journaling (3)

Journaling is an activity that has tremendous benefits for your emotional and psychological health. But did you know that your journal can play a key role in your personal growth and development? Not only can writing in your journal help you learn to solve problems better, but it also can help relieve stress, think more clearly, focus on your goals, and connect with your values and beliefs to ensure your happiness and harmony. 6915284466?profile=RESIZE_400x

If you are already someone who journals regularly, then you may just want to tweak your journaling focus, as we outline below. If you have not yet developed the habit of daily writing, then the guidelines shared here could be the structure you need to stop staring at the blank page and start writing.

Using Your Journal for Personal Development

Turn your journal from a personal grip session into a tool for growth by focusing daily on three specific things. Each day, make a practice to write about these three topics, no matter what, and you will soon see how your journal is helping you become the person you want to be.

#1. Gratitude 

Every day, take just a few moments to write about those things for which you are most thankful. Don’t say the same things every day and be specific about something that improved your life or your experience during the previous day. Think of actions or deeds, individual moments, or particular feelings you had. Just a few sentences here is enough to help you see the gifts and blessings you have in your life, which serve as the foundation for your path toward self-improvement. 

#2. Goals 

As a part of your morning routine, take a few minutes to write down or review your goals for the day. When you focus on the outcomes you are seeking, you are reminding yourself of what is important to you right now. This process helps solidify your intention, sets the tone for your day, and enables you to see opportunities that might help you reach those goals as the day unfurls. The more you remind yourself of your goals, the more likely those goals are to come true. While you can (and should) focus on what you want to do that day, make it a regular habit to write out your long-term goals, as well. Over time, you begin to clarify and transform your goals as you can insight and perspective. 

#3. Lessons Learned 

Whether you write in your journal in the morning, at night, or both, take a few minutes to write what you learned in the previous 24 hours. We all learn valuable lessons all the time, especially from others in our lives. Focusing on what you learned keeps you in a growth mindset and helps you appreciate all experiences as learning opportunities. While not all lessons are life-changing, all combine to make you the person you are, and even small lessons play a significant role in your personal growth. 

#4. Log

Finally, your growth journal is a great place to log all your daily activities, record your emotions, vent your frustrations and stress, and work through any problems you might be experiencing in your life. The act of writing things down is especially important for processing. Your daily log can become a place to see patterns and themes in your life, to record quotes that inspire you, to jot down essential thoughts you want to hold on to, and to work through those pesky notions that keep rising. 

Journaling can be a tough habit to start, but once you begin, you will soon see the many benefits of this routine. The more you do it, the more benefits you will see. Your journal can include just about anything you want, but focusing on these four things will enhance its ability to aid in your personal growth.


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Journaling is not just for 12-year-old girls! Journaling can be a powerful weapon in your get-it-done arsenal, and it’s easy to do. You can and should put all kinds of things in a goal journal, not just your thoughts and feelings on a given day.

Journaling is just one way of tracking your actions and successes, and yes, even your setbacks and failures. It also keeps your goal right in front of your face, so you stay on top of taking action steps every day. It keeps all your ideas and revelations in one place so you can go back and review whenever you want. For example, you are having trouble getting motivated because you feel like you’ve been working hard, but making little progress, going back into your goal journal is a wonderful way to help you see that all of those small actions are paying off in a big way. So what should you keep in your goal journal? Start with these ideas and add to them as you see fit.5498009471?profile=RESIZE_400x

  1. Detailed goal--Write down your exact goal in as much detail as possible. Describe it in a way that makes you feel excited about what your life will be like when you achieve your objective.
  2. Your Why--Your Why is the big reason why you want to reach the goal you have defined for yourself. It’s the reason you are willing to take the massive action steps needed to change your life for the better.
  3. Massive action plans and schedule--When you make the plan for how you will go about reaching your goal, write it here. Writing it down is essential so that you can track your efforts so you can see what actions are creating the most results.
  4. Braindumps--A brain dump is just a list of actions that you need to take in no particular order. Sometimes all the tasks you need to take build up in your head, making you confused about where you should start and what you should do next.
  5. Prioritize--After you do a brain dump, organize the tasks into a priority list and add them to your daily and weekly to-do lists.
  6. Daily to-do list--Write out your to-do lists here, so they are always handy.
  7. Aha’s--As you take massive action, you will have inspiration or aha moments when something becomes apparent. Capture those ideas here so that you can refer to them later when you are ready to put them into action.
  8. Journal entries--Yes, you should journal. Sometimes there’s nothing better than a stream of consciousness writing to help you solve a problem or get your worries off your chest. It’s a therapeutic and inspirational way to work.
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You are well aware of the power of your emotions. You probably also understand how sometimes they can seem out of control and unmanageable. If you'd like to achieve emotional balance, greater control over your emotions, and better health, the following information will prove invaluable.

There are specific skills for managing emotions. These include: 5478094257?profile=RESIZE_400x

Definition: defining the emotion in your own terms and from your own understanding.

Distance: it is crucial to gain some distance from your emotions. This will help you gain a clearer understanding of your feelings and how they are impacting you. When you are in the middle of the situation dealing with the emotions will seem muddled, and you will struggle to see what is happening as well as the bigger picture. 

Release: by understanding and recognizing the emotion as well as achieving distance, you will be able to begin releasing the negativity surrounding it.

Focus: through focusing on the emotions and the attendant triggers, feelings, and behaviors, you can gain clarity and create change.

Regrouping: by following through the previous skills, you will be able to regroup your thoughts, feelings, and attitudes. Creating a new set of behaviors when dealing with difficult situations will help you to cope in the future. 

Maintenance: like all habits, practice makes perfect. You will need to continually remind yourself of the positive changes you have made concerning your emotions and their impact on your life. What will you do to remind yourself how to remain positive, calm, and balanced?

Writing can help you to achieve emotional balance as it will take you through all the skills above.

How does it work? 

If you are suffering from emotions such as sorrow, then everything you think, feel, and do will be tainted by it. It will have a negative effect on you and your actions. No one wants to live in sorrow for long. 

By taking a piece of paper and a pen, you can write yourself into a more emotionally balanced state. 

Start by writing a really happy memory of a time when you were not experiencing any sorrow or any other negative emotions. Make your writing descriptive so that you can see the scene, make it colorful, add sounds, smells, and things you can touch as well as taste. Write down how you felt and why you felt so positive and happy. Try and include the following: 







This positive memory will become an anchor. You can display it somewhere prominent or keep it safely hidden for use when needed. It is designed for use when you are feeling anxious, stressed, sorrowful, angry, or any other negative emotion. If you have a bad day, you can refer to it and be reminded of a happier time.

Next, follow each step from defining the negative emotion you are feeling to maintenance. Include the when, where, what, who, how, and why as this will help you understand the emotion as well as any triggers and resulting behaviors. 

By writing your thoughts and feelings at each stage, as well as identifying the triggers, you can not only understand the emotion better but yourself and your reaction to it. By having this written insight into yourself, you are learning how to take control of your feelings and achieve balance. You will be able to refer to it to remind yourself how to cope with stressful situations or simply how much you've achieved and grown.

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