I can, and I do. 

I can, and I do. 

In everything I set out to achieve, I am always focused on doing my very best.

I have the power to succeed within me; it is part of who I am and runs through everything I do. My power is unstoppable.12386430866?profile=RESIZE_400x

I know in my soul that I have the ability to meet my goals and to exceed them. My goal is just the beginning of my full potential, and I constantly amaze myself at all I can achieve. 

I can achieve anything, and I do every time I try.

I see that the responsibility for my life lies with me. I am the only one who can build and create the life I dream of. My future is in my hands, and I am responsible for my own happiness.

This is a concept that excites me. I see potential all around me in everything I do, and I make a choice to grab this with both hands. 

My life is within my grasp, and I am the captain who must steer it in the direction of my dreams.

My dreams are within my reach. I am the architect of my own destiny, and I have incredible power lying within me. I choose to awaken this, coax it to life, and help it to reach its full potential. 

Today, I am unstoppable. I know I am able to achieve anything I set my mind to, and this knowledge offers me a sense of power and authority over my own life. I achieve my dreams.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. Am I giving myself a chance to achieve my goals?
  2. What three things am I most proud of today?
  3. Do I truly believe in myself?
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    • Good. 

      Copyrights and publishing are the easy parts of this process. Copyright costs a couple of dollars and takes about a month if I remember correctly. Publishing takes a couple of days.

      Editing is the hardest part. Finding someone to read and make grammar and content suggestions can be daunting. I use the premium version of Grammarly for grammar, word suggestions, and sentence structure. It is an invaluable tool that makes me look intelligent.

      Copyscaping your content is important. Copyscape searches all published content for plagiarism. The premium version of Grammarly will do this for you. 

      You can not get a copyright if your work contains previously published content without crediting the original author and a reference where it can be found, even if it is only a couple of sentences or paragraphs. Grammarly will give you all this information. 

      You will need a cover design for both the front and the back. Start to think about what you want it to look like. Is there a picture that goes with your subject? The back can include your portrait and bio. 

      Will you use relevant quotes to open your chapters? To close the chapter. 

      Is it a workbook that empty pages for notes would be helpful to the reader?

      Going to Barnes and Noble or libraries and looking through similar books on your subject will give you many ideas. All colleges have libraries you can go into. 

      This may give you an idea for a book cover, show you an area that you did not address, and give you an idea of what similar books are selling for.

      Always keep a notebook with you. Write down any ideas as soon as you have them. Do not wait. 

      Ideas are like slippery fish. If you do not hook them with the point of a pencil, they will be lost forever. Earl Nightingale

      • That is great information! Thank you! I have a Manuel really not a book.  Does that change how the process goes? I have illustrations as well that I drew.  I have a cover page with two photographs.  I have graphs and tracking sheets as well.  A family member gave me a name of the person they used 2 years ago to edit their book they published with Hostoria publishing company.  When I looked on their website they said it takes them 1-3 years to have a book published by them once they except your idea and offer you an outline. I am unsure about submitting to a publishing company cause it's my idea.  I will go to the book store and see if others have done the same thing.  I would not mind showing what I have.  

        • Do not worry or think about publishing. Do not submit it to anyone. Do not worry about who will edit it. Stay focused on writing the content of your book.

          I did not know there was a difference between a manual and a book.

          • My understanding is that the Manuel is directive and short with no chapters exactly.  I thought a book has chapters and is longer .  The Manuel I am writing is directive and instructional to achieve the best outcome.  You are right I have to complete it first which I am only 50% done.  I know I will finish it in Gods timing.  I just have lots of thought and get lost in my thinking. 

            • Manuals are books. They can be shorter. They can be longer.

              Are you planning to keep it generic and impersonal?

              Or are you going to use personal examples how to implement your subject. Also examples of surprises and personal awareness that happens.

              When I buy a manuel/book and it just gives me the steps, I  know I wasted my money. I will breeze through it too see if there is anything in there I can use. 

              I am not everyone. So I know people like that type of manual/book. 

              You need to figure out the audience you are looking for.

              Are you planning on selling them a premium service?

              • It is personal, but just enough that the audience will contact me for further information after the fact.  I don't feel it's generic.  I have also included a method and certain supplement combinations that can be effective once used properly.  This has made me think.  I appreciate the questions and insight.  My goal besides having the book is to present these methods as a teaching tool for lactation support.  

                I bought a book called cook one day eat all week.  It's a gluten free, milk free concept cook book.  I completed two weeks out of the 25 weeks and than skipped through to see ingredients etc.  So if I did not buy it online and was in the store I would have just taken the idea and tinkered with the other recipes.  I still look at it for recipes but not sure I would buy it again.  I don't wss add my my Manuel/ book to be that way. 

                It is amazing how when writing the words just flow .  Almost like I already wrote it.  

                • "Just Enough"

                  Giving "just enough" is not a good business plan for success.

                  The best business plan for success is always giving more than you are being paid for. Or giving more than is expected of you.

                  When I was broke, I did not count the money I was making or what bills I could pay. I was always thinking about how to improve my product that day, not some day in the future when I had more to give. I gave more that day. 

                  My customers or my employer did not always see these things. Most times they were unaware of the upgrade.

                  You can not give too much.


  • For several months I have set a goal.  I have set my fears aside and have faith.  I need help to scribe this and am asking if anyone would help me I would greatly appreciate the knowledge and support.  I want to start consulting work from home.  I would like to help women in their prenatal, pregnancy and postnatal journey including breastfeeding their child and lactation support. I would like to use an alternative medicine holistic approach .  I understand I need a simple website with just contact information etc, but not sure how to construct one or know which companies to use.  I love to learn and can really use some guidance.  When I read the above title " I can and I do," I realized like I said I have to have faith and peace of mind knowing I can do this with help to fill in the gaps.  

    • Start with what you have. You can start writing articles on the topics you are going to help with. This is how you show people you are an expert it this field.

      For Google, the articles should be between 700 and 2,000 words. 

      When you get your website, then you can post the articles.

      Also, you can layout the steps along this journey. @

      • Do you have a company you have used to build your website?  I know the website should be simple. Thank you for your help. 

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