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Deadlines are essential motivators in goal setting. That’s why the T, in SMART Goals, refers to the term time-bound. Time-bound means the time you allocate for you to complete your goal. An obvious start and end date for your goals are an influential piece of your goal-setting plan. When you set beginning and end times for yourself, you are better able to stay on track, give you the ability to focus on your goal, and provide you with something to work toward. 8260929681?profile=RESIZE_400xMini-deadlines will help you keep up the motivation because you will celebrate your smaller successes along the way. Deadlines will also help with time management, making your goal more easily accomplished. Managing your time well will help you allocate your time where needed, toward achieving your goal. Parkinson’s Law states that work will expand to fill the time allotted. So, be careful not to allow three months to complete a task when it could be done in one month.

Time-bound goals have a start and end date. Setting a time frame for yourself when you expect to complete your goal will give you a sense of urgency. Time-bound goals also keep you focused on the task you have laid out for yourself by prioritizing your everyday tasks. It’s easy to get caught up in the things we have to get done in life. Work and family obligations often take over. Having a mentor or being part of a mastermind group will keep you from letting other tasks take over. When the goal is time-bound, it helps keep the goal in the forefront, with a sense of necessity.

Mini-deadlines are another way that time-bound goals help ensure success. You can set yourself some smaller deadlines within your primary goal and reward yourself for those mini successes along the way. For example, let’s say your goal is to walk for 30 minutes, five times a week for three months, in the evening, when you get home from work, to get healthier. The deadline here is for three months. An example of a useful mini goal could be at the one week mark. If you check-in with yourself every Friday evening and you have followed through with walking for 30 minutes every evening after work for that week, you have completed your mini-goal. If you allow yourself a small reward for achieving the mini-goal, you will further solidify success.

If you have not achieved your mini-goal, examine why you have not accomplished your plan. Then make the adjustments necessary to achieve the goal. Making these adjustments will ensure you hit your final destination.

Time-sensitive goals are an essential part of the SMART Goals method. Setting deadlines will increase your productivity and help ensure your success.

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What’s Your Why?

In goal-setting, “your why” refers to the relevance that the particular goal has in your life. Relevance is the R in the SMART Goals method of goal setting. This part of setting a goal for yourself is crucial because it’s about ensuring that the goal is important to you. There’s little point in putting time and effort into a destination that truly doesn’t matter to you. Goals should drive us forward towards something significant. 8260891282?profile=RESIZE_400xThe relevance of the goal you are setting needs to align with your other life plans. If not, you will need to adjust your other life plans. Decide the significance of a dream by answering a few questions about the goal and your current life.

Before answering these questions, it would benefit you to have a mentor or be part of a mastermind group. A mentor or mastermind group will keep you from setting your goals too low. What you see as attainable, the right time, or having the ability to achieve the plan will probably be seen through a set of limiting beliefs that are holding you to small dreams.

Questions like:

Does this goal seem worthwhile? Is the tradeoff of time and effort worth the result?

Does it align well with my other efforts and goals? Are other aspects of your life driving forward in the same direction?

Is this the right time for this goal? Does this goal fit in with your personal goals? Does it make sense financially?

Am I the right person for this goal? Is this goal attainable? Do I have the skills and ability to succeed in the plan?

Coming up with answers to these questions will help you determine the goal’s relevance in your life. Some of these questions are not necessarily straightforward, black and white. You will need to dig deep to answer some of these questions to find the real “why” of your desired goal, to know if it’s relevant enough to move forward.

An example of a goal relevant to one’s life might be for someone whose goal is to be promoted in their field, take available online courses, and gain knowledge and experience of their desired position. This plan is worthwhile because it provides professional expertise. They offer the courses online so that you can take them at a time convenient for the subject. Online courses are affordable, so most likely, they will make financial sense. The online courses will ultimately propel the matter toward an even bigger goal, the eventual promotion.

The relevance of a goal is an integral part of goal setting. Deciding if a goal is relevant helps you match your dreams to the rest of your life, helps you know if the goal matters to you, and if it is the right time to achieve the goal. Sometimes, one must genuinely examine themselves and their life to determine the relevance of the desired destination.

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Measuring your progress for the goals you've set is the second part of the SMART Goals method. After all, you won't know if you're making progress or gaining on your goal without a way to measure it. When progress is measurable, you can track how far you've come, keep focused, and stay motivated by celebrating the small milestones you complete along the way. To facilitate assessing your progress, you'll need a set of criteria for the measurement of progress.8260522071?profile=RESIZE_400x


Similar to the Specific step used in SMART Goals, you will need to answer a few questions regarding your goal as a criterion for measuring progress data:

How many?

How much?

What is the indicator of progress?

How many or how much refers to progress as an indicator of what success for your specific goal looks like. The progress gauge signifies how you decide to track the progress you have made. This varies significantly depending on the goal. If it's a business goal, maybe the indicator of progress is gross sales. Or it might be the number of pounds lost per week if your goal is to get to a healthier weight. Tracking how far you've come within the plan is essential because it will keep you focused on your ultimate goal. Motivation is maintained by the ability to celebrate the milestones of the progress you have along the way.


Using the same goal as above, to lose 10 pounds by exercising more. More precisely stated, "I will go to the gym to work out for 45 minutes every weekday morning before work, to lose 2 pounds per week." Now that the goal is specific and clearly stated, we have added the quantity of measurement for the objective, 2 pounds per week. In this case, the indicator of measurement would be the scale. In the arena of business, an example might be, if the goal is, "I will build brand awareness through social media, to increase gross profits by 10% per month." The quantity of measurement and indictor is the profit increase in comparison to previous months.


Putting the SMART Goals method to use has proven to produce a higher success rate for goal achievement. Measuring your goals is an integral part of this process. When you track your progress, you will have the ability to stay more motivated towards your goal and keep a stronger focus.

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How To Make Your Goals Specific

Specificity is crucial as it relates to mapping out the goals you set for yourself. Overly generalized goals will produce a lack of direction and the ability to focus on what’s important. Goals that are too vague will end up setting you up for failure. For example, let’s say you want to drink more water per day. “I will drink more water every day” is far too general. Lack of specificity will enable you to make excuses. The wording doesn’t hold you accountable; it is not enough of a detailed plan to follow through. Instead, clarify the specifics. Answering some questions about your goal will pinpoint your intention and narrow down the specifics. You must answer what’s known as the “5 W’s” of necessary information gathering; Who? What? When? Where? Why? Answering these five questions will help you develop specific clarity and motivation towards your goal. Answer these five questions to draft your goal:8260498477?profile=RESIZE_400x

Who will this goal involve?

What exactly do I want to accomplish?

When do I want to accomplish this goal?                                                                        

Where will you achieve this goal?

Why is this goal important to me?

After answering the questions, you can set your goal with a definite plan. Your goal will look something like this: “I will drink eight glasses of water every day - 2 glasses in the morning before breakfast, two glasses with lunch, two glasses after the gym, and two glasses before bed to become healthier. This goal is specific and direct. It explicitly states what your expectations are for yourself and enables accountability.

Another example of a goal without detail and focus is “I will exercise more.” This goal is positive and relevant. However, it lacks specificity, and therefore it becomes a setup for failure. Answering the five w’s will provide the specifics you need to set meaningful, constructive goals that will give a higher rate of success in achievement. After answering these questions, you will end up drafting a plan that sounds more like this, “I will exercise at the gym for 45 minutes, every weekday morning before I go to work.” This statement is a detailed plan for what, where, how, and when you intend to accomplish your objective. Its details will ensure a higher goal success rate than that of the first, vaguer statement.

S stands for specific, in the acronym, SMART goals. Drafting specific goals is the first step in coming up with goals that stick and are successful.

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Why You Need To Set SMART Goals

We can define goals as objects of a person’s ambition or an aim at the desired result. Most of us have some goals set out for ourselves to improve our lives. We can relate our goals to personal or professional progress. Either way, without goals, there’s not much room for advancement, and without the challenge of reaching a goal you’ve set for yourself, life would be stagnant. 8260393058?profile=RESIZE_400x But the process in which we set goals for ourselves matters. Although you are responsible for whether you follow through with the goals you’ve set for yourself, how you set them has a hand in determining how successful you’ll be in achieving them. The term SMART Goals refers to a process in which you set the goals that will give you greater success. SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. The SMART goals method will help you with your organization, focus, and clarity with your goals. Research has shown that using the SMART goals method can save you time and simplify reaching your goals. SMART goals are easy to implement and can be used by anyone to improve their life by setting and achieving goals.

The SMART Goals method of goal setting works because it lays each step out for you. The S stands for specific, meaning the goal needs to be clear and specific. When setting a goal for yourself, you must steer away from generalized statements. The more precise the goal is, the better. M is for measurable. Measurable goals refer to tracking your progress. Your goal will be easier met if you can assess progress along the way, giving you more motivation and focus toward your ultimate ambition—next, A. The A is for attainable. Although your goals should help stretch you outside of your comfort zone and push you to the next level, the goals you set must remain achievable. R, relevant objectives are imperative to your success. This means that your set goals should be important to you and aligns well with your life and other goals you have set. Finally, T, for time-bound. Your goals should have a deadline to achieve them. This will help keep you on track and focused and give you opportunities to celebrate your small wins along the way. By implementing the SMART Goals system, you will gain the ability to achieve your goals faster, and with a higher success rate.

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Foods That Help Your Brain Focus Better

If you are like most people, anything that might help you avoid unnecessary distractions and remain more focused throughout the day is certainly welcomed. Regardless of what you do for a living or the hobbies and pastimes you enjoy, improving your ability to concentrate on the task at hand is a significant advantage. This article talks about foods that help your brain focus better. 8252203260?profile=RESIZE_400x

Given that a healthy diet is a solid way to improve most aspects of life in general, it shouldn’t come as much surprise that many healthy dietary choices can improve cognitive functions such as focus and concentration. This article will highlight just a few of the many healthy options strongly suggested to help you focus on whatever is important to you. 


Hopefully, we can all agree that to improve focus; your brain needs to be functioning properly. This is why foods that contain high amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, are an excellent option. This fatty acid is beneficial to the overall health of your brain. Not only does Omega-3 improve the amount of oxygen available to the brain, but it is also involved in increasing your ability to retain new information. 

Foods Rich In Vitamin D

The research about the importance of vitamin D for cognitive functioning most often concludes that a LACK of this vitamin is associated with greater impairment levels, especially in older individuals. 

Although the exact mechanism by which optimal vitamin D levels improve cognitive functioning is not entirely established, a recent study published in the journal, Trends in Neuroscience may have pinpointed this relationship. 

Healthy neurons in the brain are surrounded by what are known as perineuronal nets. These nets act as supportive structures that help maintain the connections between various neurons to continue to relay information via synaptic pathways. 

The easiest way to get the right amount of Vitamin D may be to take a supplement. 

The researchers involved in this study speculated that these nets become far more vulnerable to being degraded by certain enzymes in the event of a vitamin D deficiency, resulting in various cognitive deficiencies such as focus and concentration. 

Ginkgo Biloba 

Ginkgo Biloba is an ancient herb that has been utilized for its various medicinal purposes for thousands of years. Due to the increased popularity of what is known as nootropics, which are dietary supplements thought to improve brain function, this herb has seen a resurgence in popularity. 

Although there are many hypotheses about how this herb improves an individual’s ability to focus and retain information, its ability to increase blood and oxygen flow to the brain is commonly cited. This logic is frequently applied to other areas of the body, such as skeletal muscles. 

When you want to prime a particular area of your body for performance, you probably include some form of warm-up routine to loosen up and get the blood pumping. Using certain foods and dietary items such as Ginkgo Biloba may help your thinking muscle achieve the same goal. 

Green Tea

Okay, so we are all aware that caffeine is a widely popular go-to for focusing and being able to concentrate. However, the roller coaster that comes with ingesting large amounts of caffeine is notorious for resulting in a mental crash at the end of the ride. Interestingly enough, while green tea does contain caffeine, it possesses another chemical that is great at mitigating this crash.

L-theanine, found in most green tea forms, causes caffeine to be released more slowly into the bloodstream. This results in a sustained sense of focus and concentration without the unwanted crash.

These are just a few of the foods that help your brain focus better.

Works Cited 

Nine brain foods that will improve your focus and concentration. (2018, April 27). Retrieved from 

Rodriguez, B. D. (n.d.). ADHD Diet: Foods to Help You Focus - ADHD Center - Everyday Health. Retrieved from 

Vitamin D and brain health: New mechanism may explain link. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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Making a great first impression isn’t always easy, but it’s well worth attempting as much as you possibly can. To help you make it happen more often, here are three simple rules you should always follow. While they are not the only great advice on making a good first impression, they are the things that will have the biggest impact – whether you get them right or wrong. I suggest you get them right.8181941500?profile=RESIZE_400x

Rule #1 – Dress To Impress  

Pay attention to what you’re wearing. This may seem very superficial, but that’s what first impressions are all about. They are a first, quick judgment based on things like appearance. Overdress just a little if it’s an important first meeting like going to a job interview or meeting the future in-laws for the first time. 

At the very least make sure that what you’re wearing is neat and flattering. Don’t go crazy and when in doubt go for something somewhat conservative. You can always let your personality shine after you’ve made that great first impression.

Rule #2 – Be On Time  

Just as important to remember is to always be on time. It makes you look prepared and reliable. But there’s another important reason for this. The world is made up of two types of people. The first group is a stickler for time. They will not waste your time. Nor will they want their own time to be wasted. Being late is one of their biggest pet peeves. The other group has a more loose interpretation of being on time and doesn’t mind waiting for someone for a few minutes, or being late themselves. 

The problem is that you never know what camp the person you’re about to meet will fall into ahead of time. So be prepared and make sure you get there on time or even a little early. It’ll look good no matter how the person you’re meeting will feel about time and it will definitely keep you from making a bad impression with a time stickler. 

Rule #3 – Think Before You Speak

Last but not least, think before you speak. It’s easy to get nervous and just prattle on about anything and everything. It makes you look nervous and silly. Even worse, if you don’t think before you talk it’s very easy to put your foot in your mouth. Trust me, I’ve done it plenty of times. It’s not a good feeling and definitely a quick and easy way to ruin that first impression.

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Practicing gratitude has a significant impact on your life, health, and mental and emotional well-being. But it doesn’t end there. It will also impact those around you and the world at large when you start to turn your gratitude outwards and share it far and wide. 8168036282?profile=RESIZE_400x

Roman writer and philosopher Cicero called gratitude the parent of all virtue. In other words, if we practice gratitude, we’re also getting better at things like kindness, generosity, orderliness, courage, honesty, and respect, to name a few. What does this mean in practical terms? If we practice gratitude, we can’t help but become a better person. 

Now let’s take this a step further. What if, instead of feeling grateful for the things in your life, you take it out into the world at large? What could happen? What force of good could you create? There is no way of knowing how many lives you could influence for the better. Let’s take a look at how you, I, and everyone else reading this can start to turn their gratitude outward and share it with those around them.

Random Acts of Kindness  

Do something kind for a stranger. Accomplishing this can be as simple as giving an open and honest smile to a stranger on the street or a few kind words and a compliment for the cashier ringing up your groceries. Or it could be taking a meal to an elderly neighbor or buying a drink for a person in the coffee shop drive-thru line. Make it a goal to do something kind for someone each day and do it intentionally. 

Respect And Thank Those Who Serve You  

Many people in our communities serve us, from first responders to the waitress at your favorite restaurant. Make it a point to be respectful and thank them with words, with actions, and in the case of that waitress, with a generous tip. Make them aware of how grateful you are for everything they do to make your life easier. 

Volunteer In Your Community  

Volunteer to show your gratitude by donating your time and your skills in your neighborhood. There are many opportunities for anyone to volunteer in various projects and for a variety of different causes. See what’s available around you and make an effort to put in some time to volunteer each month. Not only is it a fantastic way to give back and spread gratitude, but you’ll be amazed at how much you get out of it. 

Develop Deeper Relationships

Last but not least, I would like to encourage you to work on developing deeper relationships. You will have a stronger sense of gratitude and lead by example when you take the time to listen and actively work on coming closer to the people you love.

Now that you have some ideas, the ball is in your court. What will you do today to spread gratitude in your circle of influence? Go out there and make an impact. Make the world a better and more grateful place.

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Practicing gratitude and focusing on positivity is easier said than done, especially if you struggle with anxiety and depression. If you ever find yourself spiraling into the bottomless pit of depression, then get help if you need it.  There’s nothing wrong with talking to a counselor or getting therapy. It’s the smart thing to do.8167922476?profile=RESIZE_400x

There’s a lot you can do to get yourself unstuck from all that negativity. Start by acknowledging your feelings and putting them into words. How exactly do you feel? Is it anger or annoyance? Frustration or disappointment? Try to be specific. Dig deep. Yes, it can be painful, and some people prefer to avoid thinking about these feelings, but the first step to getting yourself unstuck is determining exactly where you are emotionally. 

Once you’ve identified the feeling, you can start to work on discovering what caused them. Sometimes the answer is obvious. Other times, not so much. In either case, I encourage you to dig deep because often, the obvious answer isn’t the real root cause. Yes, you may be mad at our spouse for running up the credit card bill, but if you dig deep, you may discover that some underlying core values don’t align between the two of you.

Once you find the real reason for your negative feelings, you can start to work to resolve them. What that looks like will vary from case to case. The critical takeaway here is that it gives you something specific and meaningful to do. You no longer feel out of control or helpless. It’s something you can work with, and that alone will help you think more positively. 

In addition, it allows you to distance yourself a little from the negative feelings. You may still be upset with your spouse, but it also gives you the space to remember everything you love about him or her. It gives you the freedom to act outside of the negativity and have a good relationship while you work things out. And sometimes, it may give you the mental space you need to realize that it is up to you to decide if you want to continue to dwell in the negativity or choose a route of forgiveness. You can’t change everything or everyone. Sometimes your path toward positivity is to acknowledge your negative feelings and then let them go.

Of course, all of this is easier said than done. A journal can be a great tool to help you along the way. Try talking to a close friend or confidant when you feel stuck and can’t see a positive path. An outside perspective can give a lot of clarity. Meditation can be helpful, as well. 

Last but not least, surround yourself with positive people. Get outside and enjoy nature. Spend some time helping others. And don’t forget to remind yourself regularly of everything you have to be grateful for.

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We take a lot of good things for granted in our everyday life. Examples of this are a roof over our heads, a steady paycheck, a loving partner, the ability to go out for a run on the weekends. The specifics vary, but one of the significant advantages of modern lives is the many awesome things we can count on. We're not used to falling short, so when something happens, and our life starts to fall apart, it's easy to fall into thinking patterns that focus on lack and despair. 8162113488?profile=RESIZE_400x

Sometimes the bad things are a result of choices we made. Sometimes they are outside of our control. In either case, it is up to us to decide how we react to each crisis. One piece of advice that is important to remember no matter what adversity you face is to make sure you don't forget about how blessed you are. Gratitude can turn what we have into enough.

There's a quote I love and would like to share with you by Melody Beattie. "Gratitude turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity it makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow."

Think about how you can start to do this in your everyday life. An excellent place to start is merely taking a deep breath and pausing when things go wrong, and everything starts to feel overwhelming. Then come up with one little thing you are grateful for during this time. It can be something as simple as being able to breathe fresh, clean air or living to fight another day.

Find that something and start to build on it. What else are you grateful for? Keep making that mental list until the desperation begins to lift, and you can begin to think clearly. When you do, you can start to find your way out, no matter how bad things seem at first. And remember, you never know what good might come from the struggle you are facing right now. 

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade, and don't forget to count your blessings and use gratitude to turn what you have into enough. Our ancestors were great at this. It's time we picked that habit back up. Remember, "All things work for the good of those who believe." When you cultivate this belief, you will see the lessons to learn when life is falling apart.

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Happiness - A Conscious Focus

I’m going to let you in on a little secret I learned years ago that has served me well. What you focus on comes to pass. When you practice gratitude, you train your mind to be more positive, which has some interesting physical implications. Practicing gratitude and positive thinking directly affects your brain chemistry. That’s right, by focusing on gratitude and happiness; you control the release of certain chemicals and neurotransmitters that influence how you feel both physically and mentally. Let’s take a look at how that works. 8161385094?profile=RESIZE_400x

More Feel-Good Hormones  

Focusing on happiness and gratitude leads to the release of two “feel good” hormones - dopamine and serotonin. These two neurotransmitters are responsible for those warm fuzzy feelings. Yes, there are other ways to get them, like exercise and chocolate, for example. But who wouldn’t want to increase these powerful antidepressants with something as simple as giving and receiving gratitude, for instance? This stresses the point that you can make your happiness. And it’s not just a mental exercise. Focusing on positivity, making a conscious effort to be more grateful and happier changes the balance of hormones and neurotransmitters in your body and brain. 

In short, practicing gratitude and the resulting feeling of happiness are a powerful strategy to beat depression and anxiety, often working better than prescription drugs - and without the nasty side effects. 

Fewer Stress Hormones  

When you are anxious or scared, the body releases stress hormones like adrenaline, cortisol, and the likes. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. It helps you react fast when you’re about to be hit by a car and make you run faster when you need to get away from someone. But it works against you and robs you of your health and wellbeing when it’s a response to something that isn’t a physical danger, like tax day or worrying about what your co-worker thinks of you. 

Stress hormones can lead to weight gain, depression, anxiety, and they take a toll on your heart. You know you should do what you can to reduce the stress you feel, and as it turns out, one of the most powerful strategies here is practicing gratitude and positive thinking. So choose happiness and know that you are doing wonders for your mental and physical health. 

So what’s the bottom line? When you are mindful of all of the things you are grateful for in your life, you can learn to appreciate all the good even in the midst of the bad and cultivate happiness. Stop waiting for the right person, the right circumstances. Don’t wait for happiness to find you. Be happy right now at this moment. And use gratitude to help you get there.

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The more you read and learn about the power of gratitude on both body and mind, the more amazed you will be about how much it can do for you. Let’s take a look at how forgiveness can free us from the things that are holding us back. More importantly, let’s dive a little deeper into the mind-body connection of practicing (or not practicing) forgiveness. We’ll wrap things up with a surprising notion that you can’t afford to miss. 8161315900?profile=RESIZE_400x

Think back on the last time you held a grudge. What did that feel like? Did you have a pit in your stomach? Did you have trouble sleeping? Were you distracted from other, more important things? What did you lose because you chose to stay angry at the other person? Holding a grudge isn’t beneficial for you. Not only that, but the person you’re holding a grudge against probably doesn’t even remember what they did. They are not suffering because you’re upset. You are. You’re holding on to all that negativity, and it’s poisoning you. And it doesn’t stop at destroying your mental health. All this anger and resentment can and will make you physically sick. Your blood pressure goes up; your immune response goes down. You’re not sleeping well, which has other health implications. And let’s not even talk about all the junk food you’re eating while in this state of stress.

Don’t let holding a grudge make you sick. Instead, focus on forgiveness and gratitude. Take a deep breath and find it in your heart to forgive the other person. It’s not easy, but it is within your power. Be the better person. Take the higher road. Do it for yourself because you know you will instantly feel better, and it will do wonders for your mental and physical health and well-being. 

I hinted at the fact that there’s something surprising about forgiveness earlier. I’m sure you’re eager to know what that’s about and why it’s something you need to know. It’s the idea that forgiveness isn’t really about the person you are forgiving. Sure, there are times when they appreciate or even demand your forgiveness. But even so, the person benefiting the most is you. That’s right. Forgiveness isn’t for the other person. It’s what sets you free and allows you to pursue happiness and be fulfilled in your own life. 

To recap, forgiving the other person benefits you. It improves your mental well-being and your physical health. It lets you sleep better at night and have a good outlook on life. Don’t let that old grudge steal your happiness. Practice forgiveness and feel gratitude that you have it in your power to decide if you let any slight hold you back or not.

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How you feel - how happy you are, how stressed you are, even how well you sleep - may seem like it’s out of your hands, but it is a choice you make. You can choose to be grateful for what you have, and happiness follows. Or you can choose to focus on what you’re lacking, who has wronged you, and what’s not going your way. And guess what? You’ll feel miserable. You may blame others, circumstances, or fate for your unhappiness. But at the end of the day, it’s all about you and the choices you make. You choose happiness or misery. 8161289068?profile=RESIZE_400x

How can you make sure you make the right choices throughout life? One of the simplest ways to ensure you live a happy and fulfilled life is to focus on gratitude. Of course, that’s easier said than done. You get upset when your friend stands you up on your lunch date, and that’s okay. How you choose to move forward from here is what will make the difference. You can choose to dwell on the slight you think your friend gave you. The more you think about it, the angrier you get. Instead of having lunch at the new restaurant, you were looking forward to trying. You get back into your car, drive home, and let it ruin your day. That’s a choice. Now let’s look at a different one. 

Same scenario. Your friend stands you up. You’re disappointed and maybe even a little mad. You take a deep breath, let those negative feelings go, and make a choice based on gratitude. What can you find in this situation that you can be grateful for? Maybe you’ve wished for some quiet alone time so you can hear yourself think. Maybe there’s a store you’ve wanted to check out or a movie you’ve wanted to see for a while, and this is the time to do it. Maybe there’s an old friend you’ve meant to visit. Or perhaps you’ll enjoy a good meal by yourself and grab some takeout for your spouse on the way out the door. 

Instead of heading home angry, you’re going home grateful for these few special hours you carved out for yourself. And who knows. Maybe you talk to your friend later that evening and find out that she had a family emergency that caused her to miss your lunch date. How guilty would you feel then about the anger you let yourself feel towards her? And how guilty would she feel for having ruined your day? Instead, focusing on gratitude and making the best of the situation, you created happiness for yourself. That’s choosing gratitude.

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Gratitude is a powerful thing, and we're just scratching the surface when it comes to discovering the various mental and physical effects it has on us. Let's look at a few of those to give you an idea of what you can expect if you start to make feeling gratitude a daily focus.8159027667?profile=RESIZE_400x

The Mental Benefits Of Gratitude

Practicing gratitude helps your overall mental health because you instantly have a better outlook on life. Don't be surprised to walk away from your latest gratitude meditation with a big smile on your face. Of course, the benefits don't stop at increased happiness. Feeling more gratitude has been linked to a better self-image, less anxiety, and even reduced depression. This comes as no surprise to scientists who have recorded increased dopamine levels and serotonin after intentional gratitude meditations. 

The Physical Benefits Of Gratitude  

This is where it gets interesting. It's one thing to feel better emotionally, but the release of these "feel-good" hormones affects your physical body as well. Gratitude reduces stress, and with it, you're sleeping better, your blood pressure lowers, and you have more energy. As a result, you move more, leading to even better overall physical health. Maybe your gratitude exercise motivates you to go out for a walk, getting more oxygen into your body and loading up on Vitamin D. Being able to sleep soundly reduces appetite and less stress helps you make smarter food choices. All these things work hand in hand to turn you into a healthier and more robust version of yourself. 

Gratitude is particularly vital for heart health. Between the lower blood pressure and reduced stress, you are putting less strain on your heart. The added exercise and sleep strengthen your heart muscle and give this essential organ time to recover and heal overnight. With heart disease, one of the leading causes of death in modern society, there's never been a better time to practice gratitude and let go of stress. 

How can you tap into both the mental and physical benefits of gratitude? By feeling more of it. Of course, that's easier said than done. A great place to start is by creating a habit of thinking of at least one person or one thing you are deeply grateful for each morning as soon as you wake up. It sets the tone for the whole day and gets you off to a great start to reap these powerful benefits. Give it a try!

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Dream into Reality

Hello Brothers,

       I am happy to say the dream has become a reality.  I released my 5 song EP - SEEKER INSENSITIVE on 10/21/20.  It is now available everywhere for streaming.  I will give you all a CD at the next retreat!!!!  Thank you so much to everyone for the support.  This site, Emmet Fox, Lefty, Daryn, and Eric have all made this possible.  Thank you for introducing me to the God within.

Love you all,


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The Resolute Rye Loaf Fable


Emma always baked rye loaves at home, so she knew the recipe by heart. Even with distractions, she still got the ingredients right. But somehow, she missed her measurements this time around. 

Realizing her mistake after seeing a slower than usual rise, she exclaimed, “Oh no! I didn’t use enough yeast in the dough. Now my rye loaf won’t rise.” 

Upon hearing Emma’s calamity, Regina thought to herself, “Well, I’m not going to be the first of Regina’s loaves to end up flat...I’ve got to think of something!” 

Regina knew how tough it would be to rise with less yeast than required. But she contended that anything is possible when one is determined to succeed. 

Resigned, Emma put the dough in the baking pan and placed it in the oven. She had zero expectations of her usual quality rye loaf. “I guess once it bakes, I can chop it into small pieces and make croutons instead.”

But Regina had other ideas. It would take a lot more effort than previous rye loaves used, but she was raring to go. “I’ve decided that I’m going to take several deep breaths while baking and exhale powerfully to help with rising,” she said. “I know that I have what it takes to be successful,” she affirmed. 

And with that, Regina kept going. She kept pushing herself little by little until the peak of the loaf started to rise. She knew right away that her hard work would pay off. 

When Emma peeked in the oven and saw the rise, she was excited by what she called a miracle rise. Regina beamed with pride, knowing that her perseverance led to a positive outcome.

Moral of the story: Your outcomes are a direct result of your effort and determination.

The Resolute Rye Loaf Self-Reflection

Regina knew that things often happen predictably in the natural order of life once specific steps are taken. But in times when you miss a step, the outcome is often unpredictable. 

She also recognized the importance of determination in ensuring the desired outcome. Sometimes, there is only so much to leave up to the natural order of things. 

In the case of Emma’s blunder of using too little yeast in her rye recipe, the outcome, though predictable, shaped up to be disastrous. But it’s possible to avert disaster once you act quickly and rely on your inner drive to reverse your fate. 

Life has a way of throwing curveballs. The negative outcome may seem unavoidable, but things turn around for the better when you refuse to give up. 

Constant focus on your end goal always gives you the extra push to drive through obstacles or speed bumps. Reject thoughts of defeat and affirm your ability to thrive. 

When you take that path, your negatives turn into positives. Stay resolute and watch the promise of success unfold in front of you. 

Until you see the result, wait in expectation of greatness. Persistence is the formula for positive living. 

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. How do I know when there is more perseverance left in me?
  2. Which examples from others do I use to motivate myself?
  3. How much time do I spend sharpening my skills?
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You heard it when you were a kid. It is nice out, go out and play. Remember laying in the grass? Running barefoot in the grass? Playing hide and seek in the woods? These were not stressful times. Being a kid was only part of the reason for the lack of stress. Nature had its calming effect then, also. You may have been pushed outside at first, but once you were outside you did not want to come back in. Part of the reason is that nature calls us to her. Did you know that there are many mental and emotional health benefits in getting back to nature?7988157692?profile=RESIZE_400x 

  1. You feel less stressed. Spending time outside in green spaces, wherever that happens to be, in your yard, the woods, by a creek, has been shown to lower your blood pressure. Your heartbeat starts to slow down, and your breathing becomes more even and natural. In short, the effects of stress fade away and you start to relax. The good news? The results are not temporary. Studies have shown that spending your weekends outside in a forest helps lower stress levels for up to 7 days following the event.


  1. You feel more alert. If you frequently find yourself trapped in brain fog, the quickest way to clear your head might be to step outside. Finding a green space – a short walk in a park or trek out to the country – leaves you feeling alert.


  1. You’re better able to cope. When you’re dealing with depression or anxiety, getting outside can seem a little daunting. But if you can give yourself that extra push to get out the door, your mind and body will thank you for it. It’s a proven fact that the effects of both depression and fatigue both dramatically improve when you’re able to spend time in nature.


  1. Your focus improves. Feeling overwhelmed at work and unable to think? Try a nature break on the weekend. Remember, spending some significant time enjoying nature over the weekend has a long-lasting impact, as mentioned above. So that long hike on Saturday might be what you need to focus better in the week ahead.


  1. You become more creative. Nature inspires you to think out of the box. A rather interesting study that had people spend time outside for four days found that they performed 50% better on creative problem-solving challenges afterward.

With the mental and emotional health benefits of spending time outside so obvious, it’s no wonder our parents wanted us to get outside when we were kids (and you thought they were trying to get rid of you!). With so much good in store for you, isn’t it time you got out of the house?

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The essential skill you will need to get ahead is strategic thinking. Every recruiter looks for this skill and is what every successful organization needs. In this article, we will describe a strategic thinker and show you how to develop this marketable skills.7979858495?profile=RESIZE_400x

  1. Strategic Thinkers are Reflective Thinkers

Strategic thinkers have the capacity to reflect. Critical, reflective thinking allows you to dive deep into all the aspects of a problem. It is a habitual way of thinking that enables you to see the issue from all angles. 

If you’re a strategic thinker, you don’t go straight for the easiest or most obvious answer. In fact, you’re likely to be wary of the easy solution and turn the problem inside out before you decide on a course of action. 

Strategic thinkers draw data from many sources to inform their thinking. They explore possibilities and likely and unlikely scenarios. They weigh the pros and cons of potential solutions and think of how each will affect the stakeholders. 

  1. Strategic Thinkers make Great Leaders

The capacity to see all aspects of a situation and think of the possible ramifications makes strategic thinkers natural leaders.

Honing your strategic thinking skills helps to develop and build your strategic leadership skills. 

Strategic leaders can join the dots and make surprising connections and have a particular aptitude for systems thinking. Many people tend to have a narrow vision that doesn’t extend beyond their job or specialization. Strategic thinkers tend to be interested in what everyone is doing and why which gives them a very different perspective on problem-solving. Because they look at the situation from a 360-degree angle, they can assess the impact on the organization as a whole.

This kind of strategic leadership inspires loyalty and trust in employees and clients alike. 

  1. Strategic Thinkers Create More Strategic Thinkers

Strategic thinkers tend to be inspiring. They see and think outside the box. They are enthusiastic about the future and its possibilities and encourage a can-do attitude. 

Strategic leaders tend to ask questions. They think deeply about the issues affecting the organization and prompt others to think about the same issues. They’re focused on the strategic vision, how the organization meets the needs of its customers and stakeholders alike, and how it can go beyond just delivering the same product. 

If you want to foster and signal your strategic thinking, learn to think deeply and ask the hard questions. Go beyond what’s in front of you and think of what is possible.



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Dream Advancing.......

What is up my Brothers?  I hope you all are well.  Just giving the latest update on The John Moran Band dream progress.  My 5 song EP release is uploaded and set for streaming release on all major platforms on 10/21/20.  I have also produced and ordered 100 professional quality CD's for promotional purposes.  I am currently working on pre-release promotion through youtube, social media, spotify playlists and traditional FM radio. Please subscribe to my youtube channel!!! Thanks for all the support guys!!  Love youse!!


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How To Calm Your Amped Up Mind

Do you ever feel amped up? Wound up or restless? Anxiety is a drag. Feeling amped up can happen to everyone at some time in life. This is one way that anxiety presents itself. How you deal with anxiety is what makes the difference. How do you soothe your overexcited mind?7948958674?profile=RESIZE_400x

What Is Anxiety?

Let's see what the experts say. According to Anxiety is the reaction to situations perceived as stressful or dangerous. "The amped-up feeling and restlessness you may feel can be manifestations of anxiety. The world we live in and the hectic pace of our society often leaves people feeling this way. Many wonder how they can learn to relax.

Symptoms Of Anxiety:

  • Feeling restless, wound-up, or on-edge
  • Being easily fatigued
  • Having difficulty concentrating; mind going blank
  • Being irritable
  • Having muscle tension
  • Difficulty controlling feelings of worry
  • Having sleep problems, such as difficulty falling or staying asleep, restlessness, or unsatisfying sleep

(According to

How To Soothe Your Amped Up Mind

Be Here Now 

Anxiety can be described as worrying about something that is in the future. Be here now: What's happening at this moment? Bring yourself back to the present. This can be done by doing a task that requires all of your attention. For some people, this might be an art project. Others might find relief from a sport that demands all their focus. For others pausing and reflecting on being present is enough. Find what works for you to bring you into the moment you are in right now and relax your intense emotions. I always look at my feet and tell myself, this where you are. Be here. Then I picture myself with a snow shovel in a foot of snow. You need to shovel snow, not buy a ticket to Florida. This centers me in the present moment.

Take A Break

Sometimes you need a break. Get out of town, take a day off, or go for a run. Move your body and breathe fresh air. A change of environment or even a change of routine can refresh the soul and relax the mind.


Ask yourself if what you are anxious about is reasonable and logical. Check-in. Ask yourself if whatever is happening at this moment is even worth investing your energy in. This allows you to train your brain to develop a rational way to deal with your anxious emotions. Developing these habits prepares you for the future when you have a similar experience. Having a contingency plan will help you feel calmer at the moment.

Meditation And Deep Breathing 

Deep breathing will help you relax. Meditation or breathing exercises help; both are excellent relaxation and focusing methods. Search online for various methods to try. Yoga, group classes, or individual practice may help you with relaxation and self-soothing. All of these activities are excellent for your wellbeing and overall health.


Changing the way you look at a situation can change the way you feel about it. A change in your outlook can be achieved by intentional acts. Over time it will happen automatically. According to a study: "Appraisal theories of emotion suggest that it is an individual's subjective appraisal of an event—that is, its' meaning and significance—rather than the event itself that leads to a specific emotional reaction." (Seeing the Silver Lining: Cognitive Reappraisal Ability Moderates the Relationship Between Stress and Depressive Symptoms, Allison S. Troy, et al., 2010) 

How you look at an event can change your emotions about it. If you have a balanced, calm mindset, it will take more for you to feel excited. You will have better distress tolerance and be better able to handle emotions that arise. 

You can learn to calm yourself using small changes to daily habits and to reframe your thoughts. Implementing some of these practices will help you develop techniques to increase relaxation in your everyday life, de-stress, and improve your mental health. 




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7 Day Mental Diet

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