emmet fox (4)

Dream Reborn

What's up my Brothers in Emmet Fox?  Hope you are all holding up strong with God during this time.  As for myself, this time has given me the unique opportunity to look at my true hearts desire- the original dream.  The John Moran Band Album.  When God revealed this to me I did what I learned at the retreats.   I prayed and then I contacted my favorite philadelphia songwriter and asked him if he would consider mentoring me.  He graciously agreed.  I currently have 2 song demos completed.  I am writing the songs, playing all the instruments, and doing all the recording production myself.  The work is quite intense, but I am having soooooooooo much fun!!!!  The second song took me about 120 hours over 10 days.  This is why I went to music school in the first place.  I'll post some tracks on here after I figure out how.  Peace and Love,  John

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“Infinite Wisdom knows a simple way out of every difficulty, an answer to every problem, a solution to any dilemma that can come to anyone. It is only our ingrained habit of limiting God that keeps Him from giving us perfect harmony. Don’t limit the power of God for good in your life.” Emmet Fox (Sparks of Truth)

I have a vision of living 120 years.  I hear of people living for more than 100 years. Kirk Douglas has died at the age of 103 and his wife is 101. I know that to do this exercise is a very important solution/tool to accomplishing my goal. I am struggling to develop that habit of exercise. I have set an attainable exercise goal.

Once I have disciplined myself and ingrained the habit of exercise the danger of settling for this level of exercise is very real. This may be enough to get me to 75. God will know this so he urges me to do more. I feel accomplished with the habit I have. I am feeling like a new man. But, I am looking in the wrong direction. I am looking backward not forward towards my goal of living to the age of 120. I settle for mediocracy blocking God's power all the while praising God for giving me the strength to accomplish my mediocracy. 


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7 Day Mental Diet

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