blessings you have in your life, which serve as the foundation for your path toward self-improvement. 

#2. Goals 

As a part of your morning routine, take a few minutes to write down or review your goals for the day. When you focus on the outcomes you are seeking, you are reminding yourself of what is important to you right now. This process helps solidify your intention, sets the tone for your day, and enables you to see opportunities that might help you reach those goals as the day unfurls. The more you remind yourself of your goals, the more likely those goals are to come true. While you can (and should) focus on what you want to do that day, make it a regular habit to write out your long-term goals, as well. Over time, you begin to clarify and transform your goals as you can insight and perspective. 

#3. Lessons Learned 

Whether you write in your journal in the morning, at night, or both, take a few minutes to write what you learned in the previous 24 hours. We all learn valuable lessons all the time, especially from others in our lives. Focusing on what you learned keeps you in a growth mindset and helps you appreciate all experiences as learning opportunities. While not all lessons are life-changing, all combine to make you the person you are, and even small lessons play a significant role in your personal growth. 

#4. Log

Finally, your growth journal is a great place to log all your daily activities, record your emotions, vent your frustrations and stress, and work through any problems you might be experiencing in your life. The act of writing things down is especially important for processing. Your daily log can become a place to see patterns and themes in your life, to record quotes that inspire you, to jot down essential thoughts you want to hold on to, and to work through those pesky notions that keep rising. 

Journaling can be a tough habit to start, but once you begin, you will soon see the many benefits of this routine. The more you do it, the more benefits you will see. Your journal can include just about anything you want, but focusing on these four things will enhance its ability to aid in your personal growth.


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Everyone has habits that cause a lack of productivity is some form or another. Whether you spend too much time on social media, spend too much money on clothes each month, or eat an unhealthy snack every night before bed, habits can become very powerful and hard to break. 

Although people often associate habits with ones that are detrimental to your health, habits can also be what makes one successful. Habits come from consistency, and by changing just a couple of aspects of your life each day, you can break these habits and turn them into beneficial ones. 6857469683?profile=RESIZE_400x

By staying consistent with your choices and being committed to breaking these habits, you can create a more productive lifestyle and feel more mentally stable.

Causes of Bad Habits 

Bad habits are often a result of boredom or attempting to forget about the stress going on in life. Bad habits are often easy ways to escape reality and forget about the negative thoughts that go on in your mind. Whether it be shopping to forget about the stress at home or watching the television for an extended period, there are ways to recognize bad habits and shift them for a more productive life. 

Rather than trying never to watch television or never keeping snacks in the house, there are ways to adjust these habits and be practical about change gradually. It can seem impossible for a chain-smoker to eliminate smoking from his life entirely but slowly replacing these bad habits can make the process more bearable and even exciting.

How to Break These Habits

There are many ways to think of bad habits in a more positive light by creating replacements that can be consistent in your life and realistic.

By sticking to a specific goal and being gradual in your efforts, you will be more willing to break bad habits and stay consistent over time.


  • Choose a Specific Replacement: If you find yourself watching more television than you would like, but you are unsure of how else to spend your free time, read an enjoyable book. Books have been proven to be much better for your mental health and can keep you engaged and excited. By interestingly stimulating the brain, you will be able to stick to a consistent reading routine that is key to breaking the television habit.


  • Work on Breaking the Habit with a Friend: Often, working on changing a habit with a friend can keep you much more consistent and motivated. If you are trying to stop snacking on junk food before bed, ask your husband to do it with you. This will cause you to keep each other accountable, and you will want to feel dependable.


  • Get Rid of Any Instigates: Getting rid of things that trigger you to repeat these bad habits will ultimately make you less inclined to break them. If you keep junk food in the house but are trying to cut it out, you are allowing yourself to make excuses for yourself to give in to temptation. By keeping the junk food in the pantry to a minimum, you will be more consistent with your goals.

Why Consistency is Key

If you plan to follow a short-term diet plan or eat less junk food without being specific, bad habits will likely be more powerful than your determination. Making healthy choices in moderation rather than restricting yourself allows you to be more consistent with your lifestyle and get rid of the habits that are holding you back. 

Consistency allows you to stay consistent with breaking these habits and replacing them with new ones.

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When you seek to find a life of completeness and harmony, you absolutely must address the spiritual aspect of your life. Without personal spirituality, you lose purpose, drive, and meaning in your life. You cannot become your best version of yourself, nor are you able to fully tap into your gifts without it. In the end, without the spiritual, you lose your desire to give back to the world, to make it a better place. With so much at stake, is it any wonder that finding your spiritual path is so crucial in living a complete life?6875310089?profile=RESIZE_400x

Thankfully it’s not hard to find. You begin, with a handful of simple steps: 

Pay Attention to Coincidence

When you find a moment in your life where everything lines up and falls into place, embrace the experience. This is synchronicity, and from it, you gain a fantastic feeling of affirmation. It’s moments like this where you find what you’re born to do. 

Pursue Passion

When you find something interesting to you, grab hold and see where it takes you. It is in a passion where you find purpose as you pursue what you feel you were truly born to do. 

Look for the Bigger Picture

When you step back and see how things are coming together in your life, it can seem a little daunting at first. Finding the reason for how things have unfolded can be a bit intimidating when you consider there are forces bigger than you who have arranged it in just such a way. Here’s where you need to be courageous as you follow the blueprint already laid out for you.

Accept Roadblocks

Sometimes things crop up to stop you in your tracks. When there’s no real reason for why things aren’t working, maybe it’s a gentle nudge from something outside of yourself, letting you know it’s time to move in a different direction. It’s here where you need to learn to let go. 

Look for Heroes

You are attracted to specific individuals for a reason. When you meet someone you wish to emulate, that you look up to, it’s because they’re speaking to something in your life you need. Ask yourself what lessons you’re learning from this encounter and pursue the path that flows from the answer you’re given. 

This is an exciting journey. After all, it’s not every day you figure out who you were born to be. Remember, this is not an overnight process. Your spiritual path is a journey that will take a lifetime. The rewards, though, are fantastic as you move forward on this new path.

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