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 Are you losing motivation? It happens to the best of us. But there are tricks to staying motivated, many of which involve taking a hard look at your goals. With a little preparation and solid planning, there’s no reason why you can’t stay motivated through whatever project you’ve set out for yourself.6443362064?profile=RESIZE_400x


  1. Start with the big picture. What is it you’re trying to accomplish? Having an idea of the eventual goal will help you to stay on track. The clearer the vision, the more likely you are to keep going, even when times get tough. Ask yourself what it is you’re trying to achieve – and then picture yourself achieving it. The visualization step is the most important one here. We tend to perform in the way we expect to. So if we expect to fail, we do. By seeing success, you’re more likely to attain success.
  2. Now that you’ve gotten the big picture, make sure this is YOUR goal. At first glance, that statement seems ridiculous – why would you make a goal that isn’t your own? This answer can be found most easily in asking WHY you want to accomplish this goal. If the word “should” comes up, then chances are you might want to re-evaluate what you’re doing. We often set goals because we feel like they’re something we’re supposed to do, and not because they’re something we want to do. You’re less likely to stay motivated when you’re on the path of ‘should.’
  3. Next, you’ll want to break those tasks down into something manageable. Now that you have a goal and are sure it’s something you want to do, you might feel a little overwhelmed about how you’re going to accomplish that goal. By breaking it up into smaller pieces, you regain the feeling that you’re doing something possible. Like a pro tip? Celebrate the small successes as you go. That will help keep the motivation levels high.
  4. If you’re still a little overwhelmed, get organized. It might be that you don’t feel prepared to work on this project because you lack the research or supplies. Figure out what you need and then go about making sure you have the proper tools to get the job done. It’s easier to stay motivated when you have what you need to succeed.
  1. If all else fails, remember why you set the goal in the first place. It could be you only need a little reminder of your previous motivation to find the fresh motivation to keep going.
  2. Take care of yourself. If you do not eat nutritious food regularly, rest, and relax, you will become run down, tired, and irritable. Motivation will be hard to maintain when you are tired and cranky.

Motivation isn’t something you have to lose as you work on a project. You can keep your motivation levels high with a little forethought and planning. By staying on track with your goals, you’ll find that motivation will likewise keep on track, guiding you through the job at hand until completion.

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Are you struggling to find your way to the top of the food chain at work? Do you feel like you are just another employee that shows up, works, and clocks out at the end of the day? You don’t have to be a faceless cog in the wheel of work. You can stand out.6442843855?profile=RESIZE_400x

  1. Get to Know & Communicate with Higher-Ups

This doesn’t just mean your direct supervisor, but the individuals at every level of the company. Don’t be afraid to introduce yourself, make small talk, or even talk shop with a higher-up. These individuals are most likely doing everything they can to make the company succeed, and if you stand out as a person who is willing to help make that happen, they will remember you.

  1. Look for Leadership Opportunities

Be willing and ready to jump on leadership opportunities that pop up. Showing that you are able and willing to lead others will make an impression. 

  1. Stay Professional

Be it in a meeting, the water cooler, or happy hour on Friday, keep it professional. Make sure you are always putting your best foot forward.

  1. Show Up on Time

Being late is one of the easiest ways to annoy and be off-putting. Time is money, and being late is disrespectful to those that you keep waiting. 

  1. Think Like a Manager

This will have two positives. First, it will show that you can think above where you are and that you are looking ahead to the next goal. The second positive is that managers are not just looking out for themselves, but for the whole team and company. Thinking like a manager will show that you are in the job for the betterment of all, not just yourself.

  1. Record & Communicate Your Accomplishments

Every little win or training that you have, you need to keep a record of it. What was the accomplishment? Why was it an accomplishment? That three-hour training that you thought was boring. Write it down too. Keeping a log of your achievements and training will be useful for future employee evaluations and will give you a copy of your proven track record. 

  1. Be a Team Player

Being a team player comes in many forms. It can be helping on the part of the project you weren’t assigned to, covering for a coworker, or any other number of issues that come up in an office environment. However, the result will always be the same. Others will see your helpfulness and appreciate it. Your supervisor will know that you are committed to the wellbeing of the team and the company, and it will pay off in the end. 

Becoming an employee of the month isn’t an easy task. It also isn’t something that everyone aspires to. However, consistently showing up and putting in the effort where others aren’t is something that will become apparent to others.

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Professional development is a great way to get ahead at work. You can always learn a new trick. Sometimes though, getting ahead at work is about more than learning a new skill set, sometimes it’s about being an intuitive team player. Keying into basic understandings of work can allow you to stand out to your supervisor regularly. 6403042865?profile=RESIZE_400x

  1. Understand Your Employer’s Goals

It is essential to know what the intended result is of every project. Then see how this project fits the overall goal of the company. Once you understand where you are going, you can plan on how to get there. If you don’t know the overall goal of your supervisor or company, do your homework to track down the mission statement or talk to your supervisor. 

  1. Learn Your Boss’ Likes and Dislikes

Does your boss prefer documents to be typed in a specific font and size? Learn that and do it. Every single time. Does your boss believe that if you’re not five minutes early, you’re late? Then be ten minutes early—every single time. The likes and dislikes of your supervisor can be quirky, so learn those likes and dislikes and do your best to accommodate them. You don’t want your hard work and excellent ideas to be buried because of a font type. You have your quirks, but you do not sign the check.

  1. Show Up for Your Team

Become ready and willing to jump in when your team needs you for the big and little things will show that you are a team player. It will also show that you put the whole of the workplace before your own minor needs at work. Showing up for your team can also mean supporting individuals. Is Nancy’s daughter fighting a nasty case of the flu? Offer to help her out with her workload while she is off work. The favor might even be returned.

  1. Be a Problem Solver

Taking the lead on solving problems big and small will show that you are willing to put in the work, not just point out the issues. This is also an excellent show of leadership. When others see you working to solve problems, they will be more likely to jump in and help.

  1. Take Initiative

Taking the initiative around the office comes in many forms. Problem-solving is one form. However, this can mean emptying an overflowing trash can, filling the printer with paper, and offering to plan a monthly birthday party. Taking the initiative shows that you are not just at work for yourself, but that you care about others and the office. 

Blowing your boss’ mind isn’t tricky most of the time. Taking simple steps to learn about others and be conscientious of your workplace manners can go a long way.

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When you develop self-discipline, you have many beneficial results. These include a sense of accomplishment, more self-respect, and a better understanding of what you can do. The most significant benefit of self-discipline is after a while, you no longer need discipline because it becomes a habit. 6386569269?profile=RESIZE_400x

Discipline is not easy, but it is well worth it. Set a goal and work on the goal every day until the goal is reached, you will have a sense of accomplishment that few attain. You stuck with your dreams and made them materialize. Think back to when you had a goal and worked on it every day until it was done. How did you feel? 

When you discipline yourself to accomplish a goal, you also increase your self-respect. Think of the people you have the most respect for, and why you respect them. Chances are one of those reasons is that they have self-discipline. They set out to do something, and they accomplish it. 

By doing the same for yourself, you can have more respect for who you are as a person. When you do not use self-discipline, you will feel less of a connection to yourself. You will find that you have lower self-esteem as well, and are more likely to fall into negativity. 

You learn more about what you can do. When you set goals and challenge yourself to meet them, you need to follow through. When you do that, you will find out that you can overcome obstacles that you might have thought were too difficult, You learn more about who you are and what you can accomplish when you set your mind to it. 

A lot of times, people put limitations on themselves that is not accurate. Think about something you think is not possible. Is it impossible, or are you setting an artificial boundary? One way to find out is to set a goal and make it happen. If you are a couch potato, you cannot immediately run a marathon, but over time as you build up your body with increasingly more intense exercise, you can. 

 Now it is your turn. Figure out a goal that you want to do and set up milestones along the way. Then each day do something to make those milestones happen. It does not have to be anything major, just one more small step on the way to your final goal. When you reach that ultimate goal, take stock of how you feel about yourself and what you are capable of doing.

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Many people are perfectly happy working a regular 9 to 5 job. Heck, some people even love it. Others have dreams of owning their own business or doing work that does not consist of regular office hours. Or, maybe you are someone who needs the benefits offered by your 9 to 5 while also pursuing your dreams on the side. Either way, you can do both, it just takes practice, effort, and a mindset shift.6385680054?profile=RESIZE_400x

  1. Your 9 to 5 is a blessing

You may not enjoy the job you are working at forty hours a week, but it is

most likely paying your bills. Remember to be thankful for that and keep your head on straight, even on the tough days. Your present job is temporary, as soon as you get your business up and running, you can quit. 

  1. Write Down Your Goals

Your written goals have a way of keeping you on track. When you get tired and frustrated reviewing your written goals will remind you of why you are taking on this tremendous task. The written picture of your future will give you the persistence to carry on. 

  1. Use Your Time Wisely

Everyone has twenty-four hours in their day, your job (hopefully) only takes up eight of those. Use what is left of your time wisely. Plan your days in advance and stack items so you can make the most of everything. Long commute? Listen to an audiobook or podcast that fuels your passions. Make every minute count. 

  1. Lay Bricks Daily

Rome wasn’t built in a day, but they laid bricks daily. Make sure you are making steps daily toward your goals. Make sure you aren’t wasting time with useless tasks like cleaning out deleted emails or double-checking something you have already triple checked. Make your to-do list count. 

  1. Outsource

If there is a task that you are absolutely no good at and you can afford to have someone else do it (think coding a website), then outsource it. Don’t waste your time on tasks that you hate and/or are bad at when you can have someone else do the work in half the time. Focus on tasks that you are good at and can accomplish on your own. When needed, call in reinforcements. 

  1. 9 to 5 as a Reminder

Your 9 to 5 is paying your bills, and you're thankful. That doesn’t mean you don’t hate the job. Use that as a reminder in the late hours of the night when you are still working on your dream. Annoying coworker? Use him or her as a reminder why you want to build a company with a better work culture. Reminders are everywhere, you just need to find them. 

Working hard to get your dream off the ground is no easy task, but it can be done. You have already found the time, now you need to make your mindset and your actions count.

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You know you can lead. Heck, you were always the leader in group projects at school and even know you are the captain of your adult softball team. You are a natural-born leader. However, at work, you struggle to find that same edge and confidence that you have in your personal endeavors. In this article, you will learn five ways you can approach leadership at work. 6384950101?profile=RESIZE_400x

  1. Plan Your Meetings

Meetings are usually horrendous events in general. However, a meeting that isn’t well planned or planned at all is even worse. If you are overseeing a meeting at work, take the time to make an agenda. Put thought into what needs to be covered, the time allotment, and in what order. Email the schedule to all attendees ahead of time, so everyone knows what the expectations are and can come prepared.

  1. Communicate Better

Make sure that you are communicating effectively with coworkers and supervisors. You can even ask, “is there a way I can better communicate with you/the team?” Effective communication is different for everyone, and taking the time to learn how others communicate will not only make you better at it, but others will appreciate your effort.

  1. Eliminate Interruptions

Interruptions come in many shapes and sizes. If you have a constant distraction that is negatively affecting your work, consider how to eliminate these distractions. If it can not be eliminated, find a way to make it less distracting. 

  1. Know Your Weaknesses

Everyone knows their strengths. Knowing your weaknesses, though, can be an uncomfortable road to self-improvement. Learning your weaknesses will allow you to work towards improvement, but also foresee where you will need help from others. There is no shame in asking for help. 

  1. Finish What You Start

You’re halfway through a project, and it stinks. Do whatever you need to do, ask for help, take a short break, or call in reinforcements. No matter what, though, you need to finish that project. Completing the project will show that you have the dedication and aren’t willing to let a little mess keep you from seeing through. 

Showing leadership qualities at work can be daunting for anyone. However, starting with these basic approaches, you can begin to build a resume of leadership skills that will allow others to have faith in your ability and follow you through to the end of even the most daunting of projects.

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Being your best at work means not only putting your best foot forward but also continually working to better yourself. This doesn’t always mean turning in the best project or attending all the professional developments. Keep reading to learn basic ways you can show up with your best at work every day. 6356710876?profile=RESIZE_400x

  1. Get to Know Your Colleagues

Learning about your colleagues has many benefits. You don’t have to be out to make friends, but learning about others can benefit you in many ways. First, it shows you care, and people like it when people are considerate. Second, it will help you find things in common that you can come back to when work gets tough. Finally, getting to know people will help you learn how to work better. Derek prefers exact instructions and asks lots of questions, while Suzy is a big-picture type of person who tends to skip over minor details. Getting to know means learning how to work better.

  1. Don’t Be a Gossip

No one likes an office gossip, except maybe the other office gossip. Getting caught up in drama can be a distraction and can earn you a bad reputation with your coworkers and supervisors. You want to be someone that can be trusted with information. Keep your business to yourself and remember, loose lips sink ships.

  1. Stretch Your Skill Set

Stretching your skills as well as learning new ones allows you to continue growing your tool bag. This will make you a more valuable team member and will help you if you ever decide to look for a new position elsewhere.

  1. Become a Mentor

Mentoring can be done in and outside of the office. The new intern that is lost take that person under your wing and help them find their way. You will be a valuable friend and show that you are willing to help others. You can also do outreach in your profession in schools and other community programs. 

  1. Be a Friend

You don’t have to be BFFs with every person in the office but be friendly. Ask how others are doing, encourage, visit, or send a small gift if someone is sick. Not only will others appreciate and remember your kindness, but they will be willing to return the favor if the need arises.

Being your best at work is not something that you can achieve in a day. It’s a constant stream of small and conscious decisions that you will make daily. These decisions will build upon each other and allow you to create a work culture and life that will be fulfilling and beneficial.

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When most people think of productive and effective employees, they think of the employee that always has their assignments done on time and to the best of their ability. That is not wrong. However, it also overlooks many aspects of an employee that is productive and effective. 6356383871?profile=RESIZE_400x

  1. Take Charge

When everyone is unsure how to proceed, be the one to start making a game plan. Others will follow and start chipping in as needed. An emergency arises over a project, step up, and act. Again, others will follow and proceed with the appropriate action. 

  1. Make Allies Across the Organization

There are always allies to be made in other departments. Sometimes it is the secretary that holds the key to the supply closet. Other times, this is the man that delivers your mail. Take time to get to know and build relationships with these individuals. Every person at a company has a role to play, and you are never too good not to be friends with them.

  1. Give Your Full Attention

Multitasking will be your downfall. Give your full attention to whatever you are doing. The assignment you are working on. The coworker is asking you a question or passing along pertinent information. Pay attention. Don’t multitask.

  1. Focus on Results, Not on To-Do Lists

Even the most well-intentioned to-do list can go awry. Instead of looking at the checkmarks on the page, look at the results your work is creating. If the result is not up to par or far from the mark, reevaluate how you are working. 

  1. Pay Attention but Don’t Compare

Pay attention to other employees that are moving up the ladder and doing well. Take note of what he or she is doing, how they are making things happen, and impressing the higher-ups. However, do not compare yourself. Everyone is different, does their work differently, and will follow their path. There is a fine line between learning and comparing. 

  1. Identify Inefficiencies

These can be inefficiencies in your work or in the way the company operates. Is your company still sending out snail mail where an email would be more efficient and cost-effective? Ask your supervisor about a trial run of emails. Inefficiencies are costly in time and money.

  1. Own Up to Your Mistakes

You will make mistakes. Blaming someone else or trying to cover it up is unproductive, find a solution and fix it. Then move on.

Being an employee that is productive and effective is about more than completing work on time. It is about thinking outside the box, asking questions, and stepping up when no one else will. Start taking the small steps necessary to be more productive and effective.

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No two workdays are the same, most of the time. There are many days merely showing up to work that seems like that is the best you’ll do. Showing up and doing your best work on the daily is what will ultimately set you apart and make you feel like a more productive member of the organization.6355849100?profile=RESIZE_400x

  1. Set Clear Milestones

You have a project to complete, instead of working endlessly toward that one end goal, set mini-goals for yourself. If you can meet these goals every or every other day, it will be easier to keep your head up and pushing forward with the same vigor as day one.

  1. Prioritize and Plan

Many jobs include prioritizing work tasks. Take time at the beginning of the day to look at what you need to do. Then at the end of the day, look at what you have accomplished. Prioritizing and planning your workday (or the next one) will allow you to move seamlessly through your day without losing focus. 

  1. Conquer Difficult Tasks First

That one task you are dreading, like calling back an annoying salesman. Do it first. Get it off your list. The rest of the day will seem like a breeze, and you won’t use other tasks as a way of procrastinating.

  1. Be Aware of Limitations

Your limitations exist. Everyone has limitations. Be aware and admit these to yourself. You may also need to disclose your shortcomings to your supervisor or a coworker. Being aware of things that are out of your league will make asking for help easier. It will also give you a list of skills you need to work on professionally. 

  1. Don’t Stress

The first four tips in this list can be daunting. Numbers 1, 2, and 3 may require that you restructure your workday. Number three might give you heart palpations, and number four, who wants to admit to their shortcomings? Do not let these tips stress you out. Instead, slowly work to implement the easiest of the suggestions (whichever that may be for you), and level up when you are ready. 

Bringing your A-game daily will take time and hard work, two things you are no stranger to. Remember that doing your best work every day of the week will pay off in the long run, even if it seems complicated and scary in the beginning.

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Shining bright at a job is often associated with being a “suck-up,” “brown nose,” or “teacher’s pet.” What shining bright at work is about, is being a nice person, working hard, and having the right attitude—keeping reading for five useful tips that you can implement at work immediately to shine a little brighter and help others as well.


  1. Have a Positive Attitude6334057068?profile=RESIZE_400x

This doesn’t mean that you need to be a cheerful coworker at all hours of the day. Be kind. Don’t be a negative Nancy. Think before you speak. Being positive in less than stellar situations can take time, practice, and effort, but being the one with the right attitude can go a long way in making jobs better and getting noticed for the right reasons.

  1. Accept Feedback Gracefully

Sometimes even the most well-intentioned constructive criticism can sting. Even at those times, accept the feedback gracefully. Do not allow the negativity of others to cause you to act out. Instead, ask questions about the feedback so you can better understand how to do better next time, and this will also show that you are willing to learn and self-correct in the future. Look at every criticism as a chance togrow professionally.

  1. Be a Professional

Being a professional can cover many areas. Consider your language (swearing), your attire, and your actions. Do your best to remain professional an all times. This doesn’t mean to avoid your coworkers altogether, though. Be sure to be still friendly, joke around a little, and show that you are willing to contribute to the work culture as well.

  1. Go the Extra Mile

Sometimes going a little bit above and beyond what is expected of you can garner big dividends—always considering doing a little extra to show that you care about your work and the office. This will impress your supervisor and show your coworkers that you care about everyone in the office. 

  1. Volunteer for New Projects

Sometimes your plate is already too full, and you can’t consider taking on one more project. If your plate isn’t already too full, though, consider volunteering for a new project, be it a solo or team one. This will show that you are willing to try new things, take one for the team, and you never know; the new project might end up being a fantastic opportunity for you.

Shining bright in the office is not about outshining everyone else. It is about illuminating your abilities and strengths while also casting everyone else in a positive light so that the team can grow together. Remember, a chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

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Not having optimal mental health could be worsened by not enjoying life. If your life has turned into something that you dread, that’s a signal that you’ve forgotten what’s important. 

It would help if you looked forward to your life. You need to have fun and to laugh. If you think about it, try to recall when you last laughed like a child. Kids laugh without restraint, and they live each day to the fullest. 6023615300?profile=RESIZE_400x

Maybe you get up, and you immediately jump into whatever weighs on you. It might be seeing what’s new in your email that you have to deal with or handling bills or other stressors. 

Instead of starting the day off with peace and fun, you hit yourself with whatever steals your serenity and laughter. Remember how, when you were a kid, you’d run just to run? Or you’d meet up with your friends spontaneously and stay out playing until night fell? 

As an adult, you probably can’t recall the last time you did something that wasn’t already on your schedule. At some point in your life, fun took a backseat, and life became something to endure rather than to enjoy.

That happens when you pick up burdens and carry them around - when you get laden down with responsibilities. But that doesn’t mean that life has to become a chore or that you can’t enjoy your days.

Part of the issue can be because something is weighing you down. It might be a struggle with your job or finances, or relationships. But it would help if you got to the root of whatever is causing you not to enjoy your life.

You don’t have to live your days just getting through them. You can have the moments when you laugh with all the freedom and merriment of a child. You can decide to go out for spontaneous fun. 

Just because you’re an adult doesn’t mean that you should forget what fun feels like. You don’t have to live every single day trying to juggle a hundred and one things to do. You don’t have to put up with emotions that leave you feeling sad and anxious. 

You don’t have to strive to hold everything together. You can free yourself and live your life with joy. Even on the days that are full of responsibilities that you can’t put off, you can still have fun. 

Discover what it is that’s holding you back. Dig deep and uproot the erroneous beliefs you might have or the burdens that grew because of a lack of emotional self-care. Remember again how to enjoy life in its simplest terms. Find healing if you need to. Embrace all the good you have today. Your happiness is not in your past or future. It is hidden in today.

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Worry gets into all the crevices of our lives. We worry about our jobs, our kids, our relationships, money, and a million other things every single day. It’s no wonder we feel like we’re not getting things done the way we’d like.5927213461?profile=RESIZE_400x

It doesn’t have to be this way. To change your life and stop worrying, ask yourself these quick questions:

What Are You Really Worried About?

Many times, worry is a mask for something else entirely. A hard look and some pointed questions might be necessary to get to the heart of the matter. On the other hand, once you have a clear understanding of what the real issue is, it’s easier to address the problem and stamp out the worry completely.

Is This Even Possible?

Worry inflates everything to monster proportions. If your worry seems ridiculous, it probably is. Take a step back and ask yourself just how likely this outcome is. Worry can’t stand up under this kind of scrutiny. 

Is This Something I can Control?

We’re very good at worrying about something we can’t change. Seriously, what difference does it make if it snows tomorrow? Nothing we do can keep the flakes from falling. Accept sometimes you’re just going to have to go with the flow and adapt to the circumstances. 

Does this Affect Me Today?

Worries about the future can derail your life today. If you’re worried about something far off, it’s time to take a step back. Ask yourself a fundamental follow-up question if you’re concerned about the future: “Is there something I can do today that will prevent this outcome tomorrow?” If so, now you have a plan of action. Get to it! 

Am I Spending Too Much Time?

Obsessive worry doesn’t help anyone. If you find yourself circling back to the same concern over and over, you might need help breaking out of this cycle. Consider talking to someone, such as a good friend or even a counselor or trained professional, to help you break out of this vicious cycle. 

Why Do I Care What Others Think?

If you’re worried about the opinions of others, why? If you’re concerned about impressing your boss, there are better ways to do this than worrying. More often than not, though, you’re going to find most people’s opinions don’t matter. Don’t let them get to you. 

Once you have the answers to these questions, you’ll find it’s easy to get your thoughts back on track. Worry becomes a thing of the past when we’re mindful of it, and don’t let it become obsessive. Imagine the difference a life without so much worry will make.

Worry moves into your mind and pays no rent for space it takes up.

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Worry can derail an entire day if you let it. But did you know you had the power to stop it in just 30 minutes of your time, freeing up the rest of the day to live your life? The answer is more straightforward than you think.

When you become accustomed to worrying, you gain a constant stream of negative feedback and information in your brain. It’s like leaving the TV on to a channel designed to inform you of every worst-case scenario, only personalized to make all those dire predictions all about you.

Doesn’t sound like much fun, does it? 5860147056?profile=RESIZE_400x

But by designating 30 minutes every day for worrying and allowing yourself to worry only during those 30 minutes, you gain back your day and your life simultaneously. 

You start by setting a ‘worry time.’ Once you have this half-hour firmly in place (put it on your calendar if you need to), you can start kicking every worrying thought to the curb. You tell it, ‘later.” and then refuse to let it near you again until it’s your designated worry break.

How do you do this? Try these quick steps:

Pick a Time

Grab a half hour when you’re not going to be busy. Be careful not to pick one too near bedtime, though, as it might interfere with your ability to sleep. 

Become Conscious of Your Thoughts

Every time you have a worrying thought, tell it to go away until later. If it helps, jot the worry down somewhere, so you have a list to look at during your break. 

Use a Timer

Worries can very quickly take over as much time as you give to them. By setting your timer to 30 minutes, you’re keeping control of just how much time you’re going to spend worrying.

Record Your Thoughts

Either write down your worries as you think about them, or if you like, journal about your thoughts during this time. Be as detailed as you like. This might also be an excellent time to examine your worries, to figure out if there’s a recurring pattern or theme. Dig down into the heart of what’s troubling you.

Stop When the Timer Goes Off

At the end of 30 minutes, you’re done. Any new worries now have to wait until tomorrow. Close the journal, throw away the paper, do what you need to close off the worrying for the day. 


Do every one of these steps every single day for at least a month. Why? Because it takes time to form a habit, which is what you’re trying to do here.

In the end, you’ll be amazed at how much freer you feel when you realize you don’t have to worry all day long. You’ll sleep better at night and be much more productive during the day. Not bad for an investment of only half an hour.

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It doesn’t matter how many steps you take to relieve stress if you aren’t taking care of yourself. Self-care is a practice that eludes many people, especially in the fast-paced and hectic world in which we live.

Meditation is harder to do if you’re not getting enough sleep. You’re more likely to find yourself cat napping during your allotted meditation time because your body just can’t keep up, just like exercising at the gym once a week isn’t going to do much against the tide of junk food you gorge on nightly.

Before you can take stress relief seriously, you must first meet your basic needs. Self-care is acting in a way that will promote your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Self-care is a necessary building block when laying your life’s foundations. To overcome life’s stressors, we have to build resilience, and you can’t have resilience without self-care. You are much better equipped to deal with life when you take steps to care for yourself.5702119659?profile=RESIZE_400x

Unfortunately, many of us look at self-care as an elusive luxury. It’s for other people. It’s not a priority because you’re not one of those people that has the time and money to invest in self-care. As a result, you feel tired, overwhelmed, and unable to deal with the challenges and changes that life throws at you.

There are acts of self-care to cover every area of your life.

  • Physical

To operate efficiently, you have to look after your body. Don’t forget the link between your mind and body. So, acting in your body’s best interests will naturally enhance your mental health as well. Physical self-care isn’t just about exercise. It has to do with the fuel you choose, the sleep you get, and looking after yourself medically as well.

When dealing with physical self-care, ask yourself if you’re getting enough sleep, if you’re eating the right fuel, if you’re truly in charge of your physical health, and whether you’re exercising enough.

  • Mental

How you think, the thoughts that you fill your mind with, these are the things that influence your mental well-being. You can keep your mind sharp by completing puzzles, reading books, watching content that inspires and sparks creativity. It’s also choosing things that will help you stay healthy mentally, which means acceptance of self and self-compassion.

When you address mental self-care, consider whether you’re making enough time for the activities that stimulate you mentally and if you’re being proactive about staying healthy mentally.

  • Socialization

Your social health requires self-care, too. Yet, it’s often one of the easiest aspects of our lives to ignore. Life gets busy. It’s hard to keep up. It’s crucial to your overall health and well-being that you maintain close connections and act in the best interests of your social life.

As you address your social self-care needs, consider whether you spend enough time with your friends (face to face) or whether you do enough to nurture the friendships and relationships in your life.

  • Spiritual

Don’t neglect the spiritual side of yourself, whether you involve religion in your life or not. Donating some of your time and money to a cause that interests you will enlarge your spiritual life greatly. Reading a daily meditation and taking walks, especially nature walks are powerful spiritual activities.

  • Emotional

We all need to have coping skills to address negative emotions. Sadness, anxiety, and anger are natural parts of life, but they will eat you up if you don’t know how to cope. You can practice emotional self-care by doing activities that address your emotions. Reading articles like this one are helpful. It could be a trip to visit your therapist or a long chat with a friend.

When considering emotional self-care; journaling and thinking about how you process your emotions, is extremely powerful. Find activities you can incorporate to recharge. You will be glad you did.

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Self-Care Isn’t Easy

Self-care is becoming more popular than ever before. In fact, according to Apple, the most popular trend in apps in 2018 was around the subject of self-care ( It isn’t just a trend, though. Sure, there will be people who show a keen interest in it now and then dismiss it further down the line. In reality, though, self-care is something that has always existed. We just didn’t coin the phrase and start talking about it until more recently. The reason for this is our inability to accept that self-care is not selfish.5673584460?profile=RESIZE_400x

There has been a shift in focus these days. We are now openly discussing mental health, addressing well-being, and talking about how we can do and be better. Once upon a time, neglecting your own needs to put others first was just expected. You can live in anxiety. You can deal with anger. You can take the blows to your self-esteem, you can do all of that because you’re busy looking after everyone’s needs. That’s just not the case. As you expose yourself to stress regularly, you are wearing your physical and mental health down. This doesn’t just increase your risk of anxiety, depression, and sleepless nights. It also influences the health of your heart. 

No wonder we are growing more accustomed to weighing the benefits of ignoring care versus practicing self-care. Unfortunately, self-care isn’t easy, and here are some of the obstacles you will likely face in your journey. 

Self-care can be especially tricky if you are just now getting aboard the train. It’s easier to forget about yourself than you care to admit. Your mind will start to tell you things like you’re low on energy, you’re short on time, and you have a lot on your plate. Even though these things are true, it is not the whole truth. You are low on energy and time with a long list of things to do because you do not practice self-care. You choose others, and you suffer as a result. It’s okay if it’s a one-time event, but the problem is it isn’t. This is a pattern of behavior, and it’s difficult to overcome. The hardest part of practicing self-care is making the time for it. You have to commit to it just as you do family life, just as you do work responsibilities. 

You have been neglecting yourself for years. You’d think you’re so hungry for it that anything would do. The problem is that a lot of us hold unrealistic expectations for our self-care journeys. This isn’t a magic pill that will solve all of your problems. However, if you are determined, you can influence your life for the better. Eating one healthy meal isn’t going to result in immediate weight loss. Studying briefly for a test isn’t going to ensure you pass the test. Applying for a job is not a guarantee you’ll secure the job. One music class won’t make you a classical pianist. You get the picture – self-care just isn’t a quick fix. 

You can’t jump to any conclusions where self-care is concerned. More importantly, what works for you might not work for someone else, and vice versa. You may find a hot bath relaxing, but the thought of a bath is hell for others. We have our interests, we have our own needs, and how we meet them will depend on our personality. There isn’t a single act of self-care either. There are endless possibilities.

One reason self-care isn’t easy is that we often don’t know ourselves well enough to get it right. It is impossible to meet your needs if you have no idea what your needs are. So, start by getting to know yourself a bit deeper. You can experiment with various self-care acts and find out what works for you. If it doesn’t work, don’t force it. Just keep searching until you find your self-care.

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Relieve Anxiety With Self-Care

Anxiety is one of the toughest things to go through. It can turn your world upside down. Anxiety creeps up out of nowhere, and before you know it, it feels as though you’re being smothered. As time moves on, it gets so bad that you put yourself to bed, convinced you might not wake up. It’s debilitating. Anxiety can make you feel weak, it makes you feel embarrassed, and it doesn’t matter how hard you try to overcome it, your chest is heavy. The first step you need to take in your journey to manage anxiety is to accept it. You’re not weak. It isn’t embarrassing. So many of us suffer from anxiety. You’re not alone.5657502659?profile=RESIZE_400x

Through self-care, you can manage your anxiety to get yourself back to a point where you enjoy life. You’ll still have anxiety, your palms may still get sweaty, but you’ll have a better handle on it.

  • Breathing is calming. It helps you feel as though you’re in control. To people with anxiety, that’s a powerful thing. If you’re at home, then you can lie somewhere quiet to do this. Now lie down and place one of your hands above your stomach and the other on your heart. Now, slowly breathe in through your nose, counting to seven. Now, breathe out through your mouth while counting to seven. You can repeat this exercise until you feel calmer. It’s good to practice this breathing exercise in a quiet place until you get the hang of it. Once you do get the hang of it, you can practice deep breathing anywhere.
  • A journal is an excellent way to get a load off your mind. Write it all out.
  • Find a positive affirmation or mantra that you can recite each morning. Your affirmation should be something that encourages a calm mindset. You can write out your mantra or affirmation and stick it up around the house or in your car. Wherever you will see it and feel inspired by it.
  • It would be nice if you could disengage from every activity or situation that piques your anxiety. Unfortunately, that’s impossible. What you can do, though, is find helpful ways to manage situations you know trigger your feelings of anxiety. Pay attention to your physical response and find ways to avoid these situations. For the unavoidable situations, be aware of your breathing and navigate the situation as best you can. With practice, your anxiety will lessen.

The most influential act of self-care for people with anxiety is kindness. Be kind to yourself. Shield yourself from negative thought patterns, and when you have a terrible day – remember tomorrow is a brand new day. Create a daily routine that provides you with structure and purpose. Go out of your way to do things for yourself. You may enjoy walking through the woods. It might be reading a great mystery book or just soaking in a hot tub. It doesn’t matter what acts of self-care work for you. The point is that you complete acts that do work for you. You might not feel like getting up and going out for a walk, but once you do, you will feel much better.

  • Lastly, visit your doctor. If your doctor recommends that you take prescription medication to manage your anxiety, then consider it. A holistic approach may require the use of some medication. Remember that medication is a tool like the tools mentioned in this article. No one but you can tell you if you need medication but you. Your doctor is there to guide you.

Your priority is to find self-care acts that work for you. So, you might say the greatest act of self-care is knowing yourself well enough to know precisely how to meet your unique needs.


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The pain of loss can feel very overwhelming and stressful, especially in difficult times like these, where it feels like everyone is grieving in some form or another. It can be easy to push away and invalidate your feelings when comparing them to what others are going through, but it is important to sit down with them and recognize why you are feeling this way. It is crucial to process grief healthily so you can protect your emotional and psychological health.

There are many ways to support yourself emotionally, socially, and spiritually and below are a few techniques to do so. 5563076695?profile=RESIZE_400x

Acknowledging Grief

Recognizing that you are experiencing a loss of some sort during these challenging times is one of the first paths to recovery and support for yourself. Rather than comparing your loss to that of someone else, it is essential to realize that you are feeling these emotions for a reason. 

When you bottle up your emotions and make yourself feel invalid because of what someone else may be going through, your trauma and grief will continue to resurface. This will occur until you can sit with these feelings and acknowledge the grief you are experiencing.  


During times of grief, it is quite common to feel very intense and mixed emotions, and you may feel that you are on an emotional rollercoaster. These emotions can be confusing and can make you feel lost and out of touch with reality and the structure that you used to have. 

Connecting with yourself emotionally is very important through difficult times because it can allow you to properly surface your emotions and understand why you are feeling the way you are. This can be done through journaling and writing out the feelings you are experiencing so that you can analyze them and find patterns or trends. 

Another helpful way to experience your emotions and connect with your mind and heart is through meditation and deep breathing. These practices will help you to stabilize your emotional state and find a balance when your structure feels lost.


Without the ability to communicate face-to-face with friends and those who do not live with you during times like these, you can feel very isolated and lonely, which can make grieving much worse. It is tough to feel supported without the ability to interact with humans, so it is essential to recognize that it is normal to feel distant from the world.

With the ability to connect and communicate through technology, you may want to participate in group video chats with friends and group messages to feel as connected and supported as possible. This may help you to grieve your losses and still let out your emotions, so you do not feel like you are going through this alone. Often, it can be beneficial to know and acknowledge that others are going through the same things and feeling the same emotions as you are.


One of the ways that you can support yourself through difficult times and grieving is to understand and connect with your spirituality. Finding yourself in deep and intense emotions can be scary and may make you feel disconnected to your mind and body.

There are many ways to focus on your mind and spirituality to help you find connection and comfort during times of grief. It can mean spending more time in nature, discovering new breathing techniques to become more present and mindful, or reading spiritual books to learn new things.

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Journaling is not just for 12-year-old girls! Journaling can be a powerful weapon in your get-it-done arsenal, and it’s easy to do. You can and should put all kinds of things in a goal journal, not just your thoughts and feelings on a given day.

Journaling is just one way of tracking your actions and successes, and yes, even your setbacks and failures. It also keeps your goal right in front of your face, so you stay on top of taking action steps every day. It keeps all your ideas and revelations in one place so you can go back and review whenever you want. For example, you are having trouble getting motivated because you feel like you’ve been working hard, but making little progress, going back into your goal journal is a wonderful way to help you see that all of those small actions are paying off in a big way. So what should you keep in your goal journal? Start with these ideas and add to them as you see fit.5498009471?profile=RESIZE_400x

  1. Detailed goal--Write down your exact goal in as much detail as possible. Describe it in a way that makes you feel excited about what your life will be like when you achieve your objective.
  2. Your Why--Your Why is the big reason why you want to reach the goal you have defined for yourself. It’s the reason you are willing to take the massive action steps needed to change your life for the better.
  3. Massive action plans and schedule--When you make the plan for how you will go about reaching your goal, write it here. Writing it down is essential so that you can track your efforts so you can see what actions are creating the most results.
  4. Braindumps--A brain dump is just a list of actions that you need to take in no particular order. Sometimes all the tasks you need to take build up in your head, making you confused about where you should start and what you should do next.
  5. Prioritize--After you do a brain dump, organize the tasks into a priority list and add them to your daily and weekly to-do lists.
  6. Daily to-do list--Write out your to-do lists here, so they are always handy.
  7. Aha’s--As you take massive action, you will have inspiration or aha moments when something becomes apparent. Capture those ideas here so that you can refer to them later when you are ready to put them into action.
  8. Journal entries--Yes, you should journal. Sometimes there’s nothing better than a stream of consciousness writing to help you solve a problem or get your worries off your chest. It’s a therapeutic and inspirational way to work.
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Being able to express yourself adequately isn't something that comes naturally to most of us. But you need to be able to express yourself and express your wants, needs, and desires, as well as express things you don't like. Expressing yourself is essential to live an authentic, fulfilling, and healthy life, and to manifest your heart's desire!5484098661?profile=RESIZE_400x

There are three main steps involved in learning to express yourself. These steps may not feel natural at first because they are new, but stick with it! You'll soon find yourself better able to express yourself to those around you with confidence.

  1. Learn to listen to yourself, your emotions, and your intuition. Too often, early in life, we are taught (directly or indirectly) to hide our feelings and put on a smiling face even when we don't feel like it. It's time to unlearn all of that. So, the first step is to begin to feel the emotions that are inside you. Your first instinct may be to run away from those feelings mentally but try not to do that. Feel each emotion, no matter what it is, without any self-judgment. Your emotions are what they are, and there aren't any wrong emotions, only wrong ways that we've learned to react to them. So, quiet yourself and allow yourself to feel because you can't express yourself if you don't know what you're feeling.
  2. Acknowledge whatever you are feeling. Honor those feelings, again, with no judgment. By self-validating your feelings, you learn to seek answers from within yourself, rather than always looking outside yourself for solutions. In reality, all we need we already have inside of us. Acknowledging your feelings might seem very frightening at first because you feel vulnerable. That's okay. That feeling of vulnerability will go away once your mind realizes there isn't any need for fear.
  3. Be alert to how your body reacts to the emotions you are now experiencing. Body awareness is fundamental in learning to express yourself, as it is one of the best ways to gauge your comfort level. If you tense up in response to an emotion, show your body and brain that everything is going to be okay by doing some deep breathing. Close your eyes, acknowledge the feeling, and then let it go. If a part of your body tenses up, consciously relax it. Use your new awareness to find what works for you in terms of expressing yourself, both emotionally and physically.
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