My Past No Longer Dictates My Future

My past no longer dictates my future.  

I have grown from past experiences. The hardships from years past have molded me into the strong, independent individual I am today. 

I am thankful for the necessary life lessons my past mistakes teach me. Mistakes are a part of life,12385490064?profile=RESIZE_710x and personal experience is truly the best way to learn. I now enjoy wisdom because of my past mistakes. 

My decisions in the past are irrelevant to the person I wish to become. My future is in my hands. I am the master of what I do with my life and the approach I take in order to reach my goals. 

The future is a bottomless sea of opportunity. It is a buffet where I can feast on all the cuisines life has to offer. I can choose any dish I want according to my personal taste rather than because my past limits my choices!

For example, I can go back to school even if I dropped out. I can rekindle relationships that I let dwindle. I can sell my house and move back home if I miss my roots too dearly. 

I understand that building the future of my dreams starts with taking that first step today. Regardless of my past, I can build the future I desire and make my dreams a reality!

Today, I break the chains of my past and begin building the future I deserve. Life is about moving forward, and I refuse to let the past hold me captive! 

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. Have I allowed my past to dictate my present?
  2. Am I afraid of pursuing opportunities due to fears caused by events in my past?
  3. What can I do to work toward making my dreams a reality?
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  • Today is an amazing day!  We can look at challenges in the day as opportunities instead of set backs!  God is in control and God knows the plans he has for us! God knows the outcome! 

  • The future is a bottomless sea of opportunity. It is a buffet where I can feast on all the cuisines life has to offer. I can choose any dish I want according to my personal taste rather than because my past limits my choices!

    My past doesn't dictate my future!  And I can enjoy all of life's cusine! This was so great!  I can have a taste of all the fruits of life 




     What can I do to work toward making my dreams a reality?

     I can make more videos and get better at editing.   I can network and ask questions and give out my business card.  


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