Recently at my men's retreat, I presented on Emmet Fox’s, “The Golden Key”. I’ve been reading this chapter for several years now, and it is only a few pages. The information is designed to bring change into one’s life though prayer.
Here is the Golden Key, “Stop thinking about the problem, whatever it is, and think about God instead”. So that’s it, stay out of any negative thinking and think about God instead.
While it sounds beyond simple, the challenge comes when life happens and I get into my “reactive” state and my tools sometimes go out the window. Continuously reading the Golden Key has allowed me to get to a place where I’m not only doing it more, but I get to it faster. Instead of focusing on the problem, or the emotion, or the racing thoughts, I turn to prayer. Like anything worth doing, this Golden Key is all about practice, and more practice.
What I’ve learned through the years, is that I’m not always ready for change that is going to bring more peace into my life. Sometimes I choose to hang onto the fear, or the worry or the problem as it may be. However, the more I use the Golden Key, the more I want to experience peace and freedom. Life is truly a journey and not a destination.