I can, and I do. 

I can, and I do. 

In everything I set out to achieve, I am always focused on doing my very best.

I have the power to succeed within me; it is part of who I am and runs through everything I do. My power is unstoppable.12386430866?profile=RESIZE_400x

I know in my soul that I have the ability to meet my goals and to exceed them. My goal is just the beginning of my full potential, and I constantly amaze myself at all I can achieve. 

I can achieve anything, and I do every time I try.

I see that the responsibility for my life lies with me. I am the only one who can build and create the life I dream of. My future is in my hands, and I am responsible for my own happiness.

This is a concept that excites me. I see potential all around me in everything I do, and I make a choice to grab this with both hands. 

My life is within my grasp, and I am the captain who must steer it in the direction of my dreams.

My dreams are within my reach. I am the architect of my own destiny, and I have incredible power lying within me. I choose to awaken this, coax it to life, and help it to reach its full potential. 

Today, I am unstoppable. I know I am able to achieve anything I set my mind to, and this knowledge offers me a sense of power and authority over my own life. I achieve my dreams.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. Am I giving myself a chance to achieve my goals?
  2. What three things am I most proud of today?
  3. Do I truly believe in myself?
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  • Very true! I have finished writing and correcting the book once. I need to go over it more .  Not sure what to do now.    I need to take 10 pictures and I was going to convert them to pencil drawling.  I have to figure out how to do that.  I have figured out while taking 10 or so hours how to do a website and Facebook page and started a group. Sometimes I feel I am thinking too much.  Besides for that I am constinuslly connecting with God .  It is amazing feeling connected with God. 

    • No one has.  Not even my partner. My partner said he does not want to read it and I should give it to a non bias person.  Would you like to read it? I can tell you my proposal for the book and audience intended purpose? 

      • I can read it. I will tell you any questions that come up while I am reading it. They may be relevant or not. 

        • Ok  do you want parts of it or the whole thing ?  Would you give me your email? 

    • Who else has read your work so far?

  • Did you look up the definition of "Lazy"?

    Reading something and forming another assumption without researching and finding out the facts could send you in circles and frustrate you more.


  • After reading what you said me saying I am lazy makes me think about the human condition of negativity you project on ourselves. I beleive we find it easier to say negative then positive.  Why is that? Were we trained to be that why by the condition of our environment and what is the purpose of those negative thoughts. This has motivated me to look at my job in a different direction. I can't change who I work with or what they say to me but I can change myself.  

  • That is true and it's me being lazy.  I find I can only do best each day to the best of my ability.  I often feel being me is enough or doing enough is good but the pressures of life in general take us away from what we as individuals want to do.  I right now just thought I want to quit my job and I have thought about this for months because of the environment I am working around.  It's unhealthy.  I thought if I could just find a different job or finish a book than make residual income I would quit.  Than I think I have to help pay our bills.  This job I have though is preventing my potential and I feel dividing my partnership and my child's needs.  I don't have peace of mind at my job and though I have some peace of mind while at my job it is daunting.  I really feel the need to quit.  So the word enough what does that mean?

    • If you look up the definition of Lazy, you will find you are anything but lazy. Telling yourself you are lazy is lying to yourself. 

      Thinking about quitting is not a successful strategy. Every time you quit it becomes easier the next time.

      If you do not find Peace of Mind where you are at. You will not find it where you are going. 

      You can use your discontent to motivate you or hold you back. In your state of mind, I would not make any major or minor decisions. I would stick to my routine and focus on completing your tasks and responsibilities.

  • It has been a month and the phrase , " I can can achieve anything , and I do everytime I try." Has encouraged me along with my partners insight and your suggestion of writing articles.  Slowly I am constructing a manual.  I have a rough draft.  I would love to copyright and publish it.  Any suggestions please advise.  I also have starting taking a certification course and constructed a business plan .  I am focusing on the manual predominately.  

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