Events in our lives are filled with frustrating, unhappy, and depressing situations. Whether it’s losing your job or going through a breakup, those emotions are heavy. The question is how to become mindful of your emotions.
Often, we as humans don’t know what to do with heavy emotions. We may turn to sabotage coping strategies or choose not to deal with the feelings all-together. Unfortunately, engaging in any of the mentioned behavior patterns only leads to resentment and distress. So, it leads us to ask, is there an algorithm for managing emotions?
When dealing with negative emotions, practicing mindfulness is an excellent tool that’ll help you learn how to cope. Mindfulness is the act of being in the moment without judgment. It’s with the hope that soon, you’ll gain clarity over those scary emotions as opposed to trying to control them.
But, with emotions comes a roller coaster of chaos. It’s hard controlling your reactions when you’re genuinely upset. However, learning how to become mindful of your feelings will help you take control of that roller coaster and start constructively expressing yourself. Let’s see how.
- Acknowledge Your Feelings
To learn how to manage your emotions, you have first to acknowledge them. Holding onto anger is just a cover-up for intense sadness. Admitting that you are hurt because of a particular situation gives you an excellent starting place.
Try stating your feelings out loud or to yourself. Verbalizing your feelings validates and makes them real. If you have to cry, don’t hold yourself back. The key to this step is avoiding the need to control.
- Sit With Your Emotions
Sitting still is a way to feel your emotions. You are encouraged to sit with your emotions even if it’s uncomfortable. It’s with the hopes that soon, you build a tolerance for that feeling and stop letting it have control.
When you start feeling sad or anxious, allow the feeling to stay with you. Feel every ounce of that emotion without trying to make it stop. Staying present in the moment will further help you to validate how you’re feeling.
- Pin-Point the Cause of This Emotion
After you’ve gotten to a stable place, it’s time to do a personal inventory. Identify what caused this outbreak of emotions. Often, it’s not the situation itself, but the meaning behind it.
For example, if you’re boyfriend forgot your anniversary, you’re likely not upset that he didn’t purchase you a gift. The emotion goes to the heart of the matter. You’re upset because you think he doesn’t value the relationship, and that hurts!
Understand why you’re feeling so strongly about something and address it accordingly. You’ll find that it takes some introspective work to find the source of many emotions.
- Seek Understanding
After you’ve allowed yourself time to feel and analyze your emotions, it’s time to develop a positive coping strategy. The key is to implement mindfulness techniques as you plan your future.
Ask yourself, “What do I need at this moment right now?” Some options could be to take a break from the situation and move on to something else. Another might be to deal with the problem effectively, so you don’t have to worry about it. The key here is to have a deep understanding of what your mind and body needs at the moment. Understanding what you need will help you from making rash decisions.
Being mindful of your emotions makes you a happier and balanced person. You aren’t confused as to why you’re feeling a certain way. Also, you have clarity that can help you make the best decisions moving forward. Practice being mindful in how you understand yourself, and you’ll begin to see significant, positive changes. Become mindful of your emotions by sharing with like-minded people.