Gratitude for "this" cross

Gratitude for

5 years ago I started attending a Greek Orthodox Parish in Souderton, Pa. I met the priest of the church, “Father Noah” at my Toastmasters group. He was calm, welcoming, intelligent and very calculated in his words and movements. Something about him I was attracted to. He invited me to his church, and I accepted, even though I have had baggage with organized religion, “he” made me want to check it out. 

On my very first visit, upon listening to the choir (there are no instruments at a Greek Orthodox Parish) I came to tears. The sounds, the harmonies and melodies were so beautiful, being in that church made me feel happy, safe and secure. I started meeting with Father Noah every few months, I enjoyed our talks greatly. He said he enjoyed our talks as well, as he didn’t have a lot of friends outside of the church. It seemed we had both benefited from meeting each other. He lent me one of the crosses in his pocket. Those who know me, know that I love the rituals of religion, spirituality and God. I love the singing, the incense, the candles, the iconography, and the “tools of the trade”. I was excited about the cross, because one thing I do a lot of is prayer. I started holding this cross as I drove reciting the Jesus prayer over and over again. I can’t quite explain it, I just came to really enjoy this cross. In the past 5 years, Father Noah has joked a handful of times about lending me his cross and not getting it back. But two weeks ago, I felt something more in his joke, I knew it was time to return it.

So just a few days ago, I restained the cross and while I’m sad to let go of it, I know that it is time. Somebody else may need it more than me. And, at a training this past weekend, a Buddhist monk came up to me on the street in center city Philadelphia and handed me a prayer bracelet. What a gift from the divine, to surrender one thing that has helped me and have it replaced with another. Attached is the picture of the cross I reference in this story. 

I have been going to church every Saturday night to a service called, "Vespers" with my son, for over four years now.

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Daryn D. White

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  • Daryn,

    I have been searching, but perhaps not all that hard, to explore my faith with a "man of the cloth".  To get a deeper understanding of the "God of my Understanding".

    I believe God places people in my life, when I seek it, do the work. I am moved by your experience, your interaction with Father Noah, and it has encouraged me to get to work and make connections.  Something is calling me, and I have been hesitant to answer. Fear is the reason - the shame of the past burdons me - but I need to trust God loves me no matter what, and my "Father Noah" will be there for me.  Thank you for sharing Brother!

    • Steve,

      You are right where you are spposed to be, keep searching, it is a journey and not a destination. I'm grateful to have you in my life and I look forward to future trudging with you. I would love to bring you to Vespers with my son and I some Saturday night, let me know if you're interested. It's a wonderful service and Father Noah would love to meet you. God bless. 

      • Happy to take that offer!  Perhaps the 27th.

        • Sounds like a plan Steve.

  • When I am on the hallowed ground it is easier to be entranced by the harmony. I make use of this when possible. 

    Drums in marching bands give me that same feeling. I let myself drift off to where I am at total peace and calmness. It is harder to let yourself go when you are not on the hallowed ground.

    There is a season for everything. We have the memory to carry with us. That becomes hallowed ground for me.

  • Daryn, I too have experienced the choirs--it is heavenly. There is no other sound like it. A great story--thanks for taking the time to write it.


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