Productivity (15)

Peace! just hearing the word itself sends out incredible much-needed vibrations around and within us. All creation, all of humanity need peace, but how can one attain this noble virtue which can make our lives so much more enjoyable and fulfilling?9336506076?profile=RESIZE_400x

Peace is a calm state of being. It is an attitude and culture one can actively cultivate. However, it does not automatically exist. The moment people wake up, a rush of thoughts plunging them into worry and restlessness often attacks them. Just checking our phones and switching on the television introduces us to the reality of the hurting world we live in today. Amidst the inevitable storms of this life, how can one manage to attain peace and be grounded, not constantly being tossed about by the waves of unforeseen challenging events that await humanity every day?

Attitude of peace

In simple terms, attitude is a way of behaving, feeling, or acting towards a particular person or situation. When undeveloped and immature, the usual way of reacting towards our surroundings is often spontaneous or impulsive. Whenever anyone wrongs you or things don't go as expected, it's often easy to immediately respond negatively with feelings of resentment, bitterness, anger, frustration, and impatience. This is usually the norm when an individual has not trained one's mind to be mindfully responsive rather than instinctively reactive. Constantly reacting to things that happen to you on a day-to-day basis in that untrained way can most certainly lead one to have a heavy burden to carry all the time, no matter where you go. 

We are what we think, say, and do

To successfully adapt to our environment and overcome any setbacks that come our way, it is essential to consciously cultivate an attitude of peace. This means one must start mindfully training themselves to develop a peaceful way of thinking, acting, and speaking. If you had gotten used to the attitude of cultivating the ABC mindset, then that becomes who you become. ABC mindset stands for Accusing Blaming and Complaining. Our repeated thoughts, actions, and words form our habits and, ultimately, our character. Hence it is possible to unlearn negative reactive behavioral patterns and reprogram ourselves to being a peaceful person by cultivating thoughts, actions, and words that show an attitude of peace. Actively start practicing a culture of peace in how you behave to enjoy the fruit of peace. Practice certainly makes perfect.

Be open-minded to new or different perspectives

Albert Einstein once said, "There are only two ways to live your life; one is as though nothing is a miracle and the other is as though everything is." Decoding everything that happens to you in a negative light robs you of the much-needed peace you could be cultivating and enjoying with others in your sphere of influence. Focus on the positive. 

It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness- Chinese Proverb 

Most people often urge to point out the shortcomings and faults in a system, person, or situation. But, unfortunately, this often leads to tension, misunderstanding, fights, wrong perceptions, and unintended hurt. Before you know it, the situation would have escalated from bad to worse. Hence to introduce any suggested ways of handling things more fruitfully, it is vital to learn to cultivate peace in dealing with those situations. 

Instead of exposing and calling out shortcomings, a better approach to try first is usually becoming the change you want to see. Then, by showing a good example of how things should be without making others feel demeaned for not doing it right, you can peacefully introduce positive change, which will be gratefully accepted. However, when you try to change things from a place of wrath, frustration, and anger, this closes people's hearts from cooperating willingly and peacefully with you. Which in turn often leads to more harmful and strained relations. Therefore, developing an attitude of peace is key to progress. 

Acknowledge the other person's reality.

Misunderstandings, strife, and broken relationships often prevail when we resist acknowledging and respecting other people's perspectives which differ from our own. Therefore, learning to communicate peacefully through positive dialogue to settle disputes or differences is key to attaining peaceful co-existence with others and developing authentic, relaxed, friendly relations. Without mindfully cultivating this attitude of peace, it is almost impossible to have peace. 

Calm Morning

One of the most beautiful things to witness every day is the gift of waking up to a new day. Waking up to hearing the peaceful, calming songs of happy birds always carefree and ready to take on the world is empowering. Such a calm morning state that nature presents is a blessing we ought to learn to behold and appreciate.

Calm morning routine

Mornings routines are very important. How they unfold often sets the tone for how the rest of our day will most likely turn out. We are more productive when we are calm, our environment is well organized, and our thoughts are also organized. Most chaotic mornings are often due to lack of planning the night before, sleeping too late, waking up to a messy environment, waking up late. Hence to cultivate an attitude of peace and calm in the morning, good habits must be practiced to get there. These include having a good rest, not going to bed before resolving any previous conflicts, starting your day with prayer, meditation, and a glass of room temperature water before eating anything, to name a few. Peace is possible. All we need to do is be the change we want to see.

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There's an app for that. It's become a running joke; there's an app for everything. Is there an app for habits? There are a lot of apps for habits. 

HabitBull is a free, flexible reminder program that lets you develop good habits. Habits require repetition, and HabitBull provides the reminder to keep you on track to create the habit of your choice.

8889807487?profile=RESIZE_710xIf you want to walk for three days in the week, HabitBull lets you set reminders on selected days. If you're going to meditate for half an hour each day, you can record your accomplishments in minutes rather than Yes/No answers.
The app creates trends, graphs and tracks your process to create that habit.
HabitBull reminds you that it takes 66 days to create a habit and gives you a progress bar.

Productive (iPhone only application). Productive separates the new habit creation into three categories, morning and evening and whenever. It's selective as to which it shows when, meaning that it shows the AM reminders before noon only and the PM reminders afternoon, also exclusively. This app is designed to force the user into incorporating the habit into their daily schedule instead of saving up or getting it over with early.

Strides. If you're after a vital goal like losing weight, saving money reading a large number of books, then you should look at Strides. This app looks at the total time to complete any task and breaks it down into measurable, trackable milestones. It creates weekly and monthly goals to keep you on track. 

Streaks (currently iPhone only). Streaks is an app to help you develop fitness goals. The plus of this app is that it hooks in nicely with Apple's Health app. It tracks steps, measures heart rate, distance, and more. It's simple, handling only six habits at a time, and has a very easy-to-understand graphics display. 

Habitica. This app is free and for the iPhone, Android, or web. Habitica takes good habits and converts them into something fun. It converts them into a video game you can play with friends. You can earn badges and battle monsters and hold each other accountable. If either of you fails to complete the remainder, you're both penalized. This app has plans to coach you through the process of forming athletic habits and training. You can see videos and even contact live coaches for hire. 

HabitFree (Android only) uses questions to help you keep your routine. "Did you brush your teeth?" "Did you go for a walk?" Not surprisingly, it focuses on streaks, how many days in a row you accomplished your task. 

There are many apps available, and the selection in the app store is changing all the time. Scan your options or search under "HABITS" for the one best suited for you.

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Measuring your progress for the goals you've set is the second part of the SMART Goals method. After all, you won't know if you're making progress or gaining on your goal without a way to measure it. When progress is measurable, you can track how far you've come, keep focused, and stay motivated by celebrating the small milestones you complete along the way. To facilitate assessing your progress, you'll need a set of criteria for the measurement of progress.8260522071?profile=RESIZE_400x


Similar to the Specific step used in SMART Goals, you will need to answer a few questions regarding your goal as a criterion for measuring progress data:

How many?

How much?

What is the indicator of progress?

How many or how much refers to progress as an indicator of what success for your specific goal looks like. The progress gauge signifies how you decide to track the progress you have made. This varies significantly depending on the goal. If it's a business goal, maybe the indicator of progress is gross sales. Or it might be the number of pounds lost per week if your goal is to get to a healthier weight. Tracking how far you've come within the plan is essential because it will keep you focused on your ultimate goal. Motivation is maintained by the ability to celebrate the milestones of the progress you have along the way.


Using the same goal as above, to lose 10 pounds by exercising more. More precisely stated, "I will go to the gym to work out for 45 minutes every weekday morning before work, to lose 2 pounds per week." Now that the goal is specific and clearly stated, we have added the quantity of measurement for the objective, 2 pounds per week. In this case, the indicator of measurement would be the scale. In the arena of business, an example might be, if the goal is, "I will build brand awareness through social media, to increase gross profits by 10% per month." The quantity of measurement and indictor is the profit increase in comparison to previous months.


Putting the SMART Goals method to use has proven to produce a higher success rate for goal achievement. Measuring your goals is an integral part of this process. When you track your progress, you will have the ability to stay more motivated towards your goal and keep a stronger focus.

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If you are tired of giving up on your goals, relationships, work, or even yourself, do not despair because that is a positive sign that you are about to turn your life around. That is because the first step to getting rid of any bad behavior is by acknowledging that you need a change.

Getting rid of your quitting habits and achieving what you want demands that you have confidence in yourself as well as your ability to change. You have to move from an “I simply can’t get rid of this” attitude to an “Every bad habit can be replaced with a better one” philosophy.7766381293?profile=RESIZE_400x

Find Out What Normally Causes You To Quit And Avoid Giving Up When You Shouldn’t.

Why do you want to quit? What causes you to want to quit? Finding out the most truthful answers to these questions and addressing them can help you continue working on your goal and keep you from giving up. Once you ask yourself these questions, you may be surprised at the reason behind wanting to quit. You may have had a heated argument with your coworker concerning the project you are working on. Maybe you disagree on the next step to take, and you feel leaving is the best thing for you.

However, if you look at it objectively and with a clear head, is failing to reach an agreement a tangible reason for quitting?

The best thing you can do when you feel like calling it quits after an argument is to give yourself enough time to breathe and reflect on the disagreement when you are calm enough to think objectively. This will save you from making what may turn out to be the worst mistake later on.

Remember To Stop And Reflect On Why You Are Doing What You Are Doing So You Can Make The Right Decisions.

The main reason why quitting has become a habit is that you allow your feelings to get in the way of making sound decisions. When you feel you were not treated fairly or when you feel you don’t have the strength to continue working on your relationships, etc. you fail to remember the importance or significance of what you are doing. However, if you refuse to let your emotions interfere with your work, life, or decisions, you will be able to think objectively and to make the right decisions. Think about that the next time you feel like quitting.   

Instead of giving up on starting that new project or continuing with your degree, stop and reflect on your reasons for engaging in that particular work or field of study in the first place. The reason you started is good enough to keep you going.

Surround Yourself With Resilient People So You Can Adopt Their Positive Traits.

Surrounding yourself with strong-willed people who never give up will motivate you to become more like them, and it is one of the most effective ways of getting rid of your quitting habits. If you spend most of your time with complainers and people who never stick to their goals, you will learn their practices and assume quitting is normal.

Understand That Pausing And Resting Is A Necessity And It Doesn’t Mean You Are A Quitter.

Never underestimate the power of pausing from your work and resting when you are supposed to. Your quitting habits may have been brought on by the fact that you work overtime, or you have dedicated 99 percent of your time on “making things work” to the point of failing to slow down and relax. Overworking yourself and not giving yourself enough time to rest will force you to think you have done all that you possibly can, and the only option you have is to give up.

Disconnect from what you are working on for a few hours and give yourself enough time to rest and recharge. If you do that, you will be amazed at your productivity levels the next time you continue.

Keep in mind that resting is a necessity. It does not mean you are a quitter.

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Life has a way of always making us doubt ourselves. It can rattle you until you feel like you cannot go on. That is probably the reason why we often feel the only way to survive is just to stop working towards our goals. The hope for progress, growth, and success dwindles until you decide throwing in the towel is the best decision you can make.7765749687?profile=RESIZE_400x

The art of giving up is one our minds learn over the years by meeting challenges and being subjected to failure and disappointments. Sometimes we get to a point where we conclude it is easier to let go now than deal with the pain of losing later—the repeated thoughts of quitting end up mapping a pattern in our minds. We get hammered into the irresistible cycle of giving up when challenged or when we meet the smallest huddle in our path.

In the mind of a quitter, the words perseverance, persistence, and determination become foreign. In the face of any adversity, the viable choice for quitters will always be to give up. When the mind is infested with the quitting bug, it automatically loses its fluidity, your mind becomes static and stops dreaming or looking beyond what you think are your capabilities.

Failure, just like success, can be predictable. Our actions and efforts determine the kind of result we are most likely to obtain. Once you have chosen to take the easy road, you automatically become a failure at whatever it is you were working on. Keep in mind that failing is not the worst thing that could happen to someone. If you fail once, try again next time, and you will have a double chance of succeeding.  However, once you quit, you have already reached the end of the line.

Quitters have their language; they speak in excuses as they try to justify their choices. Here are some of the most common phrases among quitters:

  1. What if l fail?

The fear of failure paralyzes us. Thoughts of disappointments and shame hinder us from persistently working on our dreams. The only way to get over the fear of failure is to look at failure as an opportunity to learn and be progressive. You have to understand that in every path to success, risk-taking plays a significant role as well. Life in itself is a risk, so do not let the fear of failure turn you into a quitter.

  1. I do not have the time now

This statement goes around a lot among quitters. In the face of adversity, when their goals and dreams are being challenged, as an escape plan, quitters try to lessen the blow before it comes by convincing themselves there isn’t enough time to accomplish the task at hand. They lack the patience and perseverance to keep trying and to keep investing time on the task in question.

  1. There is no reason to go on

Often when things do not go our way, life throwing us curveballs and punches to the face, beat down and disappointed, we lose hope, but we must still find a reason to go on. We need to keep trying because, unlike quitters, winners always have a reason for getting back up and giving it yet another shot.

  1. I am not good enough for this

Feelings of inferiority and low self-esteem are the main reason why people choose to give up fighting for what they believe in. Quitters often compare themselves to other people and conclude that they are less talented and less skilled than the next person.

  1. I’m not smart enough

The ultimate power of our species is the ability to learn and acquire as much knowledge as we deem necessary to accomplish any task at hand. Once one puts their mind to it, there are no limitations. Impossible ceases to exist. In a quitter`s mind, it is impossible to learn and acquire the skills and knowledge required to finish the task they have started.

  1. I can`t find motivation or inspiration

Most times, people end up giving up due to a lack of motivation, a lack of inspiration, or the external stimulation to keep going on. It is not wrong to get a push from the outside, but your whole will to accomplish a task should not be hinged on external motivation. Let the stimulus come from inside. Find the right reasons why you want to do that particular task and accomplish it. When things go sideways, that will always be your motivation.

  1. Maybe it is not meant for me

When your mind is harboring the quitting bug, it is easy for you to blame it all on fate or luck.  This belief that what is meant to be yours will be yours requires no effort on your part. You forget that even that which is meant for you, you need to work towards it. Instead of working hard to accomplish a goal, you use “the other person is just lucky” as an excuse to quit.

  1. No one understands what l am going through so they cannot help

Novelty is somewhat an illusion under the sun. Whatever you are doing or you are going through, someone has been there before. In moments when you feel like you cannot do it anymore, you ought to find a helping hand or council to avoid quitting.

  1. They are doing better than l am

A comparison often births dissatisfaction. We start looking down on our effort and what we can do when we cross-reference with the next person. The only person you can compare yourself with for growth is you.

  1. I am too tired

Too tired? But who isn`t, life drains us sometimes, but that shouldn`t mean you quit. Be patient with yourself, rest, and get back at it!!

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Graduating from college, no matter the level of degree and entering the professional workforce, is a rude awakening. Your schedule is becoming more eight to five and less class schedule. You have bills to pay, dress clothes to wear daily, and new work culture to learn and navigate. There are basic guidelines that you will have to learn to succeed, but below, you will find six tips that will help make you indispensable to your new supervisor and workplace. 6469038062?profile=RESIZE_400x

  1. Anticipate and Take Initiative

Anticipating needs and taking the initiative applies to your work and the needs of the office. Think through what your results need to be and consider extra steps you can take now to make later stages of the project more manageable. Also, take the initiative around the office. If you just made 200 copies of a document, refill the paper drawer in the printer. No one likes the inconsiderate guy, and little things like that get noticed! You will not have to tell people you did these extras. 

  1. Evaluate Yourself

Assess your work as you go. Do you think you could have done better on a project or listened better during a meeting? If so, do your due diligence to be better next time. Self-examination without a billy club will allow you to grow personally, and it will also show your coworkers that you can better yourself.

  1. Don’t Stop Learning

Just because you no longer spend your days in the classroom doesn’t mean you have nothing left to learn. Every person you encounter at work has something to teach you. Some of those may be best practices; some of those lessons may be in worst practices. It would help if you also took every professional development opportunity that comes your way. Successful people read.

  1. Communicate

There are many ways to communicate at work. First, ask questions, even if you are worried, you should know the answer. Admitting you do not understand something is better than messing something up. It would help if you also talked to your coworkers. Ask how their day is going or compliment a well-done presentation.

  1. Show Yourself

Anyone can talk a big game, but keeping your head down and crushing goals and projects is a great way to show that you can complete a project. Show your worth and value to the job.

  1. Be Nice, Don’t Be a Doormat

It isn’t that hard. Be helpful to your new coworkers. Offer to help with a project or a jammed printer. However, do not let coworkers walk all over you. It will take work to find the balance between being an enjoyable coworker, and not being the office punching bag.

Learning to find your way in a new office is difficult for everyone. Doing so when you are first starting is even more difficult. Working hard, playing nice, and pitching in will always go a long way.

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Are you struggling to find your way to the top of the food chain at work? Do you feel like you are just another employee that shows up, works, and clocks out at the end of the day? You don’t have to be a faceless cog in the wheel of work. You can stand out.6442843855?profile=RESIZE_400x

  1. Get to Know & Communicate with Higher-Ups

This doesn’t just mean your direct supervisor, but the individuals at every level of the company. Don’t be afraid to introduce yourself, make small talk, or even talk shop with a higher-up. These individuals are most likely doing everything they can to make the company succeed, and if you stand out as a person who is willing to help make that happen, they will remember you.

  1. Look for Leadership Opportunities

Be willing and ready to jump on leadership opportunities that pop up. Showing that you are able and willing to lead others will make an impression. 

  1. Stay Professional

Be it in a meeting, the water cooler, or happy hour on Friday, keep it professional. Make sure you are always putting your best foot forward.

  1. Show Up on Time

Being late is one of the easiest ways to annoy and be off-putting. Time is money, and being late is disrespectful to those that you keep waiting. 

  1. Think Like a Manager

This will have two positives. First, it will show that you can think above where you are and that you are looking ahead to the next goal. The second positive is that managers are not just looking out for themselves, but for the whole team and company. Thinking like a manager will show that you are in the job for the betterment of all, not just yourself.

  1. Record & Communicate Your Accomplishments

Every little win or training that you have, you need to keep a record of it. What was the accomplishment? Why was it an accomplishment? That three-hour training that you thought was boring. Write it down too. Keeping a log of your achievements and training will be useful for future employee evaluations and will give you a copy of your proven track record. 

  1. Be a Team Player

Being a team player comes in many forms. It can be helping on the part of the project you weren’t assigned to, covering for a coworker, or any other number of issues that come up in an office environment. However, the result will always be the same. Others will see your helpfulness and appreciate it. Your supervisor will know that you are committed to the wellbeing of the team and the company, and it will pay off in the end. 

Becoming an employee of the month isn’t an easy task. It also isn’t something that everyone aspires to. However, consistently showing up and putting in the effort where others aren’t is something that will become apparent to others.

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Professional development is a great way to get ahead at work. You can always learn a new trick. Sometimes though, getting ahead at work is about more than learning a new skill set, sometimes it’s about being an intuitive team player. Keying into basic understandings of work can allow you to stand out to your supervisor regularly. 6403042865?profile=RESIZE_400x

  1. Understand Your Employer’s Goals

It is essential to know what the intended result is of every project. Then see how this project fits the overall goal of the company. Once you understand where you are going, you can plan on how to get there. If you don’t know the overall goal of your supervisor or company, do your homework to track down the mission statement or talk to your supervisor. 

  1. Learn Your Boss’ Likes and Dislikes

Does your boss prefer documents to be typed in a specific font and size? Learn that and do it. Every single time. Does your boss believe that if you’re not five minutes early, you’re late? Then be ten minutes early—every single time. The likes and dislikes of your supervisor can be quirky, so learn those likes and dislikes and do your best to accommodate them. You don’t want your hard work and excellent ideas to be buried because of a font type. You have your quirks, but you do not sign the check.

  1. Show Up for Your Team

Become ready and willing to jump in when your team needs you for the big and little things will show that you are a team player. It will also show that you put the whole of the workplace before your own minor needs at work. Showing up for your team can also mean supporting individuals. Is Nancy’s daughter fighting a nasty case of the flu? Offer to help her out with her workload while she is off work. The favor might even be returned.

  1. Be a Problem Solver

Taking the lead on solving problems big and small will show that you are willing to put in the work, not just point out the issues. This is also an excellent show of leadership. When others see you working to solve problems, they will be more likely to jump in and help.

  1. Take Initiative

Taking the initiative around the office comes in many forms. Problem-solving is one form. However, this can mean emptying an overflowing trash can, filling the printer with paper, and offering to plan a monthly birthday party. Taking the initiative shows that you are not just at work for yourself, but that you care about others and the office. 

Blowing your boss’ mind isn’t tricky most of the time. Taking simple steps to learn about others and be conscientious of your workplace manners can go a long way.

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Many people are perfectly happy working a regular 9 to 5 job. Heck, some people even love it. Others have dreams of owning their own business or doing work that does not consist of regular office hours. Or, maybe you are someone who needs the benefits offered by your 9 to 5 while also pursuing your dreams on the side. Either way, you can do both, it just takes practice, effort, and a mindset shift.6385680054?profile=RESIZE_400x

  1. Your 9 to 5 is a blessing

You may not enjoy the job you are working at forty hours a week, but it is

most likely paying your bills. Remember to be thankful for that and keep your head on straight, even on the tough days. Your present job is temporary, as soon as you get your business up and running, you can quit. 

  1. Write Down Your Goals

Your written goals have a way of keeping you on track. When you get tired and frustrated reviewing your written goals will remind you of why you are taking on this tremendous task. The written picture of your future will give you the persistence to carry on. 

  1. Use Your Time Wisely

Everyone has twenty-four hours in their day, your job (hopefully) only takes up eight of those. Use what is left of your time wisely. Plan your days in advance and stack items so you can make the most of everything. Long commute? Listen to an audiobook or podcast that fuels your passions. Make every minute count. 

  1. Lay Bricks Daily

Rome wasn’t built in a day, but they laid bricks daily. Make sure you are making steps daily toward your goals. Make sure you aren’t wasting time with useless tasks like cleaning out deleted emails or double-checking something you have already triple checked. Make your to-do list count. 

  1. Outsource

If there is a task that you are absolutely no good at and you can afford to have someone else do it (think coding a website), then outsource it. Don’t waste your time on tasks that you hate and/or are bad at when you can have someone else do the work in half the time. Focus on tasks that you are good at and can accomplish on your own. When needed, call in reinforcements. 

  1. 9 to 5 as a Reminder

Your 9 to 5 is paying your bills, and you're thankful. That doesn’t mean you don’t hate the job. Use that as a reminder in the late hours of the night when you are still working on your dream. Annoying coworker? Use him or her as a reminder why you want to build a company with a better work culture. Reminders are everywhere, you just need to find them. 

Working hard to get your dream off the ground is no easy task, but it can be done. You have already found the time, now you need to make your mindset and your actions count.

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You know you can lead. Heck, you were always the leader in group projects at school and even know you are the captain of your adult softball team. You are a natural-born leader. However, at work, you struggle to find that same edge and confidence that you have in your personal endeavors. In this article, you will learn five ways you can approach leadership at work. 6384950101?profile=RESIZE_400x

  1. Plan Your Meetings

Meetings are usually horrendous events in general. However, a meeting that isn’t well planned or planned at all is even worse. If you are overseeing a meeting at work, take the time to make an agenda. Put thought into what needs to be covered, the time allotment, and in what order. Email the schedule to all attendees ahead of time, so everyone knows what the expectations are and can come prepared.

  1. Communicate Better

Make sure that you are communicating effectively with coworkers and supervisors. You can even ask, “is there a way I can better communicate with you/the team?” Effective communication is different for everyone, and taking the time to learn how others communicate will not only make you better at it, but others will appreciate your effort.

  1. Eliminate Interruptions

Interruptions come in many shapes and sizes. If you have a constant distraction that is negatively affecting your work, consider how to eliminate these distractions. If it can not be eliminated, find a way to make it less distracting. 

  1. Know Your Weaknesses

Everyone knows their strengths. Knowing your weaknesses, though, can be an uncomfortable road to self-improvement. Learning your weaknesses will allow you to work towards improvement, but also foresee where you will need help from others. There is no shame in asking for help. 

  1. Finish What You Start

You’re halfway through a project, and it stinks. Do whatever you need to do, ask for help, take a short break, or call in reinforcements. No matter what, though, you need to finish that project. Completing the project will show that you have the dedication and aren’t willing to let a little mess keep you from seeing through. 

Showing leadership qualities at work can be daunting for anyone. However, starting with these basic approaches, you can begin to build a resume of leadership skills that will allow others to have faith in your ability and follow you through to the end of even the most daunting of projects.

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Being your best at work means not only putting your best foot forward but also continually working to better yourself. This doesn’t always mean turning in the best project or attending all the professional developments. Keep reading to learn basic ways you can show up with your best at work every day. 6356710876?profile=RESIZE_400x

  1. Get to Know Your Colleagues

Learning about your colleagues has many benefits. You don’t have to be out to make friends, but learning about others can benefit you in many ways. First, it shows you care, and people like it when people are considerate. Second, it will help you find things in common that you can come back to when work gets tough. Finally, getting to know people will help you learn how to work better. Derek prefers exact instructions and asks lots of questions, while Suzy is a big-picture type of person who tends to skip over minor details. Getting to know means learning how to work better.

  1. Don’t Be a Gossip

No one likes an office gossip, except maybe the other office gossip. Getting caught up in drama can be a distraction and can earn you a bad reputation with your coworkers and supervisors. You want to be someone that can be trusted with information. Keep your business to yourself and remember, loose lips sink ships.

  1. Stretch Your Skill Set

Stretching your skills as well as learning new ones allows you to continue growing your tool bag. This will make you a more valuable team member and will help you if you ever decide to look for a new position elsewhere.

  1. Become a Mentor

Mentoring can be done in and outside of the office. The new intern that is lost take that person under your wing and help them find their way. You will be a valuable friend and show that you are willing to help others. You can also do outreach in your profession in schools and other community programs. 

  1. Be a Friend

You don’t have to be BFFs with every person in the office but be friendly. Ask how others are doing, encourage, visit, or send a small gift if someone is sick. Not only will others appreciate and remember your kindness, but they will be willing to return the favor if the need arises.

Being your best at work is not something that you can achieve in a day. It’s a constant stream of small and conscious decisions that you will make daily. These decisions will build upon each other and allow you to create a work culture and life that will be fulfilling and beneficial.

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When most people think of productive and effective employees, they think of the employee that always has their assignments done on time and to the best of their ability. That is not wrong. However, it also overlooks many aspects of an employee that is productive and effective. 6356383871?profile=RESIZE_400x

  1. Take Charge

When everyone is unsure how to proceed, be the one to start making a game plan. Others will follow and start chipping in as needed. An emergency arises over a project, step up, and act. Again, others will follow and proceed with the appropriate action. 

  1. Make Allies Across the Organization

There are always allies to be made in other departments. Sometimes it is the secretary that holds the key to the supply closet. Other times, this is the man that delivers your mail. Take time to get to know and build relationships with these individuals. Every person at a company has a role to play, and you are never too good not to be friends with them.

  1. Give Your Full Attention

Multitasking will be your downfall. Give your full attention to whatever you are doing. The assignment you are working on. The coworker is asking you a question or passing along pertinent information. Pay attention. Don’t multitask.

  1. Focus on Results, Not on To-Do Lists

Even the most well-intentioned to-do list can go awry. Instead of looking at the checkmarks on the page, look at the results your work is creating. If the result is not up to par or far from the mark, reevaluate how you are working. 

  1. Pay Attention but Don’t Compare

Pay attention to other employees that are moving up the ladder and doing well. Take note of what he or she is doing, how they are making things happen, and impressing the higher-ups. However, do not compare yourself. Everyone is different, does their work differently, and will follow their path. There is a fine line between learning and comparing. 

  1. Identify Inefficiencies

These can be inefficiencies in your work or in the way the company operates. Is your company still sending out snail mail where an email would be more efficient and cost-effective? Ask your supervisor about a trial run of emails. Inefficiencies are costly in time and money.

  1. Own Up to Your Mistakes

You will make mistakes. Blaming someone else or trying to cover it up is unproductive, find a solution and fix it. Then move on.

Being an employee that is productive and effective is about more than completing work on time. It is about thinking outside the box, asking questions, and stepping up when no one else will. Start taking the small steps necessary to be more productive and effective.

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No two workdays are the same, most of the time. There are many days merely showing up to work that seems like that is the best you’ll do. Showing up and doing your best work on the daily is what will ultimately set you apart and make you feel like a more productive member of the organization.6355849100?profile=RESIZE_400x

  1. Set Clear Milestones

You have a project to complete, instead of working endlessly toward that one end goal, set mini-goals for yourself. If you can meet these goals every or every other day, it will be easier to keep your head up and pushing forward with the same vigor as day one.

  1. Prioritize and Plan

Many jobs include prioritizing work tasks. Take time at the beginning of the day to look at what you need to do. Then at the end of the day, look at what you have accomplished. Prioritizing and planning your workday (or the next one) will allow you to move seamlessly through your day without losing focus. 

  1. Conquer Difficult Tasks First

That one task you are dreading, like calling back an annoying salesman. Do it first. Get it off your list. The rest of the day will seem like a breeze, and you won’t use other tasks as a way of procrastinating.

  1. Be Aware of Limitations

Your limitations exist. Everyone has limitations. Be aware and admit these to yourself. You may also need to disclose your shortcomings to your supervisor or a coworker. Being aware of things that are out of your league will make asking for help easier. It will also give you a list of skills you need to work on professionally. 

  1. Don’t Stress

The first four tips in this list can be daunting. Numbers 1, 2, and 3 may require that you restructure your workday. Number three might give you heart palpations, and number four, who wants to admit to their shortcomings? Do not let these tips stress you out. Instead, slowly work to implement the easiest of the suggestions (whichever that may be for you), and level up when you are ready. 

Bringing your A-game daily will take time and hard work, two things you are no stranger to. Remember that doing your best work every day of the week will pay off in the long run, even if it seems complicated and scary in the beginning.

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Shining bright at a job is often associated with being a “suck-up,” “brown nose,” or “teacher’s pet.” What shining bright at work is about, is being a nice person, working hard, and having the right attitude—keeping reading for five useful tips that you can implement at work immediately to shine a little brighter and help others as well.


  1. Have a Positive Attitude6334057068?profile=RESIZE_400x

This doesn’t mean that you need to be a cheerful coworker at all hours of the day. Be kind. Don’t be a negative Nancy. Think before you speak. Being positive in less than stellar situations can take time, practice, and effort, but being the one with the right attitude can go a long way in making jobs better and getting noticed for the right reasons.

  1. Accept Feedback Gracefully

Sometimes even the most well-intentioned constructive criticism can sting. Even at those times, accept the feedback gracefully. Do not allow the negativity of others to cause you to act out. Instead, ask questions about the feedback so you can better understand how to do better next time, and this will also show that you are willing to learn and self-correct in the future. Look at every criticism as a chance togrow professionally.

  1. Be a Professional

Being a professional can cover many areas. Consider your language (swearing), your attire, and your actions. Do your best to remain professional an all times. This doesn’t mean to avoid your coworkers altogether, though. Be sure to be still friendly, joke around a little, and show that you are willing to contribute to the work culture as well.

  1. Go the Extra Mile

Sometimes going a little bit above and beyond what is expected of you can garner big dividends—always considering doing a little extra to show that you care about your work and the office. This will impress your supervisor and show your coworkers that you care about everyone in the office. 

  1. Volunteer for New Projects

Sometimes your plate is already too full, and you can’t consider taking on one more project. If your plate isn’t already too full, though, consider volunteering for a new project, be it a solo or team one. This will show that you are willing to try new things, take one for the team, and you never know; the new project might end up being a fantastic opportunity for you.

Shining bright in the office is not about outshining everyone else. It is about illuminating your abilities and strengths while also casting everyone else in a positive light so that the team can grow together. Remember, a chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

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10 Tips for Working Remotely

  1. Dedicate a Workspace

Designate a specific area in your house for work. This will make it easier to stay focused and separate your work life from your home life. Find a spot that offers as much privacy as possible.

  1. Create a Comfortable Environment

The right equipment goes a long way. This includes having a computer that meets your needs, a desk, an ergonomic chair, office supplies, and plenty of light. Make your workspace as comfortable as possible. 4401010278?profile=RESIZE_710x

  1. Set Clear Boundaries

If you want to maintain maximum productivity, you need to be able to work without distractions. This can be difficult for remote workers. If you have family or friends in close quarters, they need to know the times when you can’t be disturbed.

  1. Keep a Consistent Routine

Humans thrive on structure. For most people, the morning is the best time to work, so try to wake up at the same time every day and get difficult tasks completed early. Find a routine that works for you and stick to it.

  1. Stay Connected with Colleagues

Tools like Skype, Slack, and Zoom will help you stay connected and fight feelings of isolation. Maintaining connections while working from home enhances team unity and productivity.

  1. Take Breaks

It’s easy to lose track of time when working remotely. Taking breaks will help you feel refreshed and ready to tackle your to-do list. Make sure to step away from the computer occasionally. Consider using the Pomodoro Technique. It’s a time management method that helps you set up scheduled breaks throughout the day and can be used for any task. Breaking up the day and moving around increases your productivity when you return to work.

  1. Let Managers and Colleagues Know Your Availability

The more guidance you provide, the fewer misunderstandings will occur, and the more you and your team can stay on track. This is even more critical if your team works in different time zones. Use tools like Google Calendar or Slack to communicate to your team when you’ll be online and offline.

  1. Share Your Progress

Remote workers need to be proactive and consistently share their project progress with colleagues and managers. Project management tools and email can help you share your progress daily and keep others informed.

  1. Be Responsive

Promptly return emails, calls, and voice mails. People can be more time aware when working remotely. Communicate expectations and timelines for replies.

  1. Ask for Feedback

Make sure to ask colleagues and managers for feedback on your remote working situation. Communicate and adjust as necessary.

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